Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1620: The king may also appear!

The nine celestial masters deduced, but they deduced the really great horror.

Numerous terrifying visions continued to emerge, green hairs fluttered, ghosts came to the world, and corpses fell into rain.

At the end of the deduction, it caused a terrible calamity. It was a calamity that God punished for spying on the information of the heavens. He said that it would destroy the heavens and the earth, because when the calamity comes down, it will almost destroy everything. Gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha, and everything is about to be destroyed.

The entire birthday star trembled, and Wan Ling was frightened, not knowing how terrifying it was.

It is also fortunate that the Primordial King has taken care of it to resist all these catastrophes, otherwise these celestial masters might be robbed.

But as powerful as the king of the ancient times, all were wounded, and the palm of his hand was penetrated into a blood cave, and a lot of blood was spilled. A terrible sight appeared, which was also shocking.

Because the fiftieth level is very special and extraordinary. It also involves the reincarnation of the great emperor. It is also a taboo area. Everything related to that level will become extraordinary. It is precisely because of this that the great calamity that comes The horror is too much.

The final deduced message is that the fiftieth level will be released in three months.

As soon as the news came out, it completely shook the entire ancient universe and attracted the attention of all the powers of the ten thousand races.

It is precisely because of this that the beginning of the Eternal Conference has attracted people who do not know how many powerful people come. All races in the universe will emerge and gather together, which is more grand than the alchemy, and there will be countless powerful people here. Gather.

Or the older generations of hidden world powerhouses, with old antiques who have lived for many years, and many Tianjiao who have the ultimate ancient road, have never left. Some of the long-famous Supreme Tianjiao will inevitably return, and even the nine great ancients. Road Overlords are rumored that someone will return against the sky, and Ultimate Gulu does not seem to plan to interfere, turning one eye and closing one eye.

All in all, this time the Eternal Ages Conference involved a lot, and it involved a lot, because it was related to the reincarnation of the great emperor.

There is no doubt that the emperor’s emperor’s emperor’s attraction is unparalleled in the reincarnation of the emperor. No one has become an emperor in this life. This is true for this ancient universe or the ancient universes of the Chaos Sea. It is precisely this that attracts people's hearts. , I am afraid that even the Primordial King will appear.

And it's not the kind of petty jokes in the past, once the Primordial King appeared, it might be completely swept by the storm.

"The Primordial King is coming too!?"

Ye Chen frowned, that existence was second only to the emperor, and the cultivation base was too advanced, the Taoism was boundless, and the stars could be shattered at will, once it came, who could fight for the front.

Sedum City Lord said: "You don't need to worry too much. Even if the Emperor of the Ancients comes, there are many restrictions. All parties are restrained, and it is impossible to take action without scruple. And this is the emperor of birth star, with the emperor of the emperor. It will last forever, and it is indestructible. And the emperor of the emperor is also in the star of birth, not weaker than the Yandi family, perhaps compared to the current Dandi family, but also has the seat of the ancient king. Therefore, this time it is difficult to hunt down the reincarnation of the emperor."

Ye Chen was surprised: "Don't the emperors stop the eternal meeting from beginning?"

That was their emperor ancestor, who was held in an eternal meeting to chase and kill the reincarnation of the emperor, but they did not stop it.

Only soon, the Lord Sedum told the truth.

It is not that the emperor does not stop it, but that the apparent goal of the Eternal Conference is only for the fiftieth level, not for the reincarnation of the emperor, although everyone knows in his heart that it is held for the reincarnation of the emperor.

And even if the emperor clan is impossible to be invincible, after all, there is only one, and there are too many forces participating in the eternal meeting this time, not just one emperor clan, at least three, and other powerful clans or big forces are even more. Countless.

It is impossible for the emperor to block the forces of the entire ancient universe on his own, unless it is the emperor that can push the universe horizontally and respect the world invincibly.

It is precisely because of this that the emperor clan on the Star of Birth is amazed and powerless.

After learning enough secrets, Ye Chen walked out of the city lord's mansion, but he also sighed slightly.

Although the emperor’s reincarnation is just a rumor and not necessarily true, such an eternal emperor who used to have great contributions to the entire ancient universe was finally able to reincarnate in Nirvana, live a second life, and never ascend the former emperor’s way. The throne, but the countless creatures in the universe that have been sheltered in the past are staring at him, trying their best to get the emperor's foundation. I have to say that this is a kind of sadness.

Although the emperor's path and emperor's foundation are important, how could the entire ancient universe unfold in such a safe manner without the protection of the emperor in the past?

It was too chilling.

The human heart is so, no one can change, this is the most sad point.

The forty-ninth pass is prosperous and prosperous, with all the heroes coming and going, and all the powerful clouds gathering, it is extremely lively.

During this period of time, the Tianjiao, the trial of the ultimate ancient road, never stayed in the forty-ninth level. Because of the Eternal General Assembly, they all left one by one and entered the Star of Birthday. Perhaps they were exploring and practicing. Also for the Eternal Conference, for the fiftieth level that will be born in three months.

The undercurrent is surging, and the appearance of the reincarnation of the great emperor is even more attractive than the tomb of the emperor.

Because that is the living emperor, the living future emperor, the enlightened emperor Daohuangji, no one can ignore.

Ye Chen took the Nine Snake who had been waiting for a long time, and left the 49th for the first time to truly enter the Star of Santa.

The emperor birth star is huge. It is one of the strongest life stars in the entire ancient universe. The emperor was born in the past. It has an extraordinary emperor's atmosphere. It has a unique environment for cultivation. Everyone cultivates martial arts and is extremely powerful. Ancient star.

On the ancient star, the six places are vast and vast, not even worse than the emperor realm. There are five huge sixs on it, each of which is vast and vast, can have a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, and has countless ancient countries or various forces. With countless races living here, there are thousands of races, building an extremely strong ancient star.

The forty-ninth pass is in the middle of Zhongzhou University 6, which is the most prosperous and prosperous of the five big six, and is stronger than the other four big six.

Looking at Zhongzhou University, there are many capitals, and the number of large and small countries is unclear. The population is more than hundreds of millions?

It is said that tens of billions are scarce.

The philosophers and ten thousand religions are rooted in it, and countless races are rooted here. Generally speaking, the strong races that can give birth to the heavenly kings are all strong races of the 6th level of Zhongzhou University, and there are also strong races with great power. Some stand on the top level of the Pyramid of Zhongzhou University 6 and even the Star of Christmas.

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