Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2739: Taeyang VS Tai Xuan!


This is everyone's evaluation of King Taixuan.

You must know that the body of the Holy Sovereign has just swept away a few great Primordial Kings, and easily crushed the flesh, possessing absolutely powerful combat power, but it is so vulnerable to the Emperor Taixuan. , To fly easily.

What level of power does King Taixuan's combat power belong to?


In the depths of the starry sky, the reincarnation of the great emperor reappeared and returned to the Sun King, not suffering much damage, but his expression was quite solemn.

Although I didn't use the origin of the emperor's way just now, and I was caught off guard by being killed, it was impossible that the ordinary king of the ancients could do it.

It is conceivable to know what level the Taixuan King's combat power has reached. Perhaps this is a great emperor who is comparable to the reincarnation of the emperor's origin or comparable to the level of the sun king.

This time, Human Race is in trouble.

"Be careful, Emperor Taixuan has followed the **** emperor to fight." The sun king said in a deep voice.

He followed the Supreme Emperor to fight the Chaos Sea, and he naturally understood a lot, and even knew the mystery not inferior to other emperors and Supreme Immortals.

At that time, the Sun King was still in the realm of kings. He followed the Taisheng Emperor and fought in the Chaos Sea. He gained great fame. He naturally witnessed the emperors of the Chaos Sea, the heavens and the ancient universe, and the supreme immortals. Less ancient kings.

Among them is King Taixuan.

The Emperor Taixuan of the year, like the King of the Sun, was the strongest person who followed the **** emperor to fight the Chaos Sea.

In fact, not any primordial emperor is qualified to follow the supreme to fight, especially the strongest emperor like the **** emperor, which is comparable to the supreme emperor, which is enough to prove the power of the supreme emperor.

Looking at the ancient kings, they are absolutely the strongest existence.

In those days, the Sun King even confronted the Taixuan King and almost broke out in a war.

But later the Sun King became the emperor, and one of the most powerful emperors second only to the Wuxiang King.

The Emperor Taixuan was muffling his voice to find a trace.

I thought that the two would never have a chance to meet again, but I didn't expect to meet in this life, this moment.

"It is said in the world that the God Emperor Clan came to two Primordial Kings this time, and it is true. On the face of it, there is a Primordial King, but in the dark it is a peerless king like the Taixuan King." The Jiantian King looked solemn.

The Emperor Taikoo, who is also a mythical era, naturally knows the terrifying aspects of Emperor Taixuan.

That is an absolute high-level existence in the domain of kings!

"It's not a big deal. The body of your saint ruler is indeed a bit unexpected." Emperor Taixuan's eyes flickered slightly, obviously he was quite interested in the body of the saint ruler.

"Although I'm slightly interested in your holy ruler's body, it's solved for now."

Emperor Taixuan was indifferent, stepping forward, and the terrifying king's heavenly power bloomed, far better than other Primordial kings, and he waved his magic scepter to shoot, and at the same time enveloped the four great Primordial kings of the human race.

This blow was extremely terrifying, and for the other Primordial Kings, it was not inferior to the Sun King.

Obviously, Emperor Taixuan's cultivation is absolutely unfathomable.


Naturally, King Sun would not watch King Taixuan make a move without stopping. He also stepped forward, cutting out the Sacred Sun Sword in his hand, and an endless stream of sun holy flame swept across.

Tai Xuan, Tai Xuan, the strongest of the two kings suddenly fought against each other.

They all belonged to the strongest of both sides, once they played against each other, they were far better than the ordinary kings.

A fierce battle is breaking out into the sky.

However, both the Sun King and the Supreme Profound King knew each other's strengths, just as the Primordial King was terribly destructive to the king, and he immediately rose into the sky and entered the deepest part of the starry sky to break out.

In the starry sky, the reincarnation of the great emperor, the king of Jiantian, and the king of Tongtian were left to confront the immemorial kings who had arrived.

"Senior Jiantian, Senior Tongtian, I'm coming to the main battle, please walk from the sidelines." Ye Chen controlled the emperor's reincarnation.

"it is good!"

King Jiantian and King Tongtian did not complain, and knew that it was indeed the case.

This rising star manipulated the emperor's strength behind him to be far superior to them.

In order not to delay time, I also know that other Primordial Kings are coming one after another, and these enemies must be resolved in advance.

The emperor's reincarnation directly burned the origin of the emperor's way.


The breath rises steadily, and suddenly rises to an unimaginable level.

The terrifying power directly covers the vast starry sky, and the heavens and stars can't bear this strong pressure, and I don't know how much it exploded.


There was only one simple person, and the emperor's reincarnation screamed straight into the remaining 18 ancient kings of the opponent.

Because King Henggu turned back later.

The King of Jiantian and the King of Tongtian, the ancient kings of the human race, swept from the side. The reincarnation body of the emperor was the main battle. The physical power, the power of the emperor's realm, and the power of the source of the emperor were all combined. On a superb level.

"Take action, kill him, support King Taixuan, kill King Sun!"

Eighteen primordial kings also held the same purpose, making quick decisions and solving them as soon as possible!


With a loud noise, the reincarnation of the great emperor made a move, as if the emperor descended, terrifying.

Even if the seven great emperors and immortal primordial kings bear the brunt of their efforts, they have endless rules of the king pouring down, and endless magical spells are blooming, flooding the starry sky, but they are not working.

The emperor's reincarnation body is too strong, especially in this state, it is almost as powerful as the Sun King and Taixuan King.

Moreover, because of the imperial Dao origin that burns a little less, the natural power is even greater.

Before all the magical powers really approached, they were cut off by the emperor world projection that bloomed on his body for more than half.

Even if the remaining attacks are strong, for the reincarnation body of the great emperor who possesses the supreme-level physical body, the effect is not great, and it is difficult to really hurt.

The emperor's reincarnation body could not use the magical powers of the ancient kings, and could directly fight in close combat.

The seemingly immature fist blasted out, containing the power of destroying the world.

The seven great ancient kings were swept away by the reincarnation body of the great emperor, and they all flew upside down, all with blood splashing.

The reincarnation body of the great emperor was about to win and pursue, but at this time, more than a dozen flaming light beams descended, all of which were the terrible offensives of other primordial kings, disintegrating the imperial world projection defense on his body and falling on him.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

After waves of terrifying offensives from the king, the reincarnation of the emperor was slightly damaged.

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