Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1601: Spike!

Such a high indifference is like a giant dragon hovering over nine heavens looking down at an ant, as if a breath of heat can kill the human youth in front of him thousands of times.

Ye Chen looked at it peacefully, staring at it, ordinary and ordinary, but a pair of eyes are deep and boundless, and there is a boundless chaotic sea surging inside, which can evolve into the sky and the world, and the world can be destroyed. The heart trembles in power.

Abenu's eyes trembled, and the cold was quickly removed, and soon he became calm and respectful, and a soft voice came out: "Abenu has seen the Lord!"

Ye Chen nodded, if Abenu rebelled, he wouldn't mind killing directly.

For the creatures who betrayed him, no matter how valuable they are for growth, he would not care, and could kill them directly.

Abenu seemed to feel the sharp killing intent flashing on Ye Chen's body. The huge body was hovering, bowed his head, and respectfully said: "What is the Lord's command?"

"Can you control these Zerg warriors?" Ye Chen's eyes swept toward the vast number of Zerg warriors in the distant starry sky.

"If you go back to the master, yes!"

At the same time, Abenu hissed abruptly, and his voice was full of majestic majesty, and even higher pressure. Over half of the massive Zerg warriors who were still raging everywhere in the starry sky turned out to be They stopped one after another, and rushed to Ye Chen's side, apparently all controlled by Abenu.

This is shocking, there are more than thousands of Zerg warriors all over the starry sky. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are dozens of millions of Zerg warriors. Among them, there are hundreds of Zerg warriors of the heavenly king level. Those are the most terrifying warriors. There is no pain, no fear at all, following the mother king’s orders, he attacked without fear.

Even if there were many ancient Tianjiao, dozens of them were killed under the impact.

You must know that as long as the thirty-ninth level can reach the Tianjiao of the ancient road Tianjiao, they have been killed to the death of dozens of people, which is enough to explain the terrible aspects of these insect sea tactics, but they are now controlled for more than half. ,incredible.

All Gulu Tianjiao was trembling with fear and awe.

Fighting the Saint King is terrible enough, but the Zerg mother king under her command is equally terrifying, able to control so many Zerg warriors, and many of them have more than a hundred Zerg Heavenly King warriors. They are extremely powerful and powerful. Tianjiao must be jealous.

However, in the lair of the eighteen stars, there was a long hissing sound, mighty, spreading in the starry sky, it was the other Zerg mother kings, who were all hissing, calling all the Zerg warriors under control to return.

In an instant, the Zerg warriors who had been controlled by Abenu all showed confusion.

Abenu made a long hiss, and the power of the dragon source in his body was released. Compared with the Zerg Mother King in the Star Lair, he was more majestic. The Zerg warriors who had been confused all rushed to Abenu. And willingly surrendered, surrounded Ye Chen and the others in three layers inside and outside, becoming the most loyal fighters.

"Looking for death, dare to steal this Zerg warrior!"

Among them, a horrible roar sounded from one of the celestial lairs, and a figure appeared, and it was the mother of the Zerg race, holding the immortal ancient soldier and directly attacked Abenu.

However, before Abenu took the shot, the Hydra blasted the Nine Avenues with a thin beam of light to block it.

Naturally, the other seventeen stars burst out of the nest of powerful figures one after another. They are all powerful and powerful. Some are human figures, some are wild beasts or other creatures, but they are all Great creatures.


Are these the body of the Zerg mother king?

However, Ye Chen said: "These Zerg mother kings are very cunning, the body is hidden in the star lair and cannot come out. With the help of the slashed large energy level existence, the body appears, and the divine mind enters it.

Who he is, you can tell at a glance.

However, it has to be said that the eighteen zerg mother kings control the physical body of the great energy level, and there is no difference in the real great power, which has caused great danger to many ancient road Tianjiao.

"I just wanted these Zerg warriors to stop you from waiting, so that the trial is not too difficult. But I didn't expect that there will be a Zerg mother king from another universe coming, and I want to occupy the Zerg warriors of mine. It's an act of death. , Makes me angry. Now the decision will be changed. I will wait to show you how many of you can really pass."

Eighteen majestic powers stand in the starry sky, revealing a powerful and boundless avenue of energy, sweeping the starry sky, looking in the direction of Abenu, there is a sharp and cold voice coming out, resounding through the vast starry sky, making everyone discolored Up.

Obviously, in this way, the difficulty of the starry sky trial will be increased many times.

The Eighteen Zerg Mother Kings are especially aimed at Abenu, because Abbenu is the most threatening to these Zerg Mother Kings. The Zerg warriors who can take them for their own use need to be completely killed, otherwise it will be difficult to regain the lost Zerg warriors.

Other ancient Tianjiao naturally avoided them, unwilling to provoke them, and were happy to watch.

The Nine-headed Big Snake and the Nine Snake Capitals burst out with nine powerful beams, which are very powerful, and they directly blocked the three large-powered figures. After all, these large-powered figures are the flesh occupied by the Zerg mother king, and they are not flawless. Yuan Que's true power, and he is also strong enough, and even the king of alien beasts.

Abenu also confronted a powerful figure.

Ye Chen said: "Abenu, can you swallow other Zerg mother kings to advance?"

Abenu was startled first, and then immediately understood, and nodded hurriedly: "As long as I swallow other Zerg mother kings, I can advance to the level faster."

Zerg is a unique race that can be practiced step by step, but it can also be swallowed continuously to advance quickly.

"Well, in that case, I will take action for you, kill all the Zerg mother kings, and provide you with enough sources to advance."

Ye Chen said indifferently, as if he was telling a common thing, but the sound of the falling voice exploded like thunder in the star field, which made everyone stunned.

what! ?

The fighting king wants to kill all the Zerg mother kings and provide his subordinates Abenu to advance. Is it crazy?


The entire starry sky trembled violently, rumbling sharply.

Ye Chen rushed straight past like a meteor, facing the other fourteen great power level figures alone.

"Boy, I'm so courageous, even Da Neng dare to provoke me to wait for death!"

One of the large-energy-level figures roared and slammed towards Ye Chen.


It collided like lightning, but soon the **** light exploded, and the large-powered figure controlled by the Zerg Mother King was passed by Ye Chen, and it was directly torn in two.


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