Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2692: Zeng successively cut 0 **** kings!

Chapter 2692 I have cut a hundred **** kings!

It's just that Ye Chen has gone through endless killings, step by step, is it not the strongest who has emerged from many life and death battles.

Facing the sword of the Queen of Blood, he flicked his finger, and suddenly hundreds of millions of Chaos Sword Lights collapsed and collided with the Scarlet Sword Light.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The Chaos Sword Light collided with the Scarlet Sword Light, as if countless worlds were collapsing, overflowing with unparalleled destruction power.

Here, the enchanting and peerless posture of the Blood Empress walked calmly among the countless sword lights that were constantly flashing and shattering, walking leisurely, even in the densest place of sword lights, it was far from hurting him at all.

It can be said that her figure is extremely strange.

Not long after, I came to Ye Chen not far from him, smiled, and looked forward to shining brightly: "Battle Saint King, your fighting power is much more powerful than I imagined, I really don’t know you are How to do it, is it true that the people who practice the Chaos Avenue are so against the sky?"

While talking, she shot again.

The hair fluttered and turned into a sea of ​​blood in the blink of an eye, submerging nine heavens and ten places. There are endless corpses everywhere, including mortals, demigods, gods, saints, etc., and even the kings of heaven, power, and gods. , Densely packed, countless, floating in the blood.

More than thirty or forty people emerged from the King of Gods.

Obviously, they were all the powerhouses killed by the blood queen on the path of proving the way, and they accumulated into such a sea of ​​corpses and blood, waiting for the quasi-king domain of the blood queen.


Suddenly, the endless corpses floating in the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain were suddenly resurrected at this moment. There are gods kings, and there are more than a hundred corpses, from the **** king of one tribulation to the **** king of nine tribulations. Yes, some even surpassed the Nine Tribulations God Kings. They are the perfect God Kings who complement their bodies and are even stronger.

The corpses of these gods all possessed wisdom, and they all culled Xiang Ye Chen.

There are countless other great abilities, kings of heaven, etc., and they are culled frantically.

"Successfully slashed a hundred **** kings, but it is against the small **** kings of the ten-day realm ancient realm. How can this blood queen kill so many **** kings?"

Ye Chen's expression was serious. He felt that the Queen of Blood was more difficult than he thought. This can be seen from the number of Divine Kings killed. At least he had never killed so many. God king.

But there was no fear. When I stepped forward, there was a loud bang, the chaotic light exploded, and it rushed to all parties. It directly turned into a phantom in the chaotic world, covering oneself, and also all the corpses that rushed over. Hanging out.

Even the most powerful corpse of the **** king is absolutely impossible to enter.

"After the blood queen, you should also know my strength. If you only have this strength, you should take it back. You can't kill me." Ye Chen said coldly.

"It's really good."

A sound of charming bone came into my mind, it was the queen of blood, and her figure moved, as if a flash of shock, she stepped into the chaotic realm.

When the blood sword slashed, it was Shengsheng splitting the Chaos Domain, and walking in alone, shocked Ye Chen.

The strength of this blood queen is beyond imagination.

However, he was not afraid, and he had already summoned the Great Cauldron of Chaos and returned with a terrifying ancient chaos aura.

And there was a divine sword in his hand, which was made from the condensed blood of his own body, with a blazing chaotic brilliance, facing up with the magical powers of the emperor Ye Family's swordsmanship.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

In this way, the two fought in the realm of blood sea, flashing thousands of rounds in the blink of an eye.

During the period, the strength of the blood queen was amazing. A slender jade hand that looked soft and boneless was holding the great chaos cauldron that entrained the monstrous chaotic ancient pressure with one hand, preventing it from being truly suppressed.

The other jade hand was brandishing a blood sword and constantly fighting Ye Chen. There were countless sword glows that were wantonly gushing out, shattering everything in the world, shocking.

Ye Chen sighed. He didn't expect the blood queen's combat power to be so strong that one hand could actually fight him like this, which really caused him a headache.

What's more special is that by this time, he had never seen the blood queen used the power of the rule of the king.

Could it be that this blood queen hasn't cultivated yet?

Ye Chen's handprint changed, and a Zhentian seal appeared, resembling a human imperial pagoda, with thirty-three floors, and also possessed strands of supreme aura, with chaotic light, a powerful bombardment, killing to the blood Rear.

It's just that the blood queen has extremely rich combat experience, and the blood sword's body is soft, and it is actually bent, from bottom to top, facing the bottom of the Zhentian Seal, and it is picked up.

However, at this time, Ye Chen was already close to him with several terrifying supernatural powers before blasting away, carrying the most terrifying power.

"What a fighting saint king, even though you have repeatedly estimated that you are strong, I still look down on you a little bit later."

The slender and charming eyes of the Queen of Blood blinked, and the light of the rippling eyes condensed slightly, but the expression remained unchanged, with a full smile, with a charming smile enough to make all men soft, and the cherry lips opened slightly. An innate essence appeared.

As soon as this innate essence came out, it turned into a blood-colored light curtain, and numerous Dao runes appeared, seemingly insignificant, but they resisted Ye Chen's many attacks.

"So strong!"

As strong as Ye Chen, they have to admit that the fighting power of this blood queen is amazing, stronger than Tianpeng Demon Lord, Ice Lord, even the beginning of the Demon Blood Lord and the Hongwei Quasi-king are also inferior~www.wuxiaspot. com~ made him suddenly feel a sense of powerlessness.

However, he is a person who is known as the King of Fighting Saints, who is a line of fighting Saints, who is undefeated in ten thousand battles, how can he give up easily.

"Chaos Yin and Yang kill!"

Ye Chen yelled, the left hand evolved the lunar yin, the right hand evolved the sun, turned into a yin-yang Taiji diagram, the horrible power of yin and yang rotates and adds to each other, and the black and white light flows, which is a strong bombardment on the blood-colored light curtain.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Under a series of extremely terrible collisions, the blood-colored light curtain finally couldn't bear it, and began to shatter, turning into pieces of blood-colored light pieces, which drifted away with the wind.

At the same time, Ye Chen was already near the blood queen, showing the most terrifying close combat of the Eucharist.


At the critical moment, the white palm of a suet jade after the blood collided with Ye Chen, and the quasi-king mana exploded, tearing the sky.

The Queen of Blood was hit hard, although she had never been injured, it was just like a weeping willow body flying upside down, it was difficult to continue like just now, one hand held the Chaos cauldron, and the other dealt with Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen was also shocked, because the other party could fight him close without bleeding, even the previous King of Blood of the Devil and the King of Hongwei could not do this step.

All this proves that the opponent's physical body is very strong and should not be underestimated.


When Ye Chen's figure moved, he appeared on the Great Chaos Cauldron.

With a big foot, the chaotic cauldron of time bloomed with terrible chaotic light.

The law of chaos appeared, and there were ten thousand waves of fluctuations, and if ten thousand were sinking, it was heavily pressed against the blood queen below.


The Queen of Blood snorted, his face turned pale, the enchanting figure retreated, and a ray of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and finally began to get hurt.

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