Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1649: Important news for aliens!

PS: The content of the previous chapter is repeated, and it has been revised. You can read the children's shoes that have been subscribed, and will not be charged again.


In the heart of Ye Chen's eyebrows, a god-soul villain who was as strong as the sun appeared. Like Ye Chen, he was a chaotic holy soul, directly submerged in Bangu's eyebrow mud pill palace.

In the Niwan Palace, the villain Bangu Divine Soul looked at Ye Chen in horror. The levels were completely different. Even if it was Divine Soul, Ye Chen’s Chaos Holy Soul was far better than Ban Gu, and there was a terrifying pressure facing him. , So that Deban Gu's spirit villain gave birth to an unmatched feeling.

Moreover, he also knew Ye Chen's thoughts. At this moment, he was gnashing his teeth and burning his body suddenly. The ghost shone with a terrible light, and rushed towards Ye Chen, wanting to die with him.

There is no doubt that Baku, who has burned himself behind him, is incredibly powerful. It is many times more powerful than before. That is the tremendous power brought by burning himself. Of course, the price of doing so is death!

But now Bangu has no better choice.

Even if he died, he would still bring Ye Chen, the strongest young supreme in the sealed universe, to bury him.

However, Ye Chen's Chaos Saint Soul opened his mouth, and the Chaos Cauldron actually appeared and was carried.

A tripod fell, and the endless ancient chaos in it drowned, directly extinguishing the spontaneous fire, and it even hit the Ban Gu Divine Soul villain almost collapsed.

From the strongest to the weakest, it is just a short moment.

Other people naturally saw this scene, and suddenly took a breath of cold air.

The gap is too big. Both are young supreme. Even if Bangu wants to spontaneously burn and burn himself, he is far from the opponent of the fighting holy king, but he was suppressed in the blink of an eye.

Is this the embodiment of the absolute combat power of the Emperor Tianjiao?

It is truly invincible!

Ye Chen is very strong and merciless. At this moment, he is using the soul search method to find all kinds of information about the foreign emperor.

Compared to other foreign race Tianjiao, the foreign race young supreme is more important and naturally understands more.

However, Ye Chen also realized that Ban Gu Divine Soul actually had numerous restrictions, and many information about the ancient alien universe was forbidden. Once triggered by an outsider, Ban Gu Divine Soul would be easily burned, at the expense of everything.

Ye Chen sighed that the alien race was really ruthless enough. In order to protect the various information of the ancient universe, even the important arrogance such as Young Supreme was planted with such a terrible restriction, and it was planted by the Primordial King himself.

Don't say it was the current Ye Chen, even if Ye Chen became the Chaos King, he couldn't say that such a restriction could be lifted.

However, Young Supreme is the Young Supreme after all, and there are still some important contents that have not been restricted, and they have also been searched out by Ye Chen, and now they are constantly understanding.

Among them, there is information about alien emperors. According to Ban Gu's soul information, at least there are more than ten alien emperors who have embarked on the exclusive ancient path of supreme blood.

It seems that there are a lot of emperors and emperors, but it is normal, because the ancient alien universe is one of the most powerful ancient universes in the entire Chaos Sea. Only the prehistoric immortal world can be compared. It can be seen to be destroyed by it.

Moreover, Ye Chen believes that there are definitely more than ten emperors and daughters of foreign races, I am afraid there will be more, even if the emperors and emperors of the Sealed Universe, he asked himself absolutely more than ten.

In addition, there will be more than two alien emperors who will return from the exclusive ancient road of the supreme bloodline. The goal is obviously for the reincarnation of the great emperor.

And from the message that Bangu had never been planted forbidden, his expression suddenly changed.

Because in the message of the reincarnation of the great emperor, it was the foreign emperor who came out, and those foreign emperors have terrifying absolute secret treasures, which are far beyond the ordinary forbidden secret treasures, and they are used to deal with the reincarnation of the great emperor.

This news made Ye Chen feel heavy.

It is indeed the alien ancient universe that destroyed the sealed universe in its heyday. It was able to predict the appearance of the reincarnation of the great emperor, and several alien emperors were given corresponding taboo treasures.

However, Bangu’s divine soul information also received messages from other foreign races’ young and supreme ones. As for the information about foreign race emperors, there were not many messages. Obviously, it was also a foreign race’s method, which protected those disciples and emperors quite well.


The Great Chaos Cauldron shook, and the young supreme Bangu of the foreign race was also burned and refined, becoming a lifelike mark of the road on the cauldron. Seeing that the other young supreme all trembled.

Worthy of being a supreme killer, really terrifying.

After Bangu is resolved, everything will be over.

It’s just that Ye Chen still found the Emperor Yuan, who is a registered disciple of the God King Yuanyang. It is said that the God King Yuanyang left the ultimate ancient road, passed some unknown method, and entered the exclusive ancient kingdom of that supreme bloodline. On the way.

"I have seen the fighting king."

"You don't need to be too restrained, you can also call me Master Uncle like the Sun King, and I and your Master are also friends."

Facing Ye Chen, Yuan Tianzi suddenly felt a great pressure. Even if Ye Chen had already restrained his authority, and his expression was gentle and approachable, he still felt a sense of oppression, which originated from the invisibility of the other party. Coming.

Just like emperors in the ordinary world, even if they don't wear a dragon robe and don't have the support of a million army, as long as they know their identity, ordinary people will still feel a kind of pressure from the heart and be restrained.

This is the invisible potential.

Ye Chen's face was straight to the point: "I heard that your master went to another ancient road, is it true?"

"Returning to Master Uncle, Master did indeed go to the ancient road dedicated to the supreme bloodline of the emperor and the emperor."

Yuan Tianzi said truthfully.

"Do you know how to get to that exclusive ancient road?" Ye Chen said.

"Sorry, I don't know." Yuan Tianzi shook his head and explained with a wry smile that he was just a named disciple of the Yuanyang God King, not even a formal disciple, and he still claimed to be a named disciple with a cheeky face.

The Sun King, Yuntian Goddess, and Chu Shuangyu who followed were all shocked. The dignified young supreme was not qualified to become a disciple of the Yuanyang God King. This is a shocking thing. Who else in the world is qualified? Become his disciple.

"Master said that if you want to become his official disciple, you must at least have the qualifications to transform the gods into the tenth heaven, but it is only a qualification. He said that he hopes to find someone who can inherit his mantle. The best disciple is the strongest young supreme who has completed the tenth heaven from the half-god realm. He can be in a low position, but can inherit his mantle.

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