Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2691: After the blood!

In the following time, Ye Chen began to counterattack, and in turn attacked the quasi-kings of the emperors of the heavens and the immortals who were hunting down.

Naturally, the quasi-monarchs in the early and middle stages are specially selected for the battle, and the quasi-kings in the later stages are no longer opponents.

However, because of the fall of Huang Hua's quasi-king and Hongwei's quasi-king, all the quasi-kings in the early and mid-terms are organized, and they directly display the power of the rule of the king, even if Ye Chen wants to kill, it can't be completed in a short time. .

Having said that, but with the help of a few giant soldiers and lightning-like sneak attacks, these quasi-monarchs were quite anxious and had a headache.

Among them, several quasi-kings suffered heavy losses, and even one quasi-king was almost killed in the early stage, paying a huge price.

At the very least, even if you want to chase Ye Chen, it's not that simple.

So, seven days have passed.

At the same time, Ye Chen also split his mind. The spirit of the Chaos God King and the Supreme Chaos Body appeared in the Great Chaos Cauldron, and formally attacked the Zhunwang Hongwei and Zhunhuang Huanghua, and the goal was their original world.

He did not hesitate to be exposed, and he had to complete the last step to make the chaotic universe reach one hundred thousand li in diameter.

At that point, when he confidently expanded to a diameter of one hundred thousand miles, the diameter was also qualified to complete the accumulation and carry out the impact of the tenth God King's Tribulation.

On this day, when Ye Chen appeared in an empty place with a radius of a million miles, he suddenly paused, looked into the depths of the million mountains, and said: "Since it's here, why hide in hiding? Come out."

"As expected to be the Saint King of Fighting, he is sharp enough that you have discovered our existence."

Distorted in the void, a series of powerful figures came out one after another. There could be more than a dozen, at least the Seven Tribulations Super Divine King. There were even five of them were the Divine King Laoguo who was in the realm of Great Britain. One was Quasi-king.

Zhu Qiang is based on quasi-monarchs.

Ye Chen looked calm and said: "Why are you here?"

"Why did you come here? Don't you know the fighting holy king?" The quasi-king chuckled.

It is worth mentioning that this rare female quasi-prince was born beautifully and out of dust, dressed lightly, with enchanting plump body, showing her delicate body like warm jade, carrying a **** sword, However, bloodthirsty killing intent radiated from his eyes.

Obviously, this is a female quasi-prince who is resolute in killing, not to be underestimated.

"My name is blood queen!"

The quasi-female king took the initiative to report her name, as she was named, and even the war skirt she wore was blood-colored, and her hair was covered with monsters and blood, which was terrifying.

Feeling the **** aura coming to his face, Ye Chen's expression also showed a little solemn meaning: "After the blood, I have heard of you. You are the quasi-king of the blood emperor, and you can enter the realm of quasi-kings as a female. In, you can be called the eternal pride."

As a matter of fact, the generation of quasi-monarchs is all the eternal arrogance, and it is also rare in the ages. I don't know how many years will be able to give birth to a person who has the best chance to become a primordial king.

However, the Queen of Blood is one of the best, a stunning and enchanting quasi-king.

She has always been known for her killing and decisiveness, and she is even better than Shimoxuejun.

"It turns out that the Saint King of Fighting has heard of my name. It's really an honor for me."

The blood queen giggled, and the figure wrapped in the blood-colored war skirt was forward and backward, plump and graceful, with a special charm.

This is not just a quasi-female king, but also an enchanting peerless woman with a worldly beauty. A smile at this moment can be said to be a bright smile and a bright smile, so that the immortal **** king who is present will be dumbfounded. Up.

It’s not that their concentration is not enough. On the contrary, a person who can become a king of gods, who is not a big figure with incomparable concentration, but under the charm of the blood queen, everything seems to be so ruined. Rotten, vulnerable.

Ye Chen also seemed to be silly.

call out--

At this moment, the blood sword in the hands of the Queen of Blood pierced out, piercing Ye Chen at an astonishing speed, pointing to the center of his eyebrows, to kill his soul.

This blow is fast, accurate, and ruthless!

Even if the same quasi-king was hit, he would be hit hard if he didn’t die, with the most terrifying quasi-king killing intent.

But at the moment when he was about to hit, Ye Chen's figure suddenly moved, avoiding the sharp sword of the blood queen, and then a huge chaotic light burst out from the center of his eyebrows. It was a great cauldron, a great chaotic cauldron.

The great chaos cauldron descended from the sky with the vast ancient chaos aura, and also had extremely terrifying laws of chaos, with the power of destruction to annihilate the great world, directly bombarding the blood queen below.


With a snort of the blood queen, the blood sword picked up, and the surging power of the quasi-king was blooming, facing the chaos cauldron.


The millions of mountains collapsed directly into the sky, unable to withstand the collision of the two quasi-monarchs.

By his side, the **** kings who were originally prepared to support the blood queen were all disillusioned, and they regressed for the first time and did not dare to blend in with it.

Because this quasi-monarch battle was so terrible, they did not dare to approach it easily, otherwise even a simple aftermath would be enough to cause them to be severely injured.

In fact, it is true, Ye Chen never put these **** kings in his eyes.

Although he is also the King of, his combat power is completely beyond.

The figure behind the blood had a meal, and the enchanting figure sank halfway.

This is amazing. She is a quasi-king, and she is also a generation of quasi-kings famous for killing. Even other quasi-kings will be afraid of her a bit, but now she is suppressed by a younger generation with a great chaos cauldron. Enough to shock the world.

"Well, Fighting Saint King, you are unexpectedly powerful."

Bloodthirsty appeared on the enchanting face of the Queen of Blood, looking at Ye Chen as if looking at a prey, full of wariness, with interest, raised a charming and **** smile: "It is also Therefore, I am more and more interested in you."


The blood sword shook suddenly, and countless paths splashed, carrying the chain of order, flashing.


At this moment, the Empress of Blood, with a seemingly weak arm, blasted the Great Chaos Cauldron up, and the ancient Chaos Qi was destroyed by the blood.

Ye Chen was startled, the fighting power of this blood queen was much stronger than he thought.

Even the first demon blood king and the quasi-prince Hongwei that he faced back then seemed to be inferior.

The blood queen sneered: "The fighting saint king, although you are very strong and can use the strength of the nine calamities to defeat the quasi king, you must understand that even if the quasi king has only one realm, there is a gap between the quasi king and the quasi king. I'm not the Tianpeng Demon Lord and Bingjun you defeated in the first place."


With a wave of the blood sword, there were countless epee lights in an instant.

Each layer carries the breath of the sea of ​​blood, and the path of the blood queen is vaguely presented. It is a horrible existence that tramples on hundreds of millions of creatures to ascend the quasi-king, indeed even more than the original Tianpeng Demon Lord and Ice Lord. As powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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