Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1618: The reincarnation

After getting the guidance, Ye Chen entered the city lord's mansion, and under the leadership of one of the guards, came to a magnificent hall, which was the city lord's hall.

The lord of the town, that is, Zhenguan Da Neng, is here to guard.

Ye Chen's arrival, he was immediately received, and when he entered the hall, he saw a middle-aged man sitting on the seat of the central god. He was handsome, stalwart, and draped in white. His eyebrows contained the majesty of all beings, and he was invisible. There was a terrible coercion.

Undoubtedly, this is the Zhenguan Power of the 49th pass, called Jingtian City Lord, and it is a truly majestic power that has been in the starry sky for many years. The cultivation base can be regarded as meritorious and has many amazing achievements. , Created today's invincible prestige.

It was as powerful as the Chaos Power like Ye Chen, but facing the existence of the City Lord King Sedum, he felt a terrible pressure and looked solemn.

Because Sedum City Lord is far from being comparable to an ordinary power, at least it is a power, even more powerful, and it is difficult to predict the depth.

"My lord, there is a distinguished guest who is holding an ancient decree to hold Xuelan!" the guard said respectfully.

Above the **** seat, Sedum City Master, who had originally closed his eyes, slowly opened a pair of eyes. There was no amazing and brilliant light beams. On the contrary, they appeared deep, but it was just like this, which was truly terrifying.

A terrible vision appeared invisibly on his body, one side of the world appeared, and every world was a sea of ​​dead mountains and blood, with broken ancient worlds, blood-stained stars, and collapsed universes... ..

But there is a strong figure of City Lord Jingtian standing on it, if he is the invincible God of War, destroying the heavens.

There is no doubt that these are the terrifying battlefields he has fought in the past. They are the undead powers of the Gedais, appearing invisibly, shocking, and Ye Chen's pupils condensed in an instant.

So strong!

This is his evaluation of the great power of Sedum!

Very high, but worth it.

Unexpectedly, the great power sitting in the forty-ninth pass was such a terrifying great power.

If you think about it carefully, the forty-ninth level, such an important ancient level, really needs such a powerful person to sit.

"Battle Saint King!"

City Master Sedum spoke, Ye Chen was able to conceal ordinary people, but he could not conceal his identity in front of the mighty power of City Master Sedum.

The guard who brought Ye Chen over was shocked.

On the ultimate ancient road, don’t you know the prestige of the fighting sage king? It’s too prosperous. The power of the robbery has blocked the five foreign emperors, and it has a deep or shallow relationship with several of the nine ancient road overlords. The relationship is even more the husband of the great hall masters of the Moon Palace, Chaos Young Supreme, such an identity is not shocking Gulu, but he did not expect that the Gulu Tianjiao who came with the ancient order of the king was him.

"Senior Sedum." Ye Chen nodded, with an extraordinary bearing in his body. Facing the mighty power of Sedum City Lord, he was neither humble nor overbearing, which made people sigh the mood of fighting the saint king.

City Lord Jingtian didn't have much anger, on the contrary, he admired Ye Chen very much.

Not only because of the recognition of the ultimate ancient road, but also a Tianjiao who came out of the broken universe to be able to come to this point today, there is no doubt that it has long been beyond the expectations of countless people, and even more so. Being able to rob prevented the five great aliens from crossing over.

Although it was because of the catastrophe, it was also admirable for his courage at the time. Faced with the emperor, he dared to contend, but the supreme existence that the king of the ancients must die in the face.

Moreover, when I really met, I realized the power of this fighting sage king. Not only was he not humble or arrogant when facing himself, but he could fully feel the depth of the other party’s Taoism, even though he seemed to be just a powerful double heaven. Raising your hand can suppress it, but its true combat power is far from that.

However, it was heard that even Gong Xuan, one of the little overlords of the ancient road, was beheaded, and Gong Shenxue took Gong Nanshan away. Everything was enough to explain the strength of the other party, and it was far from ordinary.

The guards had left long ago. In the hall, Ye Chen was invited to take a seat, and sat opposite the famed starry sky.

"Battle Saint King, I don't know what happened to the door." Jingtian City Lord spoke straightforwardly, but it didn't make people feel a little abrupt.

"I want to ask Senior Sedum for some questions." Ye Chen didn't turn a corner, and said, "Is there really a reincarnation of the great emperor in the birthday star?"

The reincarnation of the great! ?

This question was asked in surprise, as if the stars were shaking.

Yes, it is the reincarnation of the great emperor.

For a long time, many people like to call some particularly powerful Supreme Tianjiao the reincarnation of the great emperor. In fact, it is more to set off the invincible emperor posture of this Supreme Tianjiao. It has the potential to aspire to the emperor's way, but They are not the real reincarnation of the great emperor.

However, this time when he came to the 49th pass, Ye Chen also learned some news from various aspects. In the birth star where the 49th pass is located, there may be a real reincarnation of the great emperor, who belongs to the ancient emperor. Reincarnation, rebirth, not just a simple foil.

