Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1591: The behemoth is at war!

Everything is over, it is truly over, but the shock brought to the heavenly powerhouses has not been dispersed for a long time.

Because it involves the emperor and the emperor, there are the ultimate ancient secrets, and even the five great foreign emperors come to disaster for the ancient universe where the ultimate ancient road is located.

Ye Chen finally officially stepped into the realm of power realm and achieved a generation of chaotic power.

Standing in this situation, he can clearly feel that everything has undergone completely different changes, can see longer, and more and more feel the closeness of the avenue, as if he can resonate with the world in every gesture, and he can summon. All kinds of great powers, for their own use, destroy everything.

This is the real power!

And in this field, you can create your own original world, possessing the power of a vast world, and greatly improving your own combat power. This is one of the reasons why Da Neng is called great power.

Open up the world, master the mighty power of the world, omnipotence, but the mighty power!

"Open up your own origin world?"

Ye Chen was looking through the Dantian source in his body, and he was paying attention to the broken chaotic small universe.

Perhaps what he needs to create is not just the original world, nor the original world, but the original universe, creating an unprecedented road against the sky!

But now his dantian source is still not able to completely stabilize the small chaos universe. A crystal ball appeared in his body. It was flawless. It was the heart of the king's world. He was auctioned by Qin Jiuyou. By this he broke into the realm of the Primordial King.

It's a pity that he has long since died, but the Heart of the King's World used to be the origin center of the King's World after all. It was solid and immortal, and it was never truly destroyed by Qin Jiuyou's self-destruction, and it was also obtained by Ye Chen.

Now Ye Chen has directly penetrated the heart of this king's world into the Dantian source point, where it becomes one and becomes the source, which temporarily stabilizes the chaotic small universe.

All the disasters on the battlefield of Emperor Sheng were completely resolved, and the Immortal Pass suppressed it, traversing the heavens and cutting off the two realms.

Even if the alien race builds a cosmic channel again, it will be difficult to break through the immortal barrier.

Unless it is the foreign emperor and emperor who come in person, but as the Emperor Dan said, such a strong arrival will inevitably have to pay a huge price, and the emperor and the emperor are not willing to bear the price easily.

All the powers have officially returned to the Pill Realm, vast and mighty, and even the soldiers who have guarded the Shizhongxiongguan for countless years.

The warriors of Shizhongxiongguan can also be regarded as the subordinates of the ancient ancestors of the emperor of the Dan emperor. They have followed the battle for many years and guarded them for many years. They are naturally welcomed by the Dan emperor and will open up a huge territory in the Dan world for them to settle down.

Moreover, this is a force that will never die in a hundred battles. There are several peak powers, very powerful, enough to increase the overall strength of the Dan Emperor clan by more than one level, which makes many big powers envy, even if it is the Emperor Clan. The same is true.

However, one thing that made them rest assured was that these powerhouses who guarded the Ten-Strong Pass were tired of wars and were unwilling to fight, hoping to settle down. Otherwise, under the leadership of the Dandi clan, they might become the most terrifying in the entire ancient universe. One of the forces, the emperor does not come out, whoever competes with each other can occupy the vast territory of the universe.

Although the Dan Emperor clan was disappointed, this is already a good situation. At least because of the joining of these powerful men, the Dan Emperor clan will be more prosperous, and because in the past it was the Emperor of the Dan Emperor Clan Gu Ancestor, there will be a sense of belonging to the Dan Emperor. If the Dan Emperor is in trouble, they will not sit idly by. It is not a shock.

It just made them regret that Emperor Dan never returned, and the former emperor son Guzu also left with the battle spirit of Emperor Dan and entered another even more terrifying universe battlefield.

It's a pity, otherwise the return of such a powerful emperor's ancestor will definitely make the Dandi clan stronger.

A 10,000-year-old alchemy event eventually evolved into an imperial battle, which no one can think of.

The Dandian champion has never really won anyone, only the younger generation is the fighting sage king who has won, and has truly achieved the great power state, it is the chaos power, how powerful is the fighting fighting sage king today , I am afraid it has attracted the attention of all parties.

However, since the battle, Ye Chen had asked for a quiet ancient temple from the Dandi clan to retreat.

Naturally, as the first guest of the Dan Emperor clan, the requirements of the Fighting Saint King were naturally fulfilled, and the entire Dan Emperor clan was envied and jealous of the inheritance given to the Fighting Saint King before the Dan Emperor left.

During Ye Chen's retreat, something that shocked the universe happened outside.

The aftermath of the imperial war did not end, on the contrary, it became more and more magnificent.

Moreover, because of the Palace of Forbidden Soul, the three main kings of the Primordial King level entered, not only did not help, on the contrary, they turned to the battle, so that the suppressed foreign race Qinggu Great received the blood of the five emperors, recovered, and almost suffered the most terrible The catastrophe was imminent, making countless forces headed by several great emperors furious, and they wanted to crusade the Forbidden Soul Palace.

In the end, several great Primordial Kings came forward and rushed to the base of the Forbidden Soul Palace for the first time, holding the Supreme Imperial Soldier.

The behemoth is at war!

Whether it is the Dan Emperor Clan, the Yan Emperor Clan, or the forces behind the other two Primordial Kings, they are the pinnacle forces in the entire Ancient Universe. During the period, they joined the opponents of the Forbidden Soul Palace——

The ultimate ancient road!

The guardian forces of the Ultimate Ancient Road were already old rivals to the Forbidden Soul Palace, but now seeing this, they naturally also shot, and the invincibles of the Primordial King level joined.

In the end, a total of seven great ancient kings were born, and they brought countless powerful forces together to conquer the Forbidden Soul Palace and slew to the base of the Forbidden Soul Palace.

However, the Forbidden Soul Palace was very cunning. After the incident was revealed, it was the first time to retreat and hide. Although countless powerful men destroyed a lot of Forbidden Soul Palace strongholds, the most important ones were all withdrawn in advance. UU reading www.

The behemoths that have dominated the universe for countless years seem to have disappeared from the ancient universe. No matter how many forces work together, it is difficult to find the true trace.

"As expected of the Soul Forbidden Palace, the speed is so fast, I ran away so soon!"

Afterwards, an ancient emperor sighed like this, marveling at the speed at which the Forbidden Soul Palace escaped, far faster than imagined.

"It has been able to traverse the ancient universe for many years, and it is unparalleled. Forbidden Soul Palace naturally has enough capital. Don't underestimate it, but also be careful to retaliate." The Primordial King of Ultimate Ancient Road opened his mouth and confronted Forbidden Soul Palace for many years. .

And I also vaguely felt that the Forbidden Soul Palace was performing an antagonistic plan, which made people feel worried.

"It's okay, although the Forbidden Soul Palace is powerful, but now basically all forces have gathered to oppose the Forbidden Soul Palace, and the Forbidden Soul Palace can only be like a rat crossing the street, everyone shouting and beating, at least it will be hidden for a long time. She is hiding from the limelight in the dark." The Primordial Kings of several great emperors all spoke with such confidence.

Unless it is the Palace of Forbidden Soul insisting on seeking death.

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