Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2733: The immemorial king who cannot sit still!

There is no doubt that the strongest alliance forces who were enslaved by the fighting and saint kings fell into battle, and the alliance forces were completely defeated and were chased and killed by the mighty human army.

   Rout, but sooner or later.

   This is useless even if there are two great quasi-kings, the blood queen and the Vast Sky God of War.

   In a battle of this scale, not to mention a quasi-king against the sky, even if a primordial king comes, it is impossible to reverse this situation.

   In the far air, countless forces have long been onlookers from far away, just like the war between the alien army and the human army.

   They are all watching the battle as judgments.

   It's just that the final result is still the same, and the Terran army defeated it.

   Terran, it's really going to rise in an all-round way!

   It's just that countless forces all raised their heads to look at the outer starry sky, and the figure of the king standing high above the heavens like a supreme god, looking down at the heavens, secretly sighed.

   Will these ancient kings really give up like this?


   Sure enough, at this moment, in the extraterritorial sky, there was a wave of unparalleled power that was slowly rippling over the vast starry sky.

   One after another huge monarchs are manifesting, like giants that are like chaos that open up the world, standing on the outer starry sky, overlooking the world.

   Outside the emperor realm, on the battlefield, everyone stopped chasing and fleeing, all of them looked up at the sky above their heads.

   The Queen of Blood frowned, the Haotian God of War sighed, and looked at Ye Chen and said, "Battle Saint King, your actions have already angered these Primordial Kings, so do it yourself."

   "Terran, stop!"

   A majestic shout suddenly exploded, echoing across the world, with a strong Emperor Tianwei, causing everyone on the battlefield to be frightened.

   Taikoo Sovereign finally couldn't bear it and wanted to intervene.

   Ye Chen also raised his head to look out of the field, but he sneered and said: "Continue to shoot and chase down the remnant party!"


   Although he was frightened by the actions of the Fighting Saint King who dared to violate the Primordial King, it did not prevent them from continuing to pursue and kill.


   The human army continued to chase and kill the past, countless magical laws bloomed, and the alliance army was dead again. I don't know how many strong people.

"you dare--"

   With a blast, the Primordial King descended from the sky.

   The king of heaven is incredibly powerful, tearing open the boundless sky, and even more endless power descends from the sky, rushing to the human army, to shelter the alliance army.


   Silently, the King of the Heavens appeared, and the heavenly might of the king, who was not weaker than the opponent, burst out, rushing over, and directly offset the power of the opponent's Primordial King.

   Numerous magical attacks fell on the Alliance army, and in the blink of an eye, they were killed or injured. I don’t know how many people.

   "Tongtian King, you--"

   The Primordial King on the side of the Alliance Army looked somber and almost roared.

  Tongtian King said indifferently: "Yigu, the Emperor Taikoo has a promise, and can't intervene in matters under the king. Are you going to break this promise?"

   The Alliance Army's Primordial King is the Emperor's Primordial King, called the Yigu King. He hummed his sleeves and sneered: "Tongtian, since our Alliance Army has been defeated and will retreat in the future, why do your human races have to fight hard?"


At this time, the King of Jiantian came, and he sneered after hearing the words: "Yigu, what you said is really ridiculous. My human race is bitterly forced? Don't look at how your races are coercing my human race. In order to fight for the death of the Tianling Mausoleum , And even more shamelessly united all races to form an alliance army to attack my human race. At that time, why didn’t I see you and said why the races are trying to force the human race. But now they are defeated, but the other way around. I have to say, As the Swire King, you are really thick-skinned, and the old man really admires it."

   Although he is the supreme King of the Ancients, the King of Jiantian is not at all ambiguous when he harms others.

   King Yigu is also in the first place, but he can't just watch the Alliance army be chased and killed by the human army, and among them are the strong men of their imperial clan.





   One after another, the Primordial King descended on this sky from outside the domain, and the boundless King Tianwei bloomed wantonly, deliberately guarding the alliance army, suppressing the human army, and preventing it from continuing to pursue and kill.

   "Human race, stop now, don't continue to shoot!"

   The primordial kings of the heavenly emperors and immortals shouted, with incomparable majesty, preventing the human army from pursuing and killing them.

   The extremely powerful king Tianwei is boundless and powerful, and every powerful person in the human army is under the boundless weight and is difficult to move, let alone continue to hunt down.

  Among them, the ancient kings were ruthless, and there was a cold voice, which contained the king's heavenly power. Many powerful people in the army of people coughed up blood and their faces were very pale.

   "I'm **** your uncle!"

   Sword Heaven King's face became gloomy on the spot, and he yelled: "I said that you primordial kings still shamelessly, so I allow you to push my human race bitterly, and I won't allow my human race to counterattack. I have a violent temper."

  He is ready to go, and he wants to kill directly, and give these shameless emperors and immortal primordial kings a meal.

   It's just that the dozens of Primordial Kings who have descended all showed killing intent.

   It would be okay for the King of Sword Heaven to take a shot at this time, and gave them a chance to take the opportunity to kill him, seriously weakening the human heritage.

   "I said, you ancient kings are really shameless!"

   Suddenly, a clear voice broke the peace between the two parties, which caught people's attention.

   is Ye Chen!

   He directly cursed the Primordial King on the side of the Alliance Army, saying that they were shameless.


   The power between heaven and earth suddenly increased many times.

   The Primordial King of the Alliance Army looked at Ye Chen condescendingly, without concealing his killing intent.

King Yigu even said coldly: "The mere generation of gods and kings dare to commit crimes and offend me and the Primordial King. If we don't take action, I really think that I and the Primordial King can be insulted. They will be killed today. Use this to punish."

   He shot and blasted directly at Ye Chen, containing the incomparable King Tianwei, and the rule of the king that emerged in the palm of his finger was hundreds of thousands of ways, enough to easily kill the Dzogchen quasi-king.

   said it was punishment, but it was just to find a suitable reason to take action against the Heaven-defying generation like Dou Zhan Saint King, in order to prevent this generation who was against the sky enough to reverse the tide of the battlefield to fully grow up.

"you dare!"

   The King of Sword Heaven drew out the Heavenly Sword, splitting out a magnificent kendo river like a galaxy, terrifying boundless, cutting the whole world in half straight, vast and mighty.


   King Yigu’s bombardment was blocked.

   The Primordial King, who is only on the side of the other alliance armies, said coldly: "Jiantian, today's fighting saint king must die anyway. The king must not be insulted, even if he is against the sky, he cannot change.

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