Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1612: Vertical and horizontal stars

"Destroy his Dao body, so I can help Big Brother." Gong Nanshan said coldly, and then the sound transmission went to the eighteen stars' lair, saying: "Everyone, you still want to fight against the fighting holy king, Kill him? No need to worry about him. My three brothers will act as the main force, especially my elder brother Gong Shenxue. I believe you all know his strength. If you wait to join, you will definitely be able to truly kill the King of Fighting. of."

I have to say such words really moved the hearts of the Eighteen Zerg mother kings, because fighting the saint king is indeed a great disaster, they want to kill Ye Chen all the time.

It's just that he hesitated a bit now, because he was worried that the Fighting Saint King would make even more terrible revenge. The previous move to open the universe really made them and the Zerg Mother King feel a sense of fatal threat.

"Everyone, it's okay, this time is a great opportunity to kill the Saint King of Fighting." Gong Nanshan said again, "My eldest brother is invincible, even if it is the Saint King of Fighting, he is not the eldest brother now. Are you entangled?"

"it is good!"

The eighteen Zerg mother kings have agreed to come down, and will once again fight against the fighting holy king.

The other nine great power levels have appeared, plus Gong Xuan and Gong Nanshan, a full lineup of twenty-nine great power levels. What a terrifying truth, this is enough to sweep all powers, and Gong Xuan , Gong Nanshan is the great power known as the little overlord of the ancient road, far from being comparable.

Many people have changed their faces. Under such a mass killing, the fighting saint king will probably be killed even if he is evil.

"Are you really going to force me to take action?" Ye Chen's expression also sank slightly, especially when he pointed at the Eighteen Zerg Mother King.

"Battle Saint King, you are too enchanting, we have to take action." A Zerg mother king said, but she also had to admit the terrible evil of Battle Saint King.

This is also true, it is necessary to strangle this fighting saint in the cradle of growth in advance.

"Battle Saint King, you'd better retreat."

It wasn't anyone who spoke, it was Gong Shenxue. His whole body was bathed in brilliant fairy radiance, like the power of light, and if it was a **** of light, his voice was very peaceful, as if he was speaking to a friend.

"Retreat?" It's just that Ye Chen's expression was as plain as water, and said: "It's okay, some chickens and dogs, they can't affect the overall situation, just sweep!"

When the words he uttered fell, it rumblingly resounded across the starry sky in an instant, shocking, the fighting sage king really had a big tone, at this point, do you still want to hold on.

It's just that Ye Chen's deity still fights Gong Shenxue, but who is Chaos Supreme? No less than the existence of the deity, he looked at Gong Xuan, Gong Nanshan and the mother king of the Eighteen Zerg races, and slowly said: "In this case, I will let you see the real supreme means."


He raised a fist and shook, and a full 108 divine light dragons flew out across the sky, each of which was thousands of miles long, winding the starry sky, rushing towards Gongxuan, Gongnanshan, and the mother king of the Eighteen Zerg races. And the body of the Nine Dao Great Energy Level.

"Hmph, do you want to kill us by this means?"

Gong Xuan snorted coldly, and he directly collided with a Shenguang Tianlong, and the fairy light bloomed, and a heavenly sword ran across the sky, directly cutting the Shenguang Tianlong in half, easily.

At the same time, Gong Nanshan and the mother king of the eighteenth-layer Zerg clan all shot, and the same is true of the Nine Dao Great Power Level physical bodies. No matter how powerful these divine light dragons are, it is impossible for every Dao to match the power, otherwise the Saint King will fight. Not the mighty power, but the ancient king.

Soon, the 108 gods of heavenly dragons were cut into sixty-seven, and they weren't the opponents of these people at all.


At this moment, a sudden change occurred. Only after a Shenguang Tianlong was bombarded by a mother queen in a star's lair, it did not calm down. On the contrary, a streamer suddenly rose into the sky and descended on the star's lair. before.

"Battle Saint King!?"

When it was really clear who came, everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded. Isn't the Dao body of the Fighting Saint King far away in the starry sky?

However, at this moment, he clearly saw the Dou Zhan Sheng Wang Dao in the distance of the starry sky shattered with a bang, it turned out to be just an illusion.

"Well, we were all deceived!" Gong Nanshan's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted, "Hurry up!"

"Unfortunately late!"

It was Ye Chen's Primordial Chaos Body, whose expression was quite indifferent, and he had already shot and slapped it out. It was not a heaven-shaking hand, but it was another kind of the most powerful divine channel technique-Heaven Summoning Technique!

A terrifying phantom of the sky suddenly bombarded away, with devastating power.

This technique was used in the hands of the current Chaos Power Ye Chen, and it was even more terrifying than the ancestor of the Donghua family created at the beginning.

The stars’ nests were all blasted away suddenly. If it weren’t for the stars’ nests were the Zerg mother king’s nests, and it had been in business for many years, it would have carved countless array patterns, as solid as golden soup, otherwise the ordinary power would be killed directly by this slap It's broken.

However, even so, the entire star lair was completely dimmed, and even dense cracks appeared.

"Huh?" Ye Chen let out a slight surprise, this fist didn't break the star's lair, which made him a little surprised.

You must know that under this trick, even if it is changed to a powerful five-layer immortal, it will explode, but the stars' lair is strong.

However, the Zerg Mother King in the Star Nest was frightened, because even with the protection of the Star Nest, which has been continuously reinforced for tens of thousands of years, it still suffered severe damage to its soul and body, and it was about to tremble~ One can imagine how terrifying the Fighting Saint King is.


The other Zerg mother kings all called, and Thirteen was the title of this Zerg mother king.

It's just that Shisan couldn't help responding, and hurriedly backed away. Others could see the horror of fighting the Saint King, and quickly rushed to kill Shenguang Tianlong.

It’s just that Ye Chen could not tolerate thirteen’s departure, and once again shot, he shot the seal of the heavens, shaped like a human imperial pagoda, can have thirty-three floors, the whole body is golden glaze, and it is accompanied by wisps of ancient chaos. , Terrifying Wushuang, directly bombarded the stars' lair.


No matter how strong the Star Lair was, it was still blasted open at this moment, completely torn apart, revealing the ugly body of the Zerg Mother King.

It is a fat Zerg, which is bigger than a mountain, and has many limbs and dark eyes. The lower body is a huge fleshy sac, which is much larger than the upper body. It is the birthplace of countless Zerg warriors. Eye nest, in short, is very ugly.

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