Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1603: Siege!

too fast!

too strong!

Too abnormal!

Everyone didn't know how to describe the Fighting Saint King, without exception, looking at the Fighting Saint King today was like looking at a monster, it was indescribable at all.

In the blink of an eye, he entered the thirteen great powers, and even killed one of them, killing the gods, but it was only a blink of an eye.

All this can only be said that the Fighting Saint King is too powerful, and it is beyond everyone's expectations.

"Everyone is going to take action and join hands here, I don't believe that he is really that powerful!"

One of the large-energy-level physical bodies roared. He was a King Kong ape. His body was very powerful. He was taken over by the Zerg Mother King, and he almost possessed an immortal body that could destroy everything.

It can be said that this is one of the biggest capital of the Zerg Mother King.

The Great Power Realm King Kong Ape can be ten feet high, and a huge fist blasted towards Ye Chen. The strength of the fist was terrifying, as if the entire starry sky was directly squeezed down.

"King Kong Ape?"

However, Ye Chen smiled coldly, completely fearless, and gently raised his hand to resist the fist of the King Kong Ape that could crush the starry sky, thoroughly showing the terrifying aspects of the Chaos Saint Body.

In terms of the physical body alone, it is more than the original perfect fighting sacrament, and it can basically be called the first constitution of the Chaos Sea. Whoever competes with the front is simply not comparable.

Then, under the shocking gaze of countless people, Ye Chen raised his hand, and the huge figure of King Kong Ape was directly blasted into the sky, breaking into the depths of the starry sky.

At the same time, Ye Chen pointed upwards——

Cut the sky!

The huge fingers squeezed the starry sky, broke into the depths of the starry sky, and then directly hit the body of the King Kong Ape.


The physical body of the King Kong Ape couldn't bear the fingers of the sky, and it exploded directly, and the body was broken to pieces, and the **** of the Zerg mother king was completely wiped out.

At the same time, Ye Chen shot again, and the figure flickered. The four great holy ghosts squeezed into the sky, and the four-color divine light circled around the body. Then, there was a sudden shock, closing the sky and the earth, completely isolating the starry sky. It was blocked, and the other eleven figures could not be avoided and were intercepted.

Many Gulu Tianjiao all looked stunned.


It's too fierce!

The Fighting Saint King actually wanted to circle and kill these powerful level physical bodies.

Is this still a group of tigers eating dragons?

Obviously it is the dragon and the tiger!

Next, there really was a scene of Da Neng being slaughtered, the fighting saint king sealed the sky and locked the ground, trapping the remaining eleven Da Neng level physical bodies, and strode out, rushed over, and began to make a strong shot.

Under the attention of the public, a short time later, another large-energy level physical body was killed.


Amazingly fast!

All of this can only be said that the Fighting Saint King is too powerful and cannot be resisted at all, and the large energy level body can only be killed by a spike.

Is this the embodiment of the fighting power of the fighting king?

Many Gulu Tianjiao all saw their hearts with fear, especially the Scarlet Heaven King and others, thinking that they and others had rushed to the palace of the fighting king a few days ago arrogantly, let him appear, follow him to meet the Lord, and now I couldn't help but numb my scalp when I wanted to come.

Fortunately, it was the Hydra at the beginning, otherwise if the Fighting Saint King himself took the shot, they would have only been killed.

Fighting Saint King wanted to kill them, maybe it was just a matter of raising his hands.

The three ancient little overlords of the palace family were all in a trance. Even Gong Xuan and Gong Nanshan had to admit that this fighting sage is indeed very powerful. It is clearly only a powerful one, but it is so strong that it is indeed difficult. Believe, but have to believe.

It's just that they are firm, because they are convinced that their brother can also do this step, and is better and stronger!

Soon, the physical body of the Eleven Dao Great Energy Level was killed until only nine Dao Dao remained.

The whole world is amazed. Sure enough, even if it’s a siege and a group of tigers eating dragons, it really looks more like a giant fighting a group of dwarves. Even if there are a lot of them, the combat power is very different. These powerful bodies are even very powerful. , But it is always difficult to really hurt the fighting king.

This is the gap between the same power.

It's really unbelievable. The Great Heaven is so powerful that it can reach this level. If it reaches the greatest power in the future, wouldn't it be possible to fight against the Primordial King?

It's creepy just thinking about it.

We must know that although the Great Neng Jue Dian only reached the ancient kings, such as Dan Chen, such as Qin Jiuyou, but often the difference between this line is very different, and the gap between them is too big to be crossed.

It was even bigger than the gap between Da Neng Yizhong Tian and Da Neng Jue Dian.

However, according to the current situation, the Fighting Saint King really has such potential.

Boom boom boom -

The light of blood rushed to the sky one after another, and that was the physical body of the three large energy levels was blown up, and only six were left in the blink of an eye, and based on the situation, it was impossible to maintain it for long.

"Big Brother!"

Gong Xuan said, he and his second brother Gong Nanshan both wanted to make a move. Together with the eldest brother, he took this opportunity to make a move and settled the battle of the Saint King as soon as possible.

However, Gong Shenxue shook her head and said, "No need to be too anxious, wait."

and many more?

When will it be necessary to know that the Saint King of Fighting has basically killed all the physical bodies of the power level now, and I am afraid that there will be no chance after waiting. Now it is the best opportunity to cooperate with the Zerg mother king to shoot .

"These guys haven't shot yet, we don't need to do it now." Gong Shenxue said indifferently, but looked at the lair of eighteen stars.

Hearing that, the two brothers were shocked.

Boom boom boom -

Suddenly, the star drama shook, and the eighteen star nests that were originally in the sky rushed over, and slammed into the blocked world, a light curtain constructed by the power of the four sources. They all shuddered suddenly.

Among them, every star's lair rushed into a strong power of great power, directly bombarding the four-color light curtain and countless Zerg warriors changed their directions and attacked. Four-color light curtain.

Boom boom boom -

The entire vast trial starry sky trembles violently, this is a terrifying attack by the Zerg Mother King.

Moreover, the four other large-energy-level figures that were suppressed suddenly left their position and rushed to the four-color light curtain to attack Ye Chen together and rescue the remaining six large-energy-level bodies. All combat power must be superimposed. , In the end all attack.


At the same time, Ye Chen drove the Great Chaos Cauldron down, blasting the body of a huge monster flood into pieces, and a bright sword light burst out of Ye Chen's brow and heart, and it shot directly past the starry sky and descended from the sky , It was cut down directly, and the spirit of the Zerzu Mother King was cut off.

There is another one, and there are five remaining.

It's just that Ye Chen may not be too late, because the light curtain constructed by the power of the four colors is suddenly shattered at this moment, and the eighteen stars' nests and the four power-level figures have been smashed into pieces. The color light curtain rushed in and merged with the five great power-level figures.

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