Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1602: Spike, another spike!


Shocked the world!

Too strong!

Many ancient Tianjiao were stunned, Gong Xuan and Gong Nanshan also showed shock.

This fighting saint king is really too powerful, even if it is only a large-energy level physical body controlled by the Zerg mother king, but it is not inferior to the ordinary power, but it is killed by such a spike, it is too terrible.

Only Gong Shen Xue looked peaceful and calm, but there was a different kind of brilliance in her eyes.

Among them, in the torn apart large-energy level physical body, there is a large-energy level divine consciousness rising to the sky. It is the divine consciousness of the Zerg mother king, which controls the large-energy level physical body, vaguely visible ugly behemoth figure , With many small eyes, all staring at Ye Chen with horror.

It's terrible, how is this possible?


Ye Chen's index finger and **** were joined together, and shot a brilliant sky-reaching sword light, dashing through the air, and then slashed the **** of the Zerg Mother King.

In the sky, among the eighteen stars in the lair, one of them suddenly rang out with a stern cry of pain, annihilating the divine mind, and it was a serious injury to the Zerg mother king, and it hurt the divine soul, especially severe.

"Everyone, let's deal with this kid together!"

The physical bodies of the other thirteen great energy levels rushed towards Ye Chen at the same time, trying to attack them in groups.

"Do you want a group of tigers?"

Not only did Ye Chen watch this scene without the slightest fear, on the contrary, an icy arc was raised at the corner of his mouth, "Perhaps it is the other way around."


Ye Chen shot, and went straight into the sky, and one person went straight into it, and at the same time he fought with the thirteen great energy levels.


The most terrifying divine light exploded suddenly. Among them, the thirteen great energy-level physical bodies were all entrusted with the goddess of the Zerg mother king, and they could also use the magical secret technique. The thirteen terrible magical powers were killed at the same time, and they were slain The starry sky, shattering the stars, was extremely terrifying, and immediately slashed towards Ye Chen, and covered all directions, unavoidable.

Everyone swallowed abruptly, seeing how the Fighting Saint King would evade, but all blind spots were blocked, and it was impossible to avoid it.

It was Gong Xuan and Gong Nanshan that both shook their heads, and the main aspects were covered. In other words, they were absolutely unable to hide. I am afraid that only the older brother Gong Shenxue can dodge.

"Hehe, do you think that an attack like this can kill me?"

Ye Chen smiled coldly. Under everyone's shocked gaze, he never tried to avoid it. On the contrary, he rushed straight over, surrounded by ancient chaos, and raised his hand to strike a blow. It was a sky-shaking hand. The entire palm is flawless with profound jade, flowing with crystal clear jade light, and the strength will be the collision of one of the thousands of swords and shadows in front of him.

However, the thousands of sword shadows that shattered the starry sky were slapped down by the palm of the hand, and with a thud, all the fierce sword shadows were wiped out and no longer existed.

At the same time, Heaven Shaking Hand shattered thousands of sword shadows, and also collided with the flame world evolving from one party. In it, there was a Taoist fire that burned everything in the world, and Ye Chen wanted to include Ye Chen and burn him completely.

However, when the hands of shaking the sky took the photo, the Flame World hadn't completely approached before him, and it was utterly wiped out by the natural world, and everything went into nothingness.

Then it collided with the long spear of an immortal ancient soldier, exploding the brilliant sparks, and then this immortal ancient soldier was also shot to pieces by shaking the sky, splashing the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the three great power level supernatural powers were shattered, and everything was just a short moment.

There were another ten magical powers, Ye Chen then glowed in his body, and another fist blasted out, crushing four waves in a crushing manner, and other magical powers emerged behind him, colliding with them, and they all smashed together strongly.

Boom boom boom boom--

The most terrifying collision exploded, and a terrible destructive power appeared, accompanied by the spread of brilliant flames, flooding the starry sky.

Among them, everyone saw Ye Chen's whole being submerged, and many of them couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing.

After all, the Fighting Saint King was too young and energetic. Although he was really strong, he was too arrogant to confront the thirteen majestic at the same time. No matter how strong he was, he ended up like this.

"Haha, I'm so arrogant, I really think I'm very powerful, and I dare to face up to the 13 Great Powers at the same time."

"Although they were only brought into the master by the goddess of the Zerg Mother King, they are not inferior to their ordinary powers. If the 13 powers are gathered together to attack, it will be difficult to resist even with enough terrifying combat power.

Chi Tianwang and other five ancient heaven arrogances were all in the cold, could not help but laugh, full of joy, this fighting saint king is so arrogant, now facing the thirteen powers alone, he will inevitably end up in death. End.

However, their laughter stopped abruptly, because they saw that the three ancient little overlords of the palace family were almost solemn at this moment, and the eyes of the palace **** Xuedu showed a shimmering light.

They turned their heads abruptly and looked in the distance. In the next moment, a slender and majestic emperor figure slowly stepped out in the flames of destruction. The whole body was surrounded by the ancient chaos. What are the four great holy spirits? The body is not in a hurry, the black hair is scattered, the eyes are deep and infinite, and he faintly scanned the thirteen powers, and said: "Is this your attack?"

"It's a pity, it's too weak, it really disappoints me!"

He slowly shook his head, his tone was very flat, as if he was stating a very ordinary thing, but what he said made the entire starry sky completely silent.

Too strong, too domineering!

"What, how is it possible?"

"Impossible, how can he resist it?"

"Even if the power of the fifth heaven is so resistant, it will inevitably die."

The Thirteenth National Congress was shocked and filled with disbelief. Under such an attack, it could still be intact. It was simply impossible, but it appeared in front of him.

Where is this person sacred?

"Since you have taken the it should be my turn to take the shot next."

Ye Chen uttered a word softly, but took a step forward.

"Oh no!"

The Thirteen Great Powers all changed their expressions, but when they wanted to retreat, they saw the Fighting Saint King who was still in the air for a quarter of an hour, and then inserted into their group the next moment, so fast, so fast, They were too fast to react.

too fast!


Accompanied by a loud noise, the other powers all reacted violently. Among them, a large power level's fleshy head was pierced by a fist, exploding thousands of peach blossoms, bright red blood mixed with pale brains. Among them, even the great power level spirit of the Zerg mother king was killed.


It's a spike again!

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