Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1590: Emperor Curse

What's wrong with Saint King Fighting? Could it be that there is a problem with Nine Turns Back Heart Pill?

Everyone couldn't help but look at the Primordial King of the Dan Emperor.

It is impossible for the emperor of the Dan emperor family to admit it, and said solemnly: "This emperor is the ancient emperor, and the fighting sage is a great hero who saved the ancient universe of our world. If he has made great achievements, how can he frame him? You can ask later."

Ye Chen steadied his figure, wiped off the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, shook his head and said, "It's not a pill problem."

When everyone was puzzled, he was surprised to find that a mysterious halo appeared on Ye Chen's body. It was not bright, on the contrary it looked abnormally gloomy, and it also revealed a special kind of evil spirit, which contained The deep darkness is disgusting.

"this is--"

Everyone was taken aback, how could such a halo appear for no reason.

Ye Chen frowned even more, but the great ancient kings had their eyes full of brilliance, showing a shocked expression: "Could this be—"

At this time, Ye Chen trembled again, and more blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, but it was black with evil spirits, which was surprising.


Ye Chen ran the Eucharist Regeneration technique, and his body was suddenly glowing with clouds and dazzling golden light, but at this moment, he was surprised to find that a thick black mist appeared in his body at some point, evacuating, and continuously emitting. A kind of incomparable evil, with dark avenue runes continuously derived from one after another, and extremely mysterious, rushed to his limbs and corpses, making the flesh and blood of the place he passed began to darken.

And Ye Chen clearly felt that part of the flesh and blood was evil and evil, and the essence of the flesh and blood would be swallowed, becoming the raw material that promotes the growth of the black mist, making the mysterious black mist grow stronger.

Even the Chaos Eucharist, as powerful as immortal, could not be resisted.

Ye Chen's expression changed slightly, and his whole body was shocked. Suddenly, his body bloomed with a more brilliant brilliance. Every inch of his body was as glamorous as if it contained the sun, with majestic power emerging, and the tremor of time and space turned into an endless flame. Suppressed these mysterious black fog.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

However, a scene that shocked him appeared. These mysterious black mists were not suppressed. On the contrary, they swallowed all the light and grew stronger.

What exactly is this?

"It's Emperor Curse!"

Lord Yan spoke. As an emperor, he is also a generation of ancient kings. He is naturally knowledgeable and knows many secrets. The black mist in front of him is one example.

"Emperor Curse?"

Hearing that, although it is not clear what it is, how can it be simple to have the word emperor.

"The so-called emperor curse, as the name implies, is the curse of the emperor." After listening to the explanation of the Emperor Taikoo, everyone took a breath of coldness. The curse from the emperor was terrible. Just thinking about it is enough to scare people. Up.

Ye Chen suddenly remembered that the moment the alien universe channel collapsed, there were ancient syllables rushing past and submerged in his body. Is this the Emperor Curse?

It just made him a little puzzled that the curse originated from the supreme emperor, I am afraid that once it comes, even if the ancient king is going to die, it does not immediately kill his life as expected.

Emperor Curse, although it feels very troublesome, but it also makes Ye Chen feel like that.

"If it is an ordinary person, it means that the Emperor of the Primordial Kings was cursed into the body by the emperor, and he must die. That is the curse of the emperor. Isn't it a trivial thing." The great ancient kings were amazed, but they were also surprised: "It's just that the little friend of the Holy King was planted on his body. Although it is the Emperor Curse, it is unexpectedly weak.

You must know that it is about the curse of a supreme emperor. The moment it falls is enough to kill the ancient kings, but the fighting holy king only happened at this time and did not take his life immediately. This is the point. The most surprising point.

"Is it because of the catastrophe?" Ye Chen thought for a while, only this explanation.

After all, his celestial calamity had been resisted by the imperial killing thoughts of the five foreign emperors. Perhaps the Emperor Curse was very powerful at first, but after the tribulation, most of it was wiped out by the birthplace, and only a small part of it was finally submerged in his body. .

"Okay, let me see how powerful the so-called Emperor Curse can be!"


Among them, Ye Chen violently ran the Chaos Dao Fa, and even derives the Chaos Dao Fire, rushing over, covering all the black mist of the Emperor Curse, burning raging, and wanting to burn it completely.

However, the Chaos Daohuo can burn everything in the world, but it is difficult to curse the black mist.

This was also in Ye Chen's reasoning. After all, it was an emperor curse. If it was solved so easily, it would not be an emperor curse.

However, the chaotic Daohuo is chaos after all, and it can be suppressed for a short time without spreading.

Just maintaining the existence of Chaos Daohuo is also a great consumption for Ye Chen.

"Little friend, I'll wait for a shot, and you can let go of part of your body and mind." The Primordial King of the Dandi Clan said, trying to resolve the Emperor Curse for Ye Chen. If it is a complete Emperor Curse, he would not dare to get involved , Lest it be contagious and harm oneself, but such a weak Emperor Curse is another matter.

Ye Chen nodded, letting go of his body and mind that was tainted with mysterious black mist.


An immense power of the emperor directly submerged into Ye Chen's body and rushed into the black mist of Emperor Curse. Numerous Dao runes emerged, covering it, to annihilate the black mist of Emperor Curse.

As expected to be the Primordial King, the black mist of Emperor Curse was immediately suppressed, quickly suppressed from various parts to the fist-sized right chest.

However, it is just that, the black mist of the Emperor Curse is very evil, with the majesty of the Emperor Dao, so that the Primordial King's shots were futile, and he did not dare to make a full shot, lest the Emperor Curse fully exploded, and the consequences would be unimaginable. .

The great ancient kings were worried, and they were ashamed. They couldn’t get rid of the imperial Ye Chen tried to communicate with the gods of Tianhuang, but the gods fell asleep and couldn't wake up, making his heart sink. Is it true? Do you want to let the emperor curse explode?

At this time, thousands of mysterious rays of light appeared in his body. It was astonishingly absorbed by the thousands of enemies killed in the world of Heavenly Tribulation. Now they are all alive, and then they appear overwhelmingly, completely covering it. After living in the black fog, he even offset it.

This scene was something Ye Chen couldn't imagine himself, and it still had such an effect.

In the end, the emperor curse black mist was suppressed by these rays of light to one place, and it was no longer able to mess up casually. And at the same time, Ye Chen displayed the Emperor Character from the Ancient God Continent, as well as the ten-fold divine aperture, all of which were suppressed to avoid accidents.

As a result, Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and ran the Eucharist Regeneration technique, the whole body was radiant, so that the parts stained with the black mist completely dissipated the curse and recovered.

Although the dark **** ring that emerged behind him is no longer evil, it never disperses. It is also dyed with the unique gold of the Eucharist, turning into a dark golden halo, covering Ye Chen all day long, appearing to be particularly eye-catching, setting him off. Extraordinarily outstanding.

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