Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2759: Defeated the Emperor God!

PS: Two more in one, no more in the evening.

   This is especially true of the powerful men of various races who follow the descendants of emperors and daughters of various races.

   The quasi-princes and the like changed drastically.

   The expressions of the princes and daughters of the emperors of the heavens and the sons of the immortals are full of complexity and bitterness, even with a touch of despair that even oneself cannot deny.

The holy kings of fighting and fighting back then were able to push the heavens and the earth hard to find opponents. Even if they were the emperors, emperors, and heirs of immortals, few of them were his opponents. Almost all of them were pushed horizontally. Only the gods of Chu and the gods The emperor and other talents are opponents.

   Now twenty years have passed in a flash, and they have been ascended to the utmost in the grind left by their parents in the secret realm, far better than what they didn't know at the beginning.

Although after leaving the customs, I have heard of the brilliant achievements of the fighting king, but after all, there is a fluke mentality in my heart, thinking that the fighting king, who is not the son of the supreme heir, may have used other means to reach that step. The true state may not be the case. .

   But when I look at it now, all the fluke mentality is shattered.

   Fighting Saint King not only reversibly cut the quasi-kings back then, but now it is also a veritable quasi-king and the strongest among the quasi-kings.

   The quasi-monarchs are so powerful that they can hardly feel such a vast power among the quasi-kings of all races. I am afraid that only a handful of quasi-kings who reach the realm of transformation can truly be compared.

   Chu Shenjun, Shendizi, Yu Wudi, Huang Yao and the few emperors, emperors and heirs who have reached the realm of quasi-monarchs, also felt the huge oppression that felt like the pressure of Mount Tai.

   "A quasi-king, a young supreme, a chaotic young quasi-king, and even more terrifyingly unimaginable, a quasi-king, it cannot be treated with common sense!"

The hearts of some of the emperors and immortals who came here were all filled with deep bitterness. Facing such a fighting saint king, it was the emperors and daughters and heirs of the emperors of all races who accepted the limit and became stronger in the past twenty years. Many, but how to compete?

   The gap between the fighting and fighting holy king is probably the difference between the clouds and mud!

   is that the immortal kings of the emperors of the heavens and the immortals who follow are all discolored.

   In just two years, the Fighting Saint King Jing really took the last step and became a quasi-king.

   Isn’t the Primordial King just around the corner?

   Their killing intent was gushing, and they all fell on Ye Chen. Some people couldn't help but move and wanted to make a move to kill the most threatening fighting king.

   Otherwise, if there is a fighting king here, whoever is the emperor of the heavens, the sons of the emperors, and the descendants of the fairy dao, can fight for the "Supreme" fairy fate.

   It can be said that even the gods of Chu and the sons of gods have little hope.

   It was just that quickly, they all stopped their actions immediately, and they were even more frightened, because they felt a pair of high eyes falling on them, like an immortal king coming for nine days, looking down.

   They all found out that it was the Sun Emperor, and even looking at them, his eyes seemed ordinary, but they were so awe-inspiring.

   They have no doubt that once they dare to make a move, the next moment they will suffer the most terrifying attack from the Sun Emperor.

   And those who waited for the result, they were just the king, basically only one end--


  In an instant, the killing intent they gushed out was restrained, and they didn't dare to do so.

   Fighting Saint King is not a single person, with the entire human race standing behind him, with the body of the Saint Lord, and the back hand left by the Sun Emperor and the Wuxiang King, which cannot be hurt.

   On the sky, even though Ye Chen stood behind the Sun Emperor, the Sun Emperor could not conceal his edge. He was still so much eye-catching and attracted the attention of the heavens.

  Countless eyes fell on him, with murderous intent, envy, jealousy, admiration, helplessness, anger... and many other complex emotions in it.

   But what can't be concealed is that a touch of shock that overflows the watch.

   A quasi-king, a young quasi-king, and even a chaotic young and supreme quasi-king, the unprecedented ten-kilosis **** Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao became a quasi-king.

  Who knows how powerful the fighting sage king who reversibly slashed the quasi-king, now becomes the