Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1589: 9 Turn back to the heart pill

Many people couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva. They didn't know what the fighting saint king was doing now, and how he was dragged by a pinnacle power to blew himself up, I am afraid that it would be difficult to get rid of the path of perish in the end.

It's a pity that the most enchanting supreme Tianjiao of the generation is fighting the Saint King. The descendant of the fighting saints is the young supreme chaos, so enchanting, so graceful, that should have a glorious future, but now they can't escape death. The end of the game was finally strangled in the cradle of growth.

Many people sighed secretly, regretting the fight against the Saint King. This is how long it will take to achieve the great power. Once the success is achieved, it will eventually end up in a scene of death. I have to say that this is the ultimate joy and sorrow, and it is also a pity. He is a hero, which makes people feel sad!

"Battle Saint King——"

The great ancient kings felt ashamed of their hearts because they had not been able to take action in time to prevent this from happening.

After all, no matter what to say, the Fighting Saint King is the hero of the entire ancient universe, and to a certain extent, they are their saviors.

"There is no need to panic, perhaps the Fighting Saint King hasn't died yet."

Someone spoke, but more people shook their heads unanimously. Under the self-detonation of the peak power, not to mention the fighting saints who first stepped on the power level, even if they are both at the peak of power, they will undoubtedly die. There is no chance that the king of Taikoo will be injured in the face.

Although he also has the Supreme Emperor Soldier such as the Tianhuang Euphorbia, it may not be able to truly protect it.


The endless flames of destruction spread slowly, and no matter how powerful a strong man blew himself, it will eventually slowly dissipate, revealing the destroyed void.

Among them, there is nothing, that is, all the heavens and powers are sweeping by with amazing divine consciousness, without feeling the breath of the fighting holy king, and sighing slightly, so the fighting holy king is really thorough The ground fell, and the ashes disappeared.

The dignified generation of chaotic young supreme, the most enchanting emperor Tianjiao is just like this.

Although there have been speculations for a long time, many people feel sorry to learn about this scene.

It's just that the great ancient kings frowned. Even if Qin Jiuyou blew himself up, it would be fierce, and it was impossible to annihilate the Tianhuang Euphorbia.

There is only one possibility-

Fighting Saint King is not dead!

Click ——

Sure enough, at this moment, the void was torn apart, and a slender figure appeared from it, the **** armor shattered, revealing a strong and slender upper body.

The bronze-colored body is so immortal, and the long black hair that is scattered is dyed with dripping blood. Although the whole body is covered with blood, the whole person still has a kind of immortal emperor posture that bullies the heavens, and he can stand in the sight of the world, holding a palm in his hand. Tianhuang Euphorbia appeared in large strides, stepping on the void, taking a bright red footprint.

Everyone took a deep breath. It turned out to be the Saint King of Fighting. Faced with Qin Jiuyou's self-detonation, he didn't die. It was a miracle and it was incredible.

It's just that the current Ye Chen has suffered terrible trauma. There are serious injuries in his body. The blood is bruised on his body, and his breath has dropped a lot.





Several great ancient kings rushed over first, and then other heavenly powers descended across the sky, surrounding the fighting holy king in the center.

The Primordial King of the Dan Emperor Clan is also an alchemy grandmaster, his eyes are radiant, and he looks directly at Ye Chen, wanting to understand his injuries, but Ye Chen has the ancient qi of Chaos intertwined and surging, and all visits are thorough. The earth was obstructed, so that the Primordial King had no choice but to force a divine visit.

The Primordial King of the Dandi Clan wanted to know, but he frowned. Obviously, the fighting saint king didn't want others to know his internal condition. He took out a mouthful of the jade bottle and sent it up, whispering softly: "Little friend Saint King, this is the old man himself. The refined Jiuhuanhuixin Pill is an eighth-order high-level pill that can heal injuries to a great extent. If you don't mind, you can take it."

Hearing that, I don't know how many Da Neng's eyes shot fiery gaze into this jade bottle, bright and bright.

The eighth-order pill, it is the **** pill that all the heavens must be eager to watch, even the eighth-order high-ranking. However, the ancient king of the Dandi clan will give it as soon as he said it. This is how rich and powerful, it is really worthy of a generation of ancient kings. , And even the ancient king of the Dandi family.

Naturally, and because Ye Chen was a great hero, it was only sent out.

Hearing this, Ye Chen also opened his eyes. At this moment, he was seriously injured. He had taken the pill, and still vigilantly swept through his mind several times quickly, only to take it after he found no problem.

Regarding this, the Dan Emperor clan king did not have the slightest complaint. This is basic common sense, and no one will blame it.

The moment Nine Turns Back Heart Pill fell into the body, it directly turned into an abundance of majestic power of the Great Dao. Although it was vast and endless, suddenly the power of the medicine was surprisingly gentle and peaceful, filling Ye Chen’s limbs and corpses, and more With a special effect, he began to repair all the wounds in his body.

Although Ye Chen used the Eucharist Regeneration Technique to completely recover in an instant, this recovery came at a price, depleting the origin.

But the Jiuzhuanhuixin Pill cannot repair the injury, and it can also solve some hidden dangers in the body, so that it can be repaired most perfectly. This is the real extraordinary point of the eighth-order high-level medicine Jiuzhuanhuixin Pill.


It can be seen by naked eyes that the injuries in Ye Chen's body are recovering quickly at an astonishing speed, both on the surface and in the body, and the warm and moist medicinal power emerges from the chaotic holy soul that enveloped Ye Chen. Terrible trauma.

Especially the Soul, once it is wounded, it is far more troublesome than the body. Fortunately, returning to the Soul Pill is enough to repair all the injuries, including Soul.

All the Dao injuries quickly recovered. After a while, Ye Chen's whole body was stained with blood, but his injuries were fully restored, and his body was glowing, and every inch of it was glowing. The surging Dao Qi came out again, strong. A lot.

In the end, Ye Chen completely recovered and took two great power pills to dissolve a large amount of power, replenish his body, and both his spirits and spirits rose to the top at the same time.

"Thank you senior!"

Ye Chen clasped his fist and thanked him.

"It's okay, it should be right. The little friend of the Holy King sacrificed himself and prevented the five foreign emperors from crossing the border. If we save all of us, it should be us thank you." The Emperor Dan clan said, and Thank you earnestly, and the other primordial kings also thank you, without feeling embarrassed.

When I saw several great kings, they all thanked them, and the others all bowed their bodies and bowed their thanks.

The emperor also nodded in a distance.

Ye Chen accepted this with peace of mind. Although there was some selfishness in it, after all, no matter what he said, he really saved the entire ancient universe. It is worthy of these people's thanks.


Suddenly, Ye Chen's eyes went dark, and his figure flickered. Before she stood up, she almost fell down in midair, shocking everyone.

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