Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1617: Level 49

In the forty-ninth pass, I can feel that this ancient test pass is more majestic, majestic and majestic than the previous test passes.

Not only because this is the ancient test of the rear, but more importantly, the 49th test is not an ordinary test. It can be said to be a very special one, far from being comparable to other ancient tests.

As the saying goes, there are nine forty avenues. For this reason, the existence of the forty-ninth pass represents an extraordinary significance. It is also a very important test pass on the entire ancient road, even if it is the watershed of the ultimate ancient road. .

Only when you get here can you prove you are qualified to go to the depths of the ultimate ancient road, compete with the strongest princes of the ancient universe, and compete for the "ultimate" of the last level.

Naturally, the forty-ninth level is not only special, but also because there have been countless rumors throughout the ages, such as imperial relics, immortal fate, immortality, and so on. The veil of mystery is shrouded in this ancient test pass, and the more it shows its extraordinary significance.

It is worth mentioning that, as long as the ancient test gates on the ultimate ancient road are built in the starry sky, they act as the beacon of the vast starry sky and guide the path of the ancient testers.

However, the forty-ninth level is not. It is not hovering in the starry sky, on the contrary, it is located in an ancient star of life prosperous in different degrees.

And this is an extremely huge ancient star of life, far larger than an ordinary star. In terms of the surface area of ​​the star, it is not inferior to the emperor realm. It can be seen that it is huge, and it can easily reach hundreds of millions of miles.

This ancient star of life is vast and magnificent, with a radius of tens of millions of miles, and an endless ocean.

There are countless races, countless forces, and ancient kingdoms, such as human races, monster races, dwarves, elves, stone people...

It can be said that this is an ancient star that is indescribably prosperous, and Baijiao is also said to be small, and Wanjiao is not an exaggeration. There are countless forces.

Looking at the entire ancient universe, this is one of the most important stars, and in the past, an eternal emperor was born, invincible from the past to the present, and left behind countless monuments of stalwart emperors, which are still praised by countless people.

It is precisely because of this that the entire ancient star of life has an extraordinary atmosphere, invisibly possessing a majestic atmosphere of emperor, it is a emperor star, called the emperor star.

As the name suggests, the ancient star of the Great Emperor was born.

Therefore, the forty-ninth level of the ultimate ancient road, which is extremely important, was chosen to be established on this birth star, and even rumored to be the will of the great emperor.

All in all, there are too many legends about the forty-ninth level, and it has been given an ancient test of incomparable significance.

More mysteriously, there is no 50th level on the Ultimate Ancient Road. The next level from the 49th level is the 51st level.

The fiftieth level seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, leaving behind countless legends.

Some people say that the fiftieth pass had gone through a battle that astounded the past and the present and collapsed and annihilated.

Some people say that the fiftieth pass never exists, and there are nine out of forty avenues, and fifty is the one to escape, and there is no such thing in the world.

It is also said that the 50th level is hidden in the star, and only in the forty-ninth level, which is also in the star, can you go to the 50th level.

And there are hidden secrets of the heavens, and perhaps the mystery pointing to the emperor's ultimate can be obtained from it, or perhaps another mysterious ancient road can be taken from it, which is the supreme road that the emperor and the emperor are qualified to go.

There are different opinions. In short, there are many legends about the 50th level, and because of the particularity of the forty-nine level, there are always many people who link the two together, attracting the attention of all the powerful.

In any case, the forty-ninth pass is prosperous and lively in different places, far from any ancient pass before it.

Not only the people who have tried the ancient road, but also the strong contacts of the emperor's star, the hero appears from time to time, and streams of light appear in the sky, demonstrating the extraordinaryness of this level.

At this level, Ye Chen didn't dare to be careless, and in order to avoid trouble, the Emperor Curse Dark Golden Divine Ring shrouded in his body had long been concealed by him with special techniques.

Unless the Sky Eye is opened and it is a strong enough existence, it is generally impossible to see it. This is because he does not want to be too focused.

The ultimate ancient road can only teleport to this level at most, not to the deepest.

Ye Chen was already satisfied with this, because it took only a month from the thirty-second pass to the forty-ninth pass, and he was satisfied that he was able to cross a dozen levels so quickly.

Naturally, it was also because his cultivation base was strong enough, otherwise it would be impossible to be teleported here out of the ordinary.

If you want to pass the next level, you must wait and wait for the trial to begin.

Walking in the forty-ninth pass, Ye Chen shuttled through it, seeing countless people emerge, and he felt like returning to the world.

I have to say that the forty-ninth pass is really lively. The forty-eight ancient test passes before the ancient road are so prosperous that it is not comparable to other ancient test passes.

