Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2732: Because I am their master!


   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Chen leaped across the two heaven-defying kings, including the Blood Empress and the Haotian God of War, and even after the old man Xuandao broke, he suddenly appeared in front of the three quasi-lords.

   "Fighting Saint King, you--"

   The three quasi-monarchs were all taken aback. At this time, they were also stunned by the internal defection, and they could only barely stop them for a while.


   However, Ye Chen abandoned the other two quasi-monarchs and aimed at Xu Que.

   For Xu Que, the quasi-prince of the fairy clan, Ye Chen was the most upset, and was the first quasi-king who wanted to kill.

   Trinity, directly violently against Xu Que shot.

   Like the three quasi-monarchs, the strongest players in the late stage. Although Xu Que reacted in the first time, he was still a little too late. He only had time to roar, desperately using all kinds of immortal magic powers and even the rules of the king to resist.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   Under the lightning strikes and collisions, under Ye Chen's most violent offensive, the quasi-king who was stronger than Xu Que was torn apart alive in his later stage.

   The great chaotic cauldron even shattered the divine body below its head, and the blood was rushing into the sky.

  The dignified generation of quasi-princes of the immortal clan, invincible in all battles, the future king of the ancients, but Ye Chen, a rising star, was bombarded to this point. It was quite embarrassing.

   "I'm not willing!"

   Xu Que yelled, his whole body exploded with infinite celestial light, cooperating with all the struggles of the powerful Dao body.

   "Send you to life!"

   Ye Chen exploded with the strongest combat power, and used such taboo magical powers as unfolding the universe. All the semi-regular spirits of the gods were completely integrated, and the battle was elevated to the most extreme in history.


   Xu Que, a quasi-king of the fairy clan, came to an end!

   The Great Chaos Cauldron had already swallowed all of Xu Que's flesh, bones and soul fragments like lightning, and a mark of quasi-king appeared on it.

   There is also a world of origin, which has also been accepted.

   With a flash of light, it was swallowed by Ye Chen's original universe, and a new round of expansion began.

   All these seem to be very long, but in reality all the battles ended in just a few moments.

   Taking advantage of the old man Xuan Dao delaying his blood, Haotian God of War, Ye Chen's figure flashed, and he returned to the Human Race Realm side.

   "Xingkong, Hengyu, why are you waiting for me to shoot!"

   The other quasi-monarchs on the side of the Alliance Army roared, and obviously they don’t understand the anti-war of these quasi-monarchs.

  Obviously it belonged to the alliance, but he had to take action against the alliance mercilessly, causing extremely terrible and heavy casualties.

   is the starry sky, the same is true of the ancient king, his expression suddenly becomes ugly.

   Among them, such as King Henggu, is even more so, because among them, the only heir, Hengyu, quasi-prince, shot.

   The great situation that the Alliance army had achieved, but because of this, it suddenly became disintegrated, with countless casualties.

   All of them are filled with boundless anger, slowly spreading, killing intent to the sky, sweeping down from the starry sky, making the entire expanse of heaven and earth plunged into silence.

   They were very angry, and they wanted to kill these betrayers who dared to go to war, and they wanted to kill them all.

   But it was forcibly suppressed again, standing in the starry sky, condescending, looking down at these betrayers who were always shooting, and said in a low voice: "Xingkong, Hengyu..., give me an explanation!"


It’s just that the seventeen quasi-kings of the starry sky, the quasi-king of Hengyu, etc., ignored them, and went straight across the sky to Ye Chen’s side, and many powerful men brought a world-destroying **** city and many terrifying warships. swing.

   Under the gaze of the crowd, the most powerful men who fought in battle respectfully bowed to Ye Chen and saluted them with a loyal tone: "Well, see the Lord."


   Both armies were dumbfounded.

   is the emperor of the heavens and the immortal kings are all surprised.

   Ye Chen sneered condescendingly: "Naturally, because they are all my servants."

   When this sound fell, everyone was dumbfounded.

   These strongest people have become the servants of the fighting king?

   Among them, there are seventeen quasi-kings, including the quasi-king of the starry sky and the quasi-king of Hengyu, all of whom are the future kings of the ancients.

When did    become?


   The ancient quasi-king also appeared, and he said faithfully: "I am also a slave to the Lord."

   Between the heaven and the earth, countless people were stunned, whether it was the human race or the heavenly emperors and immortals on the side of the alliance army.

   The spread of this incident is bound to cause an infinite storm.

  The dignified quasi-king has actually become the servant of the fighting sage king, and there are as many as eighteen quasi-kings.

   There is no lack of starry quasi-kings such as Dzogchen quasi-kings.

   What's more, there are a large number of kings of gods, powers, and kings of heaven.

   Such a force, not to mention the human army, is this coalition force that has turned to battle, and it is enough to counter the remaining alliance forces.

"Yes, at the beginning, the Fighting Saint King suppressed these powerful men with the body of the Saint King. It must be that time to take action and enslave one of them. As for those who have never successfully enslaved, such as Ice King, it is not that they were Is it refined into a quasi-king puppet? There is also a breath that belongs to them."

   Someone understands, thinks of a lot, especially thinking that the quasi-prince of the starry sky and others were once suppressed by the body of the holy king. UU reading

Ye Chen ran the Eucharist Regeneration Technique and the Tree of Life in his body to repair his injuries, and his breath returned to a state of superb state. He shot out loudly and echoed the world: "Human army, act with me, completely defeat the alliance army, raise me Terran is invincible!"

   "Promote my invincible human race!"

   The human army shouted loudly in unison, the voice resounding through half of the eighth day realm ancient domain.

   The situation that was originally defeated by every inch was reversed in an instant because of the battle of the Saint King, which greatly increased their morale and made their blood boil. They must follow the battle of the Saint King to kill, giving these alliance troops who dared to invade the human race an unforgettable lesson.

   A quasi-monarch on the side of the human race is full of powerful coercion, like a rainbow circling the sun, breaking through the clouds.


   Countless human tribes took the initiative to kill out of the fortress, there are also the Destroyer Legion, and even the most powerful people such as the heavenly emperors and immortals who were enslaved by Ye Chen.

  In addition to the human race, the number of **** kings exceeds three hundred.

   And the alliance side is completely at a disadvantage, especially Xu Que was killed by Ye Chen just now.

   "Kill, kill, kill!"

   The mighty human army rushed out, smashed the alliance army, and even the alliance strongmen who had been enslaved by Ye Chen turned back.

  In an instant, the mighty alliance army was crushed, with countless casualties, and many formations could not be saved.

   There are even more world-destroying **** cities and warships that were shot down, falling from the sky and turning into dust.

  PS: It’s been silent for a long, long time, and I plan to brew a longer burst, it depends on your support...

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