Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1621: The emperor makes a move, the sky is going to be chaotic!

Ye Chen shuttled to Zhongzhou University 6, and felt the power of Zhongzhou University 6 along the way. He only saw along the way, excluding foreign powers. The powers that emerged from the Star of Birthday are no less than the number of hands. The top level of the top level of the pyramid stands on Zhongzhou University 6.

Even he had occasionally perceived some obscure and difficult-to-detect auras, hidden in the world, if he were not for the chaotic sacrament, his perception was exceptionally keen, otherwise it would be difficult to feel it.

Ye Chen sighed, this birthday star is really prosperous, with prosperous luck and gathering of strong people, even not worse than the ten states in the center of the universe.

He took the initiative to go deep into the territory of Zhongzhou University 6 to observe the various stars of the birth of the emperor, and also to better prepare for the appearance of the 50th pass three months later.

In the reincarnation of the emperor, he also felt strong interest.

But it was not to compete for the emperor's foundation of the emperor, although the foundation of the proving to be emperor was at that time, once you have it, you will almost certainly become an emperor.

But Ye Chen firmly believes that he is invincible and has an invincible heart. He firmly believes that one day he will break into the emperor's realm with his own conflict and shackles, and become the strongest emperor, and eventually become immortal and eternal.

If one were to fight for the emperor's foundation, wouldn't it be to deny one's body from one side.

This is something he cannot tolerate.

Moreover, the opponent was the great emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty who had made great contributions to the entire ancient universe. He respected, but hoped to be able to fight with the opponent, to see if he was strong and weak in the same tier of the reincarnation of such a great emperor.

When Ye Chen took the Nine Snake deep enough into Zhongzhou University 6, and entered an ancient city that was regarded as famous throughout Zhongzhou University 6, at the same time, the situation changed and the world trembled.


Just in the distant sky, there is a great horrible aura blooming, and even more terrifying battles are exploding.

The air moved chaotically in the nine-fold sky, shaking the vast area with a radius of millions of miles, two flaming beams rushed into the nine-fold sky, and the brilliant light shone half of Zhongzhou University 6.

The countless ordinary people on the Great Sixth Day thought that God was going to destroy the world, and they all showed a look of horror, and they knelt down, hoping that God will not come to destroy the world.

Powerful battle!

Ye Chen felt that there was great power in the battle, and it was also noticed by countless people.

Now that the Eternal Conference is about to be held, the strong from all sides will gather together to give birth to the emperor stars. Is it because there is a powerful person who has enemies in the past, but now they meet, are extremely jealous, and directly fight?


Suddenly, Ye Chen's expression moved, and he clearly felt a special fluctuation from the other great power, which seemed to be clear.

"Master!" Nine Snake also understood afterwards and said.

"Don't bother, I just wait and see." Ye Chen said.


The mighty battle was fierce, with immense power, and the mighty heavens, directly hit the outer starry sky, and also saw the stars near the Star of Birth annihilated.


Soon, with a screaming scream and the exploding of the boundless bleak blood, a great power was killed and fell into the sky.

The departure of the other great power has aroused the attention and discussion of many people.

Da Neng, looking at any place is the top powerhouse of the pyramid, a great power is killed by someone, naturally aroused many people's discussion.

And recently, the world-famous Eternal Conference is about to be held, and countless powerful people from all parts of the universe gather here. It is an eventful autumn, and naturally it is particularly interesting.

"This day, it's going to be chaotic." Ye Chen said softly while looking at the direction that Da Neng was leaving.

Soon after, a shocking news came out, and once it was born, it immediately attracted the attention of the world.

The power that was killed was the great power of the Great Tower from outside the territory, a power who came to participate in the eternal meeting, and the power that was shot was the power of the emperor, which came from the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty. .

The emperor clan in the early Yuan Dynasty was the emperor of the eternal emperor born on the star of the emperor-the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty.

Hongta Da Neng was suspected of having a grudge with the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, but now he descended on the Star of Birth and was discovered, so he was beheaded.

Hearing this, many people in the world are relieved.

I thought that something was going to happen. It turned out that it was just the enemy meeting, and he was extremely jealous, and Hongta Da Neng reluctantly met the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, aroused the anger of the emperor, and directly chased him down.

It's just that some people smell a special smell.

Soon, Hongta Da Neng had an enmity with the early Yuan Dynasty emperor. According to what we know, although Hongta Da Neng is a powerful person, it is just an ordinary power. The energy of the tribe, the mere grandeur of the Great Tower, will not survive at all, and it will not be able to open up his eternal tradition in the depths of the universe and dominate a star field.

Moreover, Hongta Power, no matter how stupid it is, would not blatantly come to the territory of the enemy's early Yuan Dynasty emperor clan. This was clearly just an act of seeking death, and it would not make sense anyway.

Only possible, even if Hongta Da Neng had an enmity with the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, it was only some enmity, and it was not a life or death meeting.

Soon, these interested people immediately changed their colors and realized their understanding, and then looked at the central core area of ​​Zhongzhou University 6 and couldn't help but take a breath of cold.

The demise of the great power of Hongta is probably not because of hatred, but because of the imperial clan in the early Yuan Dynasty. The simple bit of hatred was maximized, and then killed in this eventful autumn, to warn the world, and even to warn the upcoming event. The Eternal Assembly.

Is it really?

Anyone who is aware of this suddenly changes in color.

Many people feel that the sky of the emperor star is about to change!

Sure enough, just as many caring people had foreboding, shortly after Hongta Da Neng was beheaded, three days later, another extraterritorial power was beheaded. It was also a powerful man from the early Yuan Dynasty. , Blood stained the sky and caused huge waves ~ The second extraterritorial power was killed, and because of some friction with the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, it directly caused a big battle and was beheaded.

After that, basically every few days, an extraterritorial power was beheaded, and it was all shot by the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty. It seemed that it was quite aimed at the extraterritorial power, and some unnecessary friction was intentionally generated, which caused disputes. There are reasons. Ground shot.

Suddenly, all other superpowers outside the Territory on the Star of Birthday felt a sense of self-danger.

Because in the early Yuan Dynasty, the emperor was a terrifying overlord-level force in any aspect. It was born a great emperor, with infinite background, possessed the supreme emperor’s army, and was too powerful to be a king. Ignore.

Even the true Primordial King would be a little jealous when facing such a prosperous emperor, and even the other king would be jealous of the supreme imperial soldiers and the emperor's background.

ps: Regarding the confusion and repetition of chapters reported by many readers recently, I have reported it to the editor, and as far as I know, not only I am the author, but there are also many authors who have such problems. It is a technical problem of the website. I will contact the editor and give you a reply as soon as possible.

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