Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1650: Far East Induction

Yuan Tianzi smiled bitterly in response, causing everyone else to frown. These words were too arrogant. The strongest young supreme would almost wait for the rank of the emperor and emperor, why not become his disciple.

However, Yuan Tianzi immediately added a sentence, saying: "In fact, it is not that Master is too arrogant. Master is indeed invincible. He has faced off against foreign emperors, regardless of victory or defeat. I am afraid that it is more than fighting. Uncle Saint King is not much worse."

When he said this, he couldn't help but glance at the fighting saint king in front of him.

Although the Fighting Saint King is really invincible, the master of Yuanyang God King is also a peerless person in his mind, and he can't judge who is strong and weak.

Hearing that, the Sun King and the other three young supreme also looked at Ye Chen.

It's just that Ye Chen smiled slightly and said, "Yuanyang God King, he is indeed very strong."

The other three people changed in an instant.

Although there is only a simple and strong evaluation, but where is the sacred King of Fighting, he is the most powerful young supreme, and only the emperor and emperor deserve his evaluation.

There is no doubt that this is a kind of recognition, which recognizes the strength of Yuanyang God King.

Yuan Tianzi also laughed. Although he was not an official disciple of the Yuanyang God King, the Master's evaluation of the strongest young supreme like the Fighting Saint King is definitely the greatest recognition.

"If there is a chance in the future, I hope that I can fight against God King Yuanyang once."

This is also one of Ye Chen's long-term expectations. He is looking forward to the Yuanyang God King. Now that he is embarking on the exclusive ancient path of the supreme bloodline, he will probably continue to be invincible.

Soon after, Ye Chen separated from these people. He was born early this time and intervened in world affairs. It was already very bad for him. Premature exposure would be quite unfavorable for his upcoming plans.

Because of his premature appearance now, there are already many big figures who have continuously issued invitations to him. There are those with the ultimate ancient path, the ancient forces of the universe and the starry sky, and the imperial clan.

His every move in the future will probably attract the attention of many people.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Chen decided to hide in the world once again and disappeared from the eyes of the world.

Even the ancient power could not find the slightest trace of him, as if he had never appeared before, but anyone knew his existence.

After all, the collision between the young generation is just an episode. Even the collision of the two strongest young supreme will not affect the real overall development in the slightest. After all, the Eternal Conference will still be held.

And the time has been set, it will be held on the night of the fifteenth full moon next month, when the powerhouses of the ten thousand domains will gather together, and even the five great ancient kings will appear.

And by then, the Nine Great Heavenly Masters will once again make an effort to show where the 50th pass is located, truly opening the curtain of searching for the reincarnation of the emperor.

Time is always passing quietly, and it will soon be the end of the month.

Ye Chen has also been in hiding for several days. He is hiding in a wild land, where there are many fierce beasts, and there is a fierce beast king who is no weaker than the big power level. It is extremely terrifying, and the entire Zhongzhou continent is considered one of the best. Hegemony.

Therefore, in this vast and wild land, even other strong men do not dare to break in easily, unwilling to provoke the many terrifying beasts entrenched here.

Also because of the Nine Snake, the strange beast king, almost all the fierce beasts in this wild area were dominated by it, and even almost fought against the powerful fierce beast king in this area.

In the end, Ye Chen strongly surrendered the fierce beast king. As the master of the two beast kings, Ye Chen was the uncrowned king in this area, and he also had a rare tranquility during the day.

On this day, he was in retreat.

Suddenly, an inexplicable fluctuation suddenly appeared, originating from the heart, and awakening the quietly cultivating him, with terrifying ray of light from his eyes, almost shining on the entire land.

The terrifying coercion of the world-shattering level was also invisibly disseminated, slowly spreading, causing countless monsters and fierce beasts in the wilderness to tremble, and they were extremely frightened.

Nine Snake and this wild beast king were naturally shocked, looking at Ye Chen above the mountain in shock, not knowing why.

A vague and illusory feeling came from the far east, which caught Ye Chen's attention, and even more so that the blood in his body even gave birth to a feeling of boiling resonance, as if he had found someone close to him.

"What on earth is there, why is it so attractive to me?"

Ye Chen muttered to himself, looking deeply into the far east from his eyes.

"Nine Snake, Hongchuan, you stay, I need to go out now."

Ye Chen just left a sentence, and then grew up, tearing apart the void with a clatter, and leaving the void, leaving behind the Nine Snakes and the Wild Beast King who looked at each other and looked suspicious.

The Eastern Continent also has the title of Eastern Barbarian Continent, because more than 90% of this continent has not been developed, and it is covered by endless ancient forests all the year round. It is barren all year round and has a strong vitality here.

Because of the imminent eternal meeting, this wild continent has long been turbulent, with countless forces continuously descending from outside the territories to the birth of the emperor star, and there are naturally many on the Dongman continent.


Almost at the same time, Ye Chen also traversed the sky, traversing hundreds of millions of miles, from the Zhongzhou mainland to the Dongman mainland.

After achieving the Chaos Power, his speed has increased. In the past, he had to use the domain gate to be able to cross hundreds of millions of miles, but now he can easily reach it by himself, and it doesn't take long.

This is the terrible thing about the power of chaos.

When he arrived in the East Man Continent, he felt more and more that the blood in his body had a feeling of eagerness ~ as if there was something calling him, calling him to come.

Ye Chen frowned, all of this was quite vague because of that feeling, that is, he couldn't really sense clearly, only slowly, little by little, to find out.

Fortunately, there is not much else for Ye Chen now, and there is still plenty of time. And when his cultivation level reached his level, it wouldn't be too difficult to find the kind of thing that called him. Half a month was enough.

During this period, he has been acting along that special and subtle induction, step by step, slowly advancing.

The Eastern Barbarian Continent also has many ancient cities, a splendid history, and countless races and forces that have disappeared. Without an eternal and immortal existence, the Great Emperor will perish, let alone others.

He shuttled through it along the way, experienced many historical monuments, and even saw many terrifying and rare ancient wild bloodlines, living in the depths of the wild, unknown and quite terrifying.

In the end, Ye Chen successfully traversed the East Man Continent and came to a barren area in the middle of the continent.

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