Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1611: Get out of the way

Boom boom boom -

Ye Chen confronted Gong Shen Xue.

One is the newly rising chaotic young supreme fighting sage king, and the other is the long-famous little overlord of the ancient road. Both are outstanding in the ultimate ancient road, and they have the unparalleled potential to become the overlord of the ancient road. Now they collide. , Which is strong and weak, naturally makes people extremely concerned.

Soon, the two sides collided with dozens of hundreds of moves, each of which was very powerful, containing the power of destruction, and at the very least, it also severely inflicted ordinary power, but they could not tell the winner.

Especially Ye Chen's expression became more solemn, because the strength that Gong Shenxue showed was actually much stronger than he had imagined, which surprised him.

Although he is invincible in close combat, the opponent obviously also knows this, and he deliberately stretches the distance to maximize the weakening of his melee methods, unable to gain the upper hand.

And although his chaotic Taoism is the origin of ten thousand Taoism, theoretically it can destroy all Taoism and return ten thousand Taoism to the sect.

However, Gong Shenxue is really not simple at all, mastering superb celestial powers, and the celestial light has chaos-like characteristics, can resolve all kinds of attacks, is difficult to completely obliterate, and is only higher than him from a small realm. , So it is indelible, even if you have mastered the secret of chaos, you have never gained much advantage.

"Very strong!"

Ye Chen looked at Gong Shenxue solemnly, but gave up on the nine little overlords of the ancient road. It can be said that it was the first time that he encountered such a powerful opponent on the ultimate ancient road.

But Ye Chen was naturally fearless, on the contrary, the blood of his battle was boiling.


At this moment, he drove the Great Chaos Cauldron down, accompanied by the boundless ancient chaos, and blasted directly towards Gong Shenxue, heavy and boundless, as if he could crush all the heavens and worlds.

It’s just that the palace **** Xue’s fingers are shining brightly in the palms of her palms, and wisps of fairy light are flying out, rushing out, and there is a bright avenue bottle rising into the sky, the whole body is flowing with brilliant fairy light, and The chaotic cauldron collided.


The big tripod collided with Dao Aquarius, exploding the vast light of destruction, almost breaking through time and space, disrupting nine heavens and ten earth.

Ye Chen's great cauldron was intact, but the other party's was also intact, which made him very surprised.

Because his Great Chaos Cauldron has always absorbed many Xeon Dao marks, and it also has the essence of Xeon weapons. It has always been invincible of the same level. I did not expect to encounter a strong enemy now. Obviously, the opponent’s Dao magic weapon is very Extraordinary, super material.

It just made many people wonder why the fighting sage king didn't use the taboo magic power of opening the universe.

After all, everyone has witnessed the power of the Open Sky Universe, and the eighteen-star array has been penetrated by the ground, which is absolutely terrifying and unimaginable.

As soon as this move was performed, even if the strongest little ancient road overlord like Gong Shenxue faced him, he would be disabled if he didn't die.

It’s just that they won’t understand that although Ye Chen sublimated Kaitianpidi into Kaitian Universe, it was not that easy to display it. It hadn't been perfected yet. It needed a certain opportunity to display it, and it was extremely detrimental to the human body. Big.

This is the flaw of Kaitian Universe. It is powerful enough and unmatched. However, it may also be accompanied by huge sequelae. He does not dare to display it easily, only when he is truly desperate and put it back to display it.

"Brother, let's help you!"

At this time, Gong Xuan and Gong Nanshan rushed over.

"Don't come over." Gong Shenxue said in a condensed voice, keeping them all away.


However, Ye Chen's figure flickered, and a stream of light rushed out, exactly like him, and it was the Chaos Supreme Body, which finally appeared at this moment, rushing towards Gong Xuan and Gong Nanshan.

Gong Shenxue had the intention to stop it, but Ye Chen's deity here is even more powerful, standing in the air, punching him one after another, each punch is heavy and boundless, as if it can destroy all the heavens. Generally, bombarded down continuously.

Boom boom boom -

Punch after punch, each punch is so terrible and heavy, with the powerful ancient chaos, there is a big world, and the world is deriving, and it rushes directly to Gong Shenxue.

Gong Shenxue's expression changed, and he could fully feel the horror originating from Ye Chen's combat power. It was as powerful as he did not dare to underestimate it.

It’s just that he is not an ordinary person. He came out with the palm of his hand. It is the supernatural power of the prehistoric immortal realm, accompanied by the celestial glory, and the sacred light surging. Together.

"So strong!"

Everyone was amazed. Whether it is the fighting king or the palace **** Xue, they are definitely among the most outstanding enchanting leaders on the ultimate ancient road. They are even stronger than many young supreme. They are too strong, and they will collide in the blink of an eye. Don’t know How many moves, but every move has all kinds of divine lights passing by like lightning, shattering all the void.

If the ordinary power comes forward, even the top power of the fifth or sixth heaven will not be an opponent.

Because the combat power displayed by the two is too strong, they have come into contact with the super power level of the seventh heaven.

It’s just that Gong Shen Xue is very powerful, but he can’t stop Ye Chen’s Chaos Supreme Body, and now he has gone. With the powerful ancient chaos, the world of heavens emerged, wrapped in the illusory worlds, and rushed to the palace. Xuan and Gong Nanshan.

Even Gong Shen Xue couldn't stop it, because it was stopped by Ye Chen's deity, how could he leave.


The expressions of the two ancient little overlords have changed a, but they know the terrifying aspects of the Fighting Saint King. I am afraid that neither of them is opponents, so they hurriedly turned and left.

"Want to escape? Late!"

With the indifferent voice falling, Ye Chen's Chaos Supreme took a step, and instantly crossed the sky, as if to break the gap of time and space, surpassing common sense, and catching up in the blink of an eye, landing between the two to escape In front of him, there was an immeasurable golden light that exploded surgingly, turning into a sky pass, cutting off the path of the two.

This scene naturally made both of them look different, but now that there is no other way except for the first battle, because they are not as fast as the other.

"Don't worry too much. Although the Fighting Saint King is very powerful, it is only a supreme Dao body, no matter how strong it is, it will not be so strong." Gong Nanshan said, after all, they are all ancient road overlords, even if facing the big A terrifying powerhouse, he can stabilize.

"Second brother is right, I don't believe that the Taoist body of the fighting saint king will be as abnormal as the deity!"

Gong Xuan also calmed down, and a mere Dao body wanted to chase down their two ancient little overlords? wishful thinking!

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