Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1613: Mie Gong Xuan

Mother Queen Thirteen was wounded all over, and received a huge impact. She looked at the Fighting Saint King in horror, and heard screams, and the fat Zerg body quickly retreated.

It’s just that it can’t be faster than Ye Chen, who is in charge of the world’s extreme speed. With a single step, it seems that time and space have stopped, and it descended in an instant, and passed through, tearing the body of Mother King Thirteen directly. After opening the two halves, the spirit is the same, and then tore the void, throwing the torn body of Mother King Thirteen into it.

On the other side, the void in front of Abenu was torn apart, and the body of the mother king Thirteen torn apart in two appeared, and it was teleported by Ye Chen to the sky, but the soul of Thirteen had long been given by Ye Yechen. Sealed.

Ye Chen's voice sounded: "Abenu, devour the mother queen, evolve."

Seeing the body and soul of the Zerg mother king being restrained in front of him, even Abenu showed a fiery gaze and nodded hurriedly: "Thank you, Lord!"

It was shaped like a real dragon, and it immediately swallowed all the form and spirit of the mother king thirteen. It was full of light and began to swallow and evolve.

"Dare you, hurry up and put out thirteen."

It is naturally impossible for other Zerg mother kings to watch all this happen and rush over.


It was just a dazzling golden avenue passing across the sky, cutting the starry sky in half, and it was Ye Chen who shot it.

His black hair was draped over his shoulders, his eyes were deep and immeasurable, and he said indifferently: "Why don't you dare, and you will all be swallowed by Abeno today, not leaving one!"



The other Zerg mother kings all snorted coldly, but they also rushed over, because it is impossible to let Thirteen be swallowed without making a move.

Gong Xuan and Gong Nanshan were even more so. They were just caught off guard by the Fighting Saint King before, but now they won't.

"A group of tigers eating dragons?" Ye Chen looked at them and shook his head flatly: "You can't!"






Ye Chen's four poles shook. The left green dragon, the right white tiger, the upper Suzaku, the lower Xuanwu, and the four great holy spirits appeared and became stronger. All of them can be thousands of miles huge, and they appear quite solid, accompanied by the four-color gorgeous gods. Hikari, Setsuna rushed towards the opponent.

Naturally, Ye Chen knew that this was not enough. At the moment, five huge splendid passages appeared behind him. They were golden, with red flames like fire, and thick as mountains. It was the big world of the Five Elements, which he opened up. .

It can be said that these are group offensive magical secret arts, and they are even more astonishingly powerful when they are used in Ye Chen's hands. The immeasurable attacks directly rushed past, drowning all the strong, and they were blocked by these attacks. Up.

Especially the Five Elements Golden Realm, Ye Chen’s peerless supernatural powers are among Ye Chen’s peerless supernatural powers. Each piece of the Golden Taoist soldiers are made from Ye Chen’s blood energy, and they are accompanied by strands of ancient chaos, their power is powerful. Naturally, it was unimaginable. Numerous golden dao soldiers rushed out overwhelmingly, flooding the world, and to a large extent prevented these powerful men from rushing over.

From it, Ye Chen broke through one by one, even the Supreme Chaos rushed to the Gong Xuan in it, and descended in front of him.

"Second brother!" Gong Xuan was frightened and hurriedly called Gong Nanshan.

Because he knows that relying on his own strength, it is impossible to become the opponent of the fighting king.

Gong Nanshan also wanted to rush over, but Qinglong Hengkong directly blocked it, and this was not an ordinary magic spell, possessing part of Ye Chen's essence and energy, it was very powerful, traversed the starry sky, collided with it, and exploded. Brilliant light.

Although it is impossible to be Gong Nanshan's opponent, it can also stop him for a while.

Ye Chen Chaos Supreme took a powerful shot, smashing the ten directions. At this moment, he showed the true invincible warrior's profundity. He raised his fist and slammed into the palace xuan and collided like lightning. The chaotic profundity emerged and spread to the past. It was annihilation of all directions and wilds, and fell on Gong Xuan.


Gong Xuan was far from an opponent, his whole body was blasted off, and he was cut off at his waist, blood was spilling over the sky, and his large intestines were exposed.

"Do not!"

Gong Xuan was naturally unwilling to be killed in this way. With a long roar, the essence and blood were gushing, and the whole person was born, quickly recovered, and shouted: "The immortal is immortal!"

His whole body burst into immeasurable celestial splendor, his aura suddenly became horrified many times, and he displayed the peerless magical powers belonging to the prehistoric immortal realm, with a huge figure of the supreme immortal descending, and countless runes on the road, constantly As it spread, a stalwart immortal shadow appeared, and accompanied by the extinct celestial light, it killed Ye Chen.

"The immortal immortal? Is it the kind of supreme immortal technique lost in the prehistoric immortal world?"

However, all Gulu Tianjiao were well-informed people, and naturally quickly recognized what kind of magical secret technique Gongxuan used.

That's right, it belongs to a long-lost primordial celestial world supreme celestial art. It was created by a supreme immortal in history. It belongs to the supreme category and is a taboo level. Once it is displayed, it is absolutely invincible.

Gong Xuan's aura suddenly became terrifying, and it was still rising continuously. The whole person first wanted to turn into a war fairy and smashed away, possessing the immortal magic machine.

At this time, a Taoist Pagoda appeared in his hand. It was the supreme fairy soldier who created the immortal and immortal world in the past. Now it has been turned and transformed into an eternal soldier. The Taoist soldier in the palace is also Daota, all of these have been perfectly combined, and they have come out better.


Gong Xuan drove the immortal pagoda and bombarded it, and the nine-story Taoist pagoda was like a nine-layer heaven, one by one, covering Ye Chen directly.

"Is the Supreme Immortal's Attack Immortal Technique?" Ye Chen realized it immediately, but he smiled indifferently: "It's just the Taboo Immortal Technique of Incomplete Ling, and I want to fight against me? It's ridiculous."

Ye Chen could tell at a glance that this couldn't be a complete Supreme Immortal Technique, it was incomplete, otherwise the power would definitely be more than just that.

Not to mention Ye Chen’s peerless cultivation base, he also mastered more than one forbidden supernatural power, such as the emperor of heaven, such as the saint ancestor of fighting ~ such as the emperor of time and space, also has his own creation, and even has the supreme Zhu Xian The incomplete taboo supernatural power destroys the immortal style.


Ye Chen's whole body's aura changed, and he displayed the immortal extinction style, and the whole person rose up into the sky with a terrible aura that exterminates the immortal, overwhelming the sky, can exterminate everything, and rushing up is to bombard the opponent.

"Eight Zhuxian Style!?"

Gong Xuan's expression changed drastically, and he was strongly suppressed, not only because Ye Chen's combat power was stronger than him, but also because of his incomplete taboo magical powers. The opponent's actual combat was the most famous Zhuxian Supreme's Zhuxian Eight Styles. , It is Zhu Xian Zhizun created specifically to kill the Supreme Immortal, extremely suppressed.


The two collided face-to-face and passed by. Gong Xuan screamed, and the whole person suddenly dimmed, and even the Tao Tower collapsed, and the whole person completely exploded.

He died!

Gong Xuan has fallen!

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