Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2734: Defeat the king in seconds!

They firmly determined this reason.

In fact, all this is just to kill Ye Chen.

For a long time, the things Ye Chen showed were too bad, making it impossible for them to continue to sit idly by. Today, no matter what, even if a huge price is to be paid, the Saint King of Fighting will be destroyed.

Otherwise, the character that will be repaid by the fighting sage king Jai Xuan, once fully grown, will at least be a generation of supreme in the future, which can be described as a huge threat to the emperor and the immortal.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Almost in the blink of an eye, there were a total of six Primordial Kings who shot together to kill Ye Chen together.

With such a peerless attacking power, even the King of Jiantian and the King of Tongtian can barely block half of it. The other three kings killed Nian and killed them. Everything turned into ashes. Even if the quasi-king was hit, he would die. Raw.


The old man Xuan Dao has also changed color. Facing this scene, even if he is a quasi-prince against the sky, he can't do it. Not only can it not be saved, but if he catches it, it will only cause himself to fall together.

"What a king can't be insulted! Today, I want to see what you primordial kings can't insult!"

Ye Chen yelled, and behind him, the reincarnation body of the great emperor appeared silently, and the immature little hand gently protruded, and the killing intent of the three great ancient kings was easily shattered.

Shock the world!

Fighting Saint King, the body of the Saint King, was too defying, and a single blow destroyed the attack of the three great ancient kings.

However, the Primordial King on the side of the Alliance Army had long anticipated it, and it was heard that the powerful emperors and immortals who had returned from the ancient road of the old origin learned that this saint ruler is so powerful that it can even fight with the worldless emperor. The original Emperor God I must have the absolute high-level combat power among the Primordial Kings.


In the blink of an eye, in addition to the two holding the Sword Heaven Emperor and the Tongtian Emperor, the other ten Primordial Emperors all shuttled and came to the front of the reincarnation body of the Great Emperor, and snorted coldly: "Even if the body of the Holy King is used , It is still dead today!"

Ten primordial kings joined hands on the body of the holy king.

But Ye Chen controlled the reincarnation of the great emperor to rise from the sky and rushed into the outer starry sky, saying: "Come on, there is the battlefield for me."

"it is good!"

There are also strong alliance forces here, and the top ten Primordial Kings are unwilling to affect these strong alliance forces, and have soared into the sky.

In the end, the deity of Ye Chen merged into the body of the emperor's reincarnation, and the two chaotic holy soul villains merged into one, reaching an astonishing level.

Although not as good as the real king's heavenly soul, it is also one of the best under the king.

Facing the ten ancient kings of the great emperors and immortals on the opposite side, the reincarnation of the great emperor looks as immature as a child, but at this moment, the power of the supreme-level physical body and the power of the original emperor are unified, even if the rules of the road are not as good. But the same is strong to the extreme.


A terrible day appeared.

The Sun King naturally also appeared, appearing beside the emperor's reincarnation.

"The Sun King!"

The twelve kings of the alliance army changed their expressions greatly, and the combat power of the sun king was quite abnormal.

Among them, King Yigu even shouted: "The Sun King, it's none of your business, it's a matter between me and the Fighting Saint King. He insulted the Primordial King. Today, no matter what--"


King Sun scolded and interrupted King Yigu directly, making the latter look very ugly, which was a shame.

But the next words of the Sun King made his look even more ugly: "The emperor must not be insulted. Even if you are a prince, you dare to call my name directly. Today you will die anyway."

Preemptive strike!

King Yigu added the unwarranted charge to Ye Chen, but now the King of the Sun is battling a tooth for a tooth, the same is true, and even more preemptively, proactively attacked and killed the past.


King Yigu really wants to scream, who are you now?

But the Sun King has already been killed.

Quiet like a god, and moving like thunder, the speed is unimaginable.

As if the years were going backwards, I came to King Yigu in the blink of an eye, and an unparalleled might hit his face, making him, the Primordial King, facing a huge crisis, and his back bones were chilling.

Let him actually give birth to a kind of unattainable feeling of the **** king facing the king!

How could the Sun King be so powerful! ?

King Yigu instinctively retreated almost immediately.

But at this time, a peerless war sword appeared in the hands of the Sun King. It was condensed from the rules of the Infinite Sun Avenue. It can be called the Sun Sacred Sword. Every strand of flame is condensed from the rules of the King, absolutely terrible.


The Sun King waved the Sun Sacred Sword, piercing the sky, shining the entire land of infinite stars, and making the heavens and stars dimmed instantly.

A long river of swordsmanship that did not know how many kilometers long appeared.

To be more precise, it should be said to be a long river of kendo. It is a long river of sacred flames of the sun, traversing the vast starry sky, shining on the heavens ~ and descending from the sky.

With the power to split the eternal years, he cut to King Yigu.

King Yigu felt an incomparable sense of crisis. It was the first time he had felt it since becoming a King of the Ancients. It was as if the ancient emperor made a shot on himself, his hair was terrifying.

Zheng Zheng Zheng -

Almost at the same time, a hideous chariot appeared in front of King Yigu, but it was able to envelop him. The whole body was covered with a zhengzheng battle armor, with terrible spikes extending out, with only a pair of dark wheels. It is intertwined with countless rules of the king.

Obviously, this is a king-class tank, and also a king's treasure of the tank type.

Even if it is not the Emperor's Immortal Soldier, it is almost the same.

"The Vault Breaking Chariot, Yigu was sacrificed at this time!?"

The other primordial kings were slightly surprised. They all knew the terrifying aspect of this ferocious chariot. To a certain extent, it was definitely a warrior of the Yigu King who fought the heavens. It was always invincible. Well-known.

Throughout the ages, there have been many powerful men who have been famous for being injured by this skybreaking chariot, and there are naturally no lack of ancient kings.

Unexpectedly, facing the Sun King, King Yigu took it out the first time.


The terrifying kendo flame river slashed on the dome-breaking chariot, and this dome-breaking chariot of the famous Chaos Sea flew directly backwards, and a terrible kendo gap appeared.


The dome-breaking chariot of the Megatron Chaos Sea was directly slashed into the air, a lot of flames appeared in the collapse, and many stars were collided.

Among them, the blood of the sky is blooming.

The ancient kings of the heavens were shocked.

Even with the Vaultbreaking Chariot protecting, King Yigu was severely injured?

Recommended reading: the new book "Yuan Zun" by the **** of silkworm potatoes and the new book "A Great Way to the Sky"

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