Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2599: The big news that shakes the Chaos Sea!

When the tenth emperor was closed, all the powers of the sealed universe were facing great enemies, including the seven great ancient kings, their expressions were extremely solemn.

No one, just because there is the real ancient emperor in front of you!

At this time, an ancient human king said solemnly: "You don't need to worry too much. Even if the Emperor Dark Heaven comes, it will be impossible to break through the Tenth Imperial Pass."

For the tenth emperor pass, they all have absolute confidence, because not only an ancient emperor built it himself, it is extremely stable, and no one in the world can break it.

"Recalling back then, the ancient universe of our world crossed the sea of ​​chaos, directly broke the universe of the Kaifeng world, drove straight into the universe, went straight to the Huanglong, slaughtered how many races in the closed universe, and beat this ancient chaotic universe to pieces, no longer glorious, and it fell and was forced to Self-styled."

"Today, this emperor also wants to step back in the old place, recalling the tragic years of the past, and the glory of the past, and we still want this sealed universe to be at our feet!"

The Emperor Antian overlooked the Tenth Grand Emperor's Pass, and his voice shook the eternal worlds, shook the years, and carried the supreme power of the heavens.


The emperor body was huge in an instant, and it was as high as the sky, no less than the tenth level of the emperor gate, even a large area appeared small in front of it.

Moreover, the supreme emperor's prestige is infinite in the world, even with the isolation of the tenth emperor pass, the seven primordial kings of the sealed world can still feel the infinite coercion, and they all change their colors.

Under the Primordial King, everyone was shocked, and the many heavenly kings were even weakened, and some people fainted directly to the ground.

"Today, I will personally feel the emperor Antian, whether the so-called tenth emperor pass left behind by the mythical emperors of the sealing world is immortal!"

The emperor's might is boundless, and the eternal majesty is in the sky, and the dark sky the great emperor showed the infinite power of the emperor. He simply stretched out a hand, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a huge hundreds of thousands of miles, much larger than the star field. , Can cover a large area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles, it is far from describe that it is covering the sky with one hand.

The hand of the great emperor is flying around the most terrifying Supreme Emperor, with the supreme aura of crushing the eternal years and destroying everything, far better than the ancient king by many times.

The real imperial power!


The hand of the great emperor was slapped on the tenth emperor gate. I didn't see any imperial powers, but a simple slap with one hand, it was seen that the boundless sea of ​​chaos was exploded, and the entire tenth imperial gate was shaking. Now, let the seven great ancient kings of the sealed universe change their colors.


The tenth imperial gate has emperor light shining, which resolves this blow and offsets all imperial Dao impacts. Otherwise, such an ancient emperor's blow, even the seven great ancient kings, will be affected and injured.


The Great Emperor Antian gave a stunned voice and said: "The Tenth Grand Emperor's Pass is indeed a bit extraordinary, and it has withstood this emperor's blow, otherwise the emperor will be bombed here."

The seven great ancient kings were horrified, this is the real ancient great emperor, a simple blow, even the emperor who claimed to be a foot on the sole, could not bear it, to be bombarded, it is far more powerful than how many times.

"The Day of Eternal Darkness!"

At this time, Emperor Antian was also dignified a bit, and displayed the stunning emperor's magical powers. The boundless dark power attacked on the tenth level of the emperor's level, with the endless dark power, with the boundless supreme emperor. Force, tearing years, unimaginable terrible.

Even the emperor will be completely wiped out under this blow, because this is the real ancient emperor's blow, which is far more horrible than imagined, and bombarded the tenth emperor's level heavily.

The tenth emperor pass shook abruptly, with a ray of emperor light shining, continuously blessing, and this was slowly resisted.

This is the tenth emperor pass, even if the real ancient emperor came to knock at the pass, it was built by the joint efforts of several ancient emperors, and it was extremely immortal.

The Great Emperor Antian continued to take action, and even more Supreme Emperor soldiers appeared, and they recovered together, constantly bombarding the Tenth Grand Emperor's Pass. The great terror and destruction power called the Era of Annihilation continued to boil and shine, making the tenth level The imperial gate kept shaking, and the seven ancient kings on the imperial gate changed even more.

However, I was relieved that the Tenth Emperor Pass was resisted after all, and was able to continuously swallow the chaotic ancient energy of the Chaos Sea and convert it into energy, so even the Dark Sky with boundless power would have difficulty here. Really let the tenth Emperor Guan Dili wipe out and fall.

"Unexpectedly, the Tenth Emperor's Pass is indeed a difficult bone to gnaw, and it was a little bit beyond my expectation.

The Great Emperor Antian had to admit that the tenth Emperor Pass was immortal and frowned.

Although it was an enemy, he had to admit that the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass was difficult for an ancient emperor to break.

