Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2740: Terran reinforcements!

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The reincarnation body of the emperor is always only one seventh of the supreme body, not the perfect body of the supreme body, otherwise there is no fear of this Hurt.

But it's just that, and it has not been able to cause much effective damage.

The two great ancient kings, Jiantian King and Tongtian King, kept making moves, interfering with each other's 18 ancient kings, making them unable to concentrate.

But even so, the powerful attacks of fifteen ancient kings crashed on the emperor’s reincarnation body. In the strongest state as powerful as the emperor’s reincarnation body, they were still injured, and there was continuous blood in the corners of their mouths. overflow.

This is all the blood of the reincarnation body of the great emperor, and every drop is extremely precious, containing the attributes of the emperor-level physical body, far superior to the primordial king.

The emperor's reincarnated body swallowed desperately, not to waste a bit.

At the same time, he shot extremely violently, and one person directly rushed into the ancient kings of the heavenly emperors and immortals.

"court death!"

King Henggu sneered, and the beast of the years behind was projected out, rushing towards the reincarnation of the emperor with the bright light of the years.

If the Sun King can make him feel frightened, but even if the body of the Saint King of Fighting Saint King is very powerful, it has not yet reached that stage.

Perhaps it was also because he had not really faced the reincarnation of the emperor head-on.

The terrible light of the years crashed on the reincarnation body of the emperor.

It's just that the reincarnation body of the great emperor is one-seventh of the supreme-level physical body, and the supreme life is infinite. The so-called years cannot have an effective influence on the reincarnation body of the great emperor.

However, the most terrifying thing is Ye Chen’s Chaos Soul, which is not a supreme soul after all. Even the Heavenly Soul of the Primordial King is not counted. Even if the emperor’s reincarnation is isolated from ninety-nine percent, there is only a trace left. A strand still fell on Ye Chen's Chaos Holy Soul.

He seemed to feel that his longevity had been deprived of a lot by the years, and suddenly he was a little more dying.

Time is like a sword to kill the arrogant!

Ye Chen was startled, he obviously didn't expect this scene.

King Henggu naturally felt it too. He laughed and said: "It turns out that the holy king is indeed very powerful, but the fighting holy king is far from reaching that point. Everyone, please take action to contain him. I will use the years After extinguishing the spirit of the fighting holy king, you will no longer be afraid of this holy king!"

"it is good!"

Other primordial kings naturally hate it, because only this holy king is the real greatest threat.


The remaining 17 Primordial Kings immediately attacked the past violently, desperately dealing with the reincarnation of the emperor.

Even the reincarnation body of the emperor in the strongest state can't resist the desperate attack of the seventeen primordial kings and nothing happens.

The emperor's reincarnated body is constantly coughing up blood, facing a difficult situation.


At the same time, Emperor Henggu's years of magical powers attacked.

The reincarnation of the great emperor staggered and coughed up blood, and the chaos holy soul was cut out of part of his lifespan, at least for five thousand years.

Although for him, the five-thousand-year lifespan is not much, and his cultivation is not enough for a thousand years, and the remaining lifespan can at least be hundreds of thousands of years.

But if he was deprived step by step, sooner or later he would be completely deprived of all his lifespan and died completely.

Relatively speaking, the age attacks of Emperor Henggu and his son Hengyu Quasi-Jun are completely insignificant and not worth mentioning.


The emperor's reincarnated body changed color, and the King of Jiantian and King of Tongtian also changed color, knowing that the situation was not good.

However, the two Primordial Kings Jiantian and Tongtian had nothing to do, and they were also disturbed by the attacks of other Primordial Kings.


In the end, the emperor's reincarnation had to intensify the burning of the origin of the emperor's way, and a faint light of the emperor's way emerged from the surface of the body, which deprived the emperor of Henggu's years and isolated.

However, the speed of burning the origin of the emperor's way was a bit faster, which made Ye Chen very distressed.


At the same time, in the deepest part of the starry sky, the battle between the two peerless kings has come to an end, with blood shining brightly from time to time, accompanied by the rapid dimming of patches of star field.

There are the Sun King and the Taixuan King.

To be able to fight the Sun Kings to this point, I have to say that King Taixuan is powerful.

But the Sun King is obviously more powerful, incarnate hundreds of thousands of miles of the sun, covering the starry sky, swallowing the sky full of stars, and accompanied by the peerless attack on the sun clock, making the King Taixuan fly upside down, with a lot of blood and light splashing. , Falling down.


Aiming at the timing, the emperor's reincarnated body soared into the sky, shattered the sky, and descended in front of Emperor Taixuan to show a peerless blow.

At the critical moment, Emperor Taixuan had only time to wave his magic staff to block.


After all, Emperor Taixuan could not completely stop him, there were blood flowers blooming on his body, which was very sad and beautiful.

"Monarch Taixuan!"

The other primordial kings rushed forward, preventing the emperor's reincarnation from taking advantage of the fire and encircling him.

I saw that the mighty and majestic King Taixuan was covered in and there were many wounds with deep bones appearing, and the scepter was cracked. It can be imagined how fierce the Sun King was.


The emperor's reincarnated body sighed secretly, if there weren't these Primordial Kings, he would do anything to kill the terrible Emperor Supreme Profound.

The Sun King descended from the sky, with blood on his body, but it was much better than the Taixuan King, and the bright golden armor was more and more unparalleled in the world.

Just as Ye Chen and the others wanted to strike while the iron was hot, and wanted to attack and kill, at this time, the starry sky quickly descended into a powerful Dao aura, and it appeared in the starry sky. It was the capitals of other primordial emperors and immortals. Has arrived one after another.

In the end, the number of Primordial Kings who descended at least exceeded half a hundred, and it can be said that most of the Primordial and Immortal Kings have arrived.

In comparison, the human race is just a handful of the four powerhouses of the Primordial King level. It can be called a single figure, and the number is pitiful.

The powers on the side of the alliance that had been defeated cheered, but the human side was plunged into absolute despair.

Facing the terrible number of Primordial Kings, the human army wanted to help, but it was too far away to really intervene.

But at this time, the Sun King is still very calm, not panicked at all, calm in his heart, and calmly said: "Please invite fellow daoists to come."


Between the heaven and the earth, a magnificent heavenly gate suddenly appeared, and it stood straight in the starry sky. It was so huge and boundless that it suppressed the heavens.

From it, one after another came out one after another with terrifying figures that overwhelmed the starry sky. They were the Primordial King.

Those are the ten great ancient kings of the mythical realm,

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