Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1588: 9you blew up!

"how is this possible?"

The power of the Forbidden Soul Palace seemed horrified. Although the previous Fighting Saint King was terrifying, it was far from terrifying to this point. Once it broke through, it was actually terrifying to this level? It's incredible.

It’s just that they’re even more unbelievable. They’re still behind. Ye Chen’s body circled the ancient Chaos Qi and rushed directly. The World Extinguishing attack blasted the past directly, breaking the world, and it will be a five-layer power directly. collision.


There is no need for a thousand moves, no one hundred and ten moves, one face-to-face, one collision, and a five-layer power directly collapses and flies, and even the whole body is cracked, and it must be completely broken at any time.

Among them, Ye Chen waved the sky-shaking hand, from the sky down, it was only the second blow, this five-layer power was also broken to pieces, completely exploded, and even the soul was destroyed.

He died!

Everything is so fast, everything is so terrible.

It was so fast that many people hadn't reacted yet. A Fifth Heavenly Power was killed by Ye Chen in this way. He was so devastated, so fast and thunderous, too fast.

Shocking the world, is this the true manifestation of the combat power of the Saint King after being promoted to the powerful? It's too much improvement.

He has just set foot in the realm of power.

Just ignoring the shock of other people, Ye Chen continued to shoot at the other two Forbidden Soul Palace powers, and at this moment, there is still a desire to fight between the two powers. Seeing that his companions are vulnerable, he has already turned up the stormy waves in his heart. How dare to fight and just run away.

And even Qin Jiuyou didn't dare to flee after offering the secret treasure of the Forbidden Soul Palace. He didn't even have the idea of ​​saving two companions.

Otherwise it's going to die!

Naturally, he couldn't be afraid of Ye Chen, but was afraid of the great ancient kings. No matter how strong he was, he would not be able to withstand a single blow in front of these ancient kings. How dare to stay.

"Want to escape? Don't think about it!"

Ye Chen snorted coldly, and directly shook the Desolate Euphorbia, the emperor emerged, traversing the sky and the earth, among which the Supreme Chaos body walked out, intercepting the two Forbidden Soul Hall powers, and his body was directly holding the Desolate Euphorbia and rushed to kill. Qin Jiuyou.

Naturally, he would not be stupid, knowing that no matter how strong he is, he could not be comparable to Qin Jiuyou who was in the peak state when he first stepped into the Great Power Realm.


The deity held the Tianhuang Euphorbia, and aimed at Qin Jiuyou directly and smashed in anger, and the entire world was shattered under this halberd.

Qin Jiuyou's expression changed slightly, but he snorted coldly, "Junior, don't think about it!"

He sacrificed the Secret Treasure of the Great Dao of the Forbidden Soul Palace, and a piece of King Tianwei emerged from it, resisting it, exploding the boundless light.

It’s just that Ye Chen is protected by the great halberd, and he stepped into the chaos realm. Compared with the past, I don’t know how much stronger, and he has never retreated. On the contrary, Qin Jiuyou is retreating steadily. It is really difficult to stop Ye Chen. The real offensive, but the two are also fighting together, and the terrifying aura continues to rise, spreading the six and eight wastes.

"Okay, boy, even if the main hall dies here today, I will drag you down to funeral together!"

The lord of the Forbidden Soul Palace coldly snorted, rushed directly, moved the heart of death, because he knew that he could not escape today, there are several great ancient kings here, how to escape, there is no doubt that he will die, it is better to drag on the battle. The king died together.

For a long time, this fighting sage king has destroyed his plan several times, and it is the real reason why the five foreign emperors can't really cross the boundary. His hatred for fighting sage king is the deepest. Even if you die, you have to drag this hateful little beast to die together.

It’s just that Ye Chen hummed coldly, shaking Tianhuang Euphorbia, defuse the opponent’s attack, and the imperial prestige emerged, the mighty ten-fold majestic pass, this is the most terrifying supreme imperial soldier, with it in hand, it is enough to resist all attacks and make The most terrible counterattack.


Ye Chen fought against Qin Jiuyou, while on the other, Chaos Supreme faced off against the last two Soul Forbidden Palace powers, killing fiercely but quickly.

Both of them are five heavenly powers, and they can be regarded as heroes in the power realm. Unfortunately, no matter how strong they are, they cannot be Ye Chen's opponents. They are destroyed and destroyed, breaking all defenses one after another. However, within ten moves, under Ye Chen's unparalleled attacking power, it seemed vulnerable at all.


The blood rushed to the sky, and within ten strokes, the power of the two forbidden soul halls was blown to the ground. The whole person was broken to pieces and blood splashed in the sky, which was simply unmatched.

The five heavenly powers of the three Forbidden Soul Halls were swallowed into the Great Chaos Cauldron, and six powerful pills with abundant divine power were refined. At the same time, the six powerful pills were directly melted and emerged. Out of the most expansive avenue of divine power, and then all infused into the halberd, making it collapse into a more terrifying imperial prestige, shining boundlessly, shining on the heavens, from top to bottom, blasting down.


This big world collapsed in an all-round way, and Qin Jiuyou's whole body flew upside down. He was bleeding all over, vomiting blood, he couldn't really contend.

However, at this time, I was also laughing, with blood in the laughter, and the whole person was burning, carrying the Dao Secret Treasure, and all rushed to Ye Chen: "Even if I die, I will drag you to die!"


Rao Ye Chen felt a kind of fatal crisis, and the other party really had a mortal heart, which should not be underestimated.

Ye Chen went backwards quickly, but Qin Jiuyou had a mortal heart, and the speed was astonishing. Even the great ancient kings in the sky could hardly stop them immediately when they saw and they saw Qin. Jiuyou rushed forward and hugged Ye Chen directly, even if Ye Chen Tianhuang's Euphorbia squeezed off the opponent's arm, it was difficult to break away.


In the end, after a terrible loud noise, Qin Jiuyou exploded and blew himself up!

How intense is the self-destruction of a peak power?

It is simply unimaginable. It is the highest power. It is about to step into the realm of the Primordial King. Raising your hand can annihilate the stars. It is so terrifying that it is incalculable. Once it explodes, it can even damage the Primordial King at close range. , It can be seen.

Now Ye Chen was pulled up and detonated together, close by, Ye Chen couldn't avoid it no matter how strong.

Everyone watched the endless and terrifying fire wave spreading, annihilating nearly ten million li in a radius, and the ten-fold Xiongguan was almost annihilated, and the entire road of the town emperor was shaking violently, which was unimaginable.

If it hadn't been for the Primordial King to take the initiative and cast a light curtain to resist this self-destructive wave of destruction, I am afraid that even if it was the battlefield of the Emperor, many people would fall into it.

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