"But there is not much time left for us. Even if we violate some agreements, we must take action and go straight to Huanglong to seize the most critical'key'." The Great Emperor Antian said, his eyes became cold many times. , The emperor's body is still boundless, towering into the clouds, unimaginably huge, submerged in the sea of ​​chaos, and revealed its body.

It is the body of an unprecedented beast, similar to a human form, but full of endless darkness, like a product conceived from the darkness.

At the same time, a huge and wide river appeared, surging endlessly across the Chaos Sea.

Surprisingly it is the long river of years!

It can be seen to the naked eye that there are several strong dark figures on the river of time. Behind everyone, there are dark figures that are as majestic as the dark sky emperor. They are not human figures, as if they are several supreme supreme figures. The dark emperor of, stepping through the long river of years, came from the past, appeared in this life, all the emperor is boundless, appeared before the tenth emperor pass.

"The ancient emperor from the past!?"

The tenth Grand Emperor closed, not to mention other people, that is, the seven great ancient kings were greatly changed.

There is more than one Dark Sky Great Emperor, but also several ancient Great Emperors, and looking at the situation, it is clear that the ancient Great Emperor came from the past, there are as many as three.

It’s just that the powerhouses on this side of the sealed universe were surprised and wondered, why the Dark Sky Emperor summoned the three dark emperors from the past, instead of directly inviting other ancient ones from the Chaos Ancient Universe. Emperor.

It is important to know that it is not the creatures of this time and space. Even the emperor and the supreme immortal must pay a huge price before they can be exposed. The tenth emperor pass involves more than one ancient emperor. The power is even greater.

This is undoubtedly not worth the gain.

The three dark emperors who came from the past stepped on the long river of years nodded towards the dark sky emperor, and said: "You should also know in this life how much I have to pay in order to come to this life. After all, it is not in this life. People, there is also the one who is blocking the epoch of the sky."

When talking about that person, the three dark emperors all showed a deep jealousy.

The Great Emperor Antian also showed fear, even a hint of awe, but soon disappeared, saying: "Although the giant of the ancient universe of our world has cut through the ages and cut off the various epochs, but also the giant of the ancient universe of our world, how can you come over? "

"Indeed!" The three dark emperors nodded and said immediately: "But this time you will still pay a huge price. You must not forget the alien race."

"Three fellow Taoists, I understand." The Great Emperor Antian said, "Thanks to the three."

"You and I are the same kind of people. Let me wait to come from the past. I was acting against the sky and violating the rules of the sea of ​​chaos. A corresponding huge price was required, but with the promise of the existence in your ancient universe, We are naturally willing to take action."

The Emperor Antian nodded: "It's a pity that the emperor of the ancient universe of my world can't leave easily. Even if I leave, it is a reversal of the agreement. However, in order to carry out the plan smoothly, I have to do this. Please rest assured that once the plan is completed, I Jiegu Universe will definitely take action."

"it is good!"

The four ancient emperors nodded to each other and said some words that outsiders could not understand. However, everyone knew that the ancient emperor would not speak rashly, saying some useless nonsense, and the meaning behind it must be very significant.

"The four ancient emperors took action, even if most of the other three were unable to make a full move, but also be prepared. This time the tenth emperor pass is likely to be broken!"

The tenth emperor closed, the seven great ancient kings were solemn and solemn, all of their spirits rose to the extreme, and the king's Tianwei broke out.

At the same time, the Human Emperor Pagoda revived on its own and bloomed with the Supreme Emperor's might.

In the world of the tenth emperor gate, the eternal immortal world tower also swayed, as if the power of the endless world was coming, blessing the tenth emperor gate.

"Break open the emperor pass and take the'key' straight away!"

The dark sky emperor spoke indifferently, plus the three dark emperors from the past, all standing in front of the tenth emperor pass, the four most terrifying supreme emperors suddenly erupted, shocking the heavens and the mighty chaotic sea, directly Aim at the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass...

On this day, a shocking news that shook the entire Chaos Sea spread.

As far away as the Ten Heavens Realm, the heavenly emperors and immortals in the world heaven and earth in an unknown place have also known through some the tenth immortal frontier of the sealed universe. After being broken open, a foreign ancient emperor shot, more than one person, hundreds of millions of army commanders drove straight in, the ten-fold emperor Guanshishan blood sea, soon will be captured, the universe of the heavens and the infinite universe, will soon be charred! "

All the heavenly emperors and immortals looked towards the human race.

Because the closed universe is the ancient universe of the human race!

In the same way, the Human Race naturally received this news, even the most stable old antiques, even the immortal kings, who were high above and immortal, showed unprecedented shock.

The sky has changed!

After a full epoch, the ancient alien universe once again launched an invasion of the sealed universe, and broke through the tenth most solid imperial gate, and drove straight ahead.

The universe is in danger!

(End of this chapter)

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