Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2600: Summit meeting!

In the emperor realm where the Qin family of the emperor clan was located, there was a tremendous amount of coercion that spread slowly on this day, and to other ancient realms of the sky, the vastness of the supreme emperor made the heavens and stars dim in an instant.

The Primordial Kings in the ancient realm of the imperial clan were all shocked, looking at the direction of the ancient realm of the Eighth Heaven Realm.

Just in awe, with a little complexity, it also seems to be a special kind of gloat.

However, the strong on the side of the fairy clan, especially the Primordial King, showed a solemn color.

"It's not surprising that the foreign race made an attack on the sealed universe, but it dared to appear a supreme of the ancient emperor's level. The last time it was only the projection of the ancient emperor." An ancient king of the immortal race opened his mouth, glancing at his eyebrows, not just daring to confront Sealed universe is as simple as taking action, and the things behind it are far more complicated.

The Primordial Emperor of the Immortal Clan where Chu Shenjun is also frowned: "The Ancient Alien Universe set off like this, and he clearly ignored the agreement made at the end of the last epoch. Is it really going to provoke the majesty of my prehistoric immortal world?"

"Let's just wait and see the news, the ancient alien universe is so bold and reckless, how can the giants in my prehistoric immortal realm sit idly by." Another Immortal Primordial King also spoke.

"But now it is more important to see if the sealed universe can withstand this catastrophe, and the current human race!"

The primordial kings of the heavens are all closely following the movements of the human race.

How could they sit idly by when their hometown is in trouble and the universe is invaded by aliens!


From this day on, in addition to the fallen king of the Xiao family, the nine great emperors of the human race, the other eight great primordial emperors and the Tongtian emperors have all gone far, and rushed to the emperor realm of the emperor Qin family for the first time. In the hall, I saw the unphased king who ruled the world.

"The Primordial King of Human Race has left, and it seems that he has really received the corresponding news."

Outside, the heavenly emperors, immortals, and royal families are all closely watching, but it is a pity that the most peak of the ancient kings of the human race are in the ancient realm of the Qin family. While sitting in town, even the Primordial King dare not enter.

However, whether it is the emperor, the immortal, or the Primordial King that originally existed in the ancient realm of the ten-day realm, their eyes pierced the infinite sky, looking at the Qin family emperor realm, paying close attention to all this.

In the emperor hall, the Wuxiang emperor sat on the emperor seat, and all the supreme emperors were restrained, just like ordinary people.

On both sides, there is a row of Void God Seats, and the Primordial Kings of the Human Race sit on the Void God Seat.

It's just that, including the ten kings of the worldless emperor, no one can be peaceful, all of them look unparalleled and solemn, rare in ancient and modern times.

Because something happened to the human race, to be more precise, it was something that happened to the sealed universe, or the biggest shocking event in the history of this era.

There was silence in the emperor hall, the needle drop was audible, and the atmosphere was so heavy that it was hard to breathe even when the **** king entered.

It wasn't until a long time later that the Wuxiang King on the main seat slowly opened his eyes, looking extremely deep, with a rare trace of fatigue in his tone: "Confirmed."

The simple three words, like the fall of the ancient emperor, had a huge impact on the soul of the Primordial King of the human race present, even if they had known it for a long time, there was still a paleness on his face at this moment.

A white-haired human king couldn’t help being sad: "My human race finally ushered in the golden age in the ten-day realm, eradicating all the foreign races in this world, but now it is facing such a crisis, is it true? Don’t you want to destroy my human race?"

Yes, the human races in the ancient realm of the ten-day realm are so powerful and incomparable. There is a single king of no-phase kings. Ten thousand races bow their heads. In the glorious years, ninety-nine percent of the foreign races have been wiped out, and only a handful of people remain. Escape with the help of the five alien emperors.

It is almost foreseeable that in the coming years, the ten-day realm will be the golden age of the human race, and it will become more and more powerful with the passage of time, becoming a powerful pillar in the future sealed universe.

However, it has only been a long time since it has been more than ten years before the sealed universe has encountered such an unprecedented disaster.

When the aliens knocked on the pass, the eternal and immortal Tenth Imperial Pass had directly collapsed, and hundreds of millions of army commanders drove straight in. There was an army of hundreds of millions that was far more terrifying than the tens of millions of soldiers at the fortresses fortresses for more than ten years.

Under the leadership of the ancient alien emperor, the sealed universe can be regarded as dangerous.

Especially in the current world, there is no other emperor in the sealed universe, there is only one current supreme emperor, how to stop it?

The ancient king of the Angel Emperor clan said in a low voice: "The foreign race used the ancient emperor, it is the dark sky emperor, and it seems that there are three mysterious emperor-level existences that have come across the long river of years, regardless of the huge price of reversing time and space, otherwise I How could the tenth Grand Emperor Pass of the Sealed Universe be broken open!"

The tenth emperor pass was built by several ancient emperors at the end of the myth. It is extremely stable. Even if an ancient emperor comes with the supreme emperor's army, the sealed universe is fearless, but several great emperors come, It's another matter. The consequences are far more serious than imagined.

Even the tenth Emperor's Pass was broken because of the combined forces of these several great emperor-level supreme.

It’s just that the Primordial King of the Xia Family couldn’t help saying: “One thing that is very puzzled is that although the alien race used four ancient great emperors to take action, the tenth emperor gate was suppressed by the emperor of the world, and the tenth emperor The imperial gate was built by the mythical emperors himself, and the imperial army tower of the time-space emperor in the imperial gate is also blessed. Even if the emperor wants to break through the city, it is extremely difficult, especially the other three ancient emperors have come over the years. , It is not the creatures of this life time and space, and even if they shoot, they will be greatly In this case, even if the alien race came from the heyday of the four ancient great emperors, it may not be able to break open. "

In the same way, this is also a point that makes all the people present here start to be surprised.

They are not Tongtian Kings such as the native kings of the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Realm, nor are they the worldless emperors who left the sealed universe before the establishment of the 10th Grand Emperor Pass or the fallen non-phase kings who left the sealed universe to go to the Ten Heavens realm. Before the Ancient Territory, I personally visited the Tenth Imperial Pass and knew a lot about the immortality of the Tenth Imperial Pass. It was one of the nine legendary immortal passes.

More importantly, in the tenth emperor pass, there is the world tower of the time and space emperor. That is the emperor soldier of the strongest emperor in time and space. It is far better than the ordinary supreme emperor. It is blessed with the master emperor tower. The tenth Grand Emperor Pass.

What's more, the world where the Tenth Imperial Pass is located is an emperor realm.

The immortal heavenly gate under the blessing of the two supreme imperial towers and the great emperor world is so stable. Unless the side of the sealed universe actively opens it, even the five ancient emperors will not be able to break it.

(End of this chapter)

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