The heroes gathered here, not only the ancient road testers, but also the countless number of star powerhouses emerging. The heavenly kings are constantly and powerful. In this pass, there are palaces belonging to the major forces, and there are also There are various restaurants, auction halls, gambling houses, and turbulent places, including ordinary people, with a population of at least tens of millions.

You know, this is the ancient test of the ultimate ancient road. It is not the ancient capital, but it is so amazing.

"Attention, everyone, the fresh Longbuli steamed buns are out. They are all real dragon meat steamed buns. Don't miss it."

"The candied haws of ten thousand years of vermilion fruit, after a bite, the cultivation base rises steadily, children build the foundation, and women remain unchanged!"

"The burial objects stolen from the ancient tombs of the kings are the ancient scriptures of the kings, which record the supreme Taoism in the life of the ancient kings. They are of infinite value. Come and buy them as soon as possible!"

"Look, everyone, this is the sun-shooting divine bow of the king at the beginning of the month. It shot down the great sun of the Canggu star field with one arrow, and it is now on sale!"

On the streets, there were turbulent traffic and crowds. There were stalls shouting, all of them were stunned fetishes. However, none of them were true and false, but they also attracted the attention of many people.

There are flashes of light in the sky, big people are in the sky, no one dares to stop.

This is not like the ancient test of the ultimate ancient road, but more like the capital of a certain big power. Looking at the entire birth star, the 49th stage is one of the best giant cities.

Moreover, there are enough ancient road trials here in the forty-ninth level, which is also far better than other ancient trials. Ye Chen even saw a lot of Trial Tianjiao here, some in the first level. I have already seen and saw a particularly powerful Supreme Tianjiao here. Not only one person, they have already broken into the realm of Great Power, all of them are like ancient universe heroes, majestic and terrifying, magnificent, and all parties avoid.

Among them, Ye Chen had met several people.

Like the Sun King, his whole body is radiant, and every inch of his body seems to contain a round of sun, blooming with dazzling light, which makes people dare not look directly at him. He is a strong young supreme, and he has just stepped up in the recent period. Energy Realm, but possessing terrible combat power that rivals the third and fourth heavens, is a terrifying supreme arrogant.

However, he was a disciple of the Supreme Sun God of the Sealed Realm, and he inherited the Sun Sacred Art in the same line.

Just like the holy sky, the same is true, riding a single wildebeest, holy and flawless, passing by.

Even Ye Chen saw the pair of immortal couples in Yuedian.

The young supreme I have seen in the past have basically broken into the realm of Da Neng, and the deeper the cultivation base is, the farther and farther they go on this ancient road, they have more powerful competitiveness.

There are not a few Young Supremes in the forty-ninth pass. What you see in front of you is only a part of it. Some people are not in this pass, but in the star of the emperor.

There are other people who came to this pass long ago and never left.

Ye Chen did not reveal his identity. He observed silently for three days. He probably knew the reason why these young sacreds stayed at the 49th pass. They all heard hearsay on the way to the 49th pass, and learned about the 49th pass and birth. Some shocking rumors about Emperor Star.

Although it has not been confirmed, it also makes him very excited.

After staying for a while, Ye Chen turned and left, and took the initiative to go to the residence of Zhenguan Daneng at the 49th pass.

I have to say that being able to become the Zhenguan power of the 49th pass is absolutely extraordinary power.

Because of the importance and particularity of this level, it can be seen that it is a very majestic mansion. Among them, the masters are like clouds, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and even the guards guarding the gate are surprisingly powerful, not ordinary people can enter casually. House among them.

"This is the City Lord's Mansion, and no one can enter!"

The guards guarding the mansion directly intercepted Ye Chen, with a cold expression, and the two war guns crossed.

No one could see that this was a powerful man who had experienced hundreds of battles, wearing a **** armor, and possessing a strong **** aura. He was a terrifying powerhouse who had gone through countless battles, and now he has become a guard at the gate.

This city lord’s mansion is quite Ye Chen nodded in his heart, without forcing him, flipped his palm and revealed a token, which was very ordinary, but it was engraved with "Xue Lan". Words, flowing with threads of immortal power of the king.

This is the reward given to him by the ultimate ancient road for his glorious deeds. It is the ancient decree of King Xuelan, which was later added.

As long as you have this ancient edict of the emperor, any trial ancient pass on the ultimate ancient road can be easily performed, and no one under the emperor dares to stop it.

When seeing this ancient king's order, the look of the guards who guarded the gate suddenly changed. Not only did they put away their guns, but instead they bowed halfway, the whole person looked respectful and did not dare to stop him. Please forgive me for not waiting for praise."

"It's okay, you're just doing your duty." Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "I want to see the city lord. I wonder if the city lord is in the house?"

Trial of the ancient pass, even if the checkpoint is an ancient city, it can be called the master of the pass or the lord of the city.

"The Lord of the City is in the mansion."

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