You must know that the real reincarnation of the great emperor is completely different from the reincarnation of the great emperor imagined by the world. The reincarnation of the ancient great emperor has steadily aspired to the existence of the real supreme realm, and even possesses the emperor’s foundation. As long as there is no accident, give enough time , In the future, he will become the emperor again.

This kind of emperor’s reincarnation is even stronger than the emperor’s son and emperor in a sense, because he has been in the supreme realm, has the experience of the emperor, and knows the way to become an emperor, and it is not that other people need themselves. Go and explore, even the emperor and the emperor.

However, generally speaking, the achievement of the great emperor and ascending to the highest realm, basically no one is reincarnated, the risk is too great, and the help is not great, so many people do not believe it, more just think it is just a rumor, not worth it To believe.

But sometimes, some rumors were not groundless. Although Ye Chen had doubts, he was also curious whether there really existed such a existence as the reincarnation of the great emperor.

It may not be clear to other people, but the Ultimate Ancient Road is one of the most powerful forces in the entire Chaos Ancient Universe, with a sufficiently powerful intelligence network, perhaps one or two pieces of information can be obtained.

Ye Chen is also quite curious, if he encounters such a reincarnation of the great emperor, he hopes to be able to fight the same rank.

After all, the reincarnation of the emperor is not the emperor, but a rebirth and cultivation.

"It should be true."

City Lord Jingtian did not conceal it, because the fighting sage in front of him is not an ordinary Tianjiao of the ancient road, not to mention that his potential is qualified to become the strongest overlord of the ultimate ancient road, and he has made brilliant achievements, otherwise King Xuelan will not It will grant the ancient edict to the emperor, which is the ancient edict of the emperor that the nine ancient road overlords have not obtained. It is so precious that it can cross the entire ancient road without breaking the rules.

"Really!?" Ye Chen was startled.

"Nine out of ten, you can't go wrong." City Lord Jingtian nodded, already said that he was 80 to 90% sure, from the mouth of the 49th pass, it was basically true.

"The reincarnation of the great emperor, does such a person really exist?" Ye Chen himself couldn't believe that the ancient emperor would reincarnate himself again. That is not rebirth in the ordinary sense, nor reincarnation, as long as you wake up. To return, but to cut all Taoism, reincarnated and reborn, starting from the beginning.

How arrogant the Supreme Emperor is, how can he start from scratch.

"Actually, there have been such examples. They have appeared in history." Jingtian City said.

Upon hearing this, Ye Chen also remembered some ancient secrets.

Indeed, although the reincarnation of the great emperor is incredible, there is no example. On the contrary, there has been one, and it has appeared in the era of mythology.

According to real ancient records, there was once such a supreme emperor encountering a terrible imperial enemy, resulting in a terrible imperial war.

In the end, the great emperor succeeded in beheading a supreme imperial enemy, but he also suffered the most terrible wounds in that battle. The body collapsed and could not survive forever. The emperor soul was also broken into shape, dying frequently, and was about to die. Dao disappeared, Xingshen was in a state of collapse, and no one could save it.

From the perspective of the world, the emperor or the supreme immortal, it is a realm of death.

However, this emperor has great perseverance, verifies the supreme Taoism, and does whatever it takes to burn the emperor’s body, dissolve the emperor’s soul, and fall into nirvana that can be described as ten death without life, and finally rely on his body to make a complete and ultimate leap. After death, reincarnation, rebirth, and the second life.

I have to say that the entire mythical era was shaken, and no one believed it, including the emperors and the Supreme Immortal, who were unbelievable. Someone broke and stood up and lived out the second life.

Moreover, the great emperor abandoned the old Tao and Dharma, re-cultivation of his own body, created another supreme Dharma, and re-entered the realm of imperial Tao.

In the end, he even became the strongest Emperor Realm against the sky, and the entire Chaos Sea was famous.

"I have indeed heard of such a great I thought it was just a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true." Ye Chen sighed lightly, such a fact, but now I think it is indeed shocking.

However, it is compelling to think about it, because every great emperor is the supreme, the existence of the gods and gods, who will go to Nirvana and live out the second life is just a helpless choice.

But we must also admire that supreme emperor, who actually succeeded in Nirvana in the realm of mortal death, lived out the second life, and achieved the strongest emperor realm against the sky, which is the strongest group of people in the past and present, like the emperor. , Time and Space Emperor, Taishenghuang, and Fighting Saint Ancestor are nothing more than this.

"In fact, you also know this emperor, and even in a sense, you are quite familiar." City Lord Jingtian suddenly said such a sentence.


Ye Chen was startled, the Emperor Wangu I am familiar with?

"his name--"

City Lord Jingtian paused, and when the words fell, Ye Chenru was struck by lightning——

"Battle Saint Emperor!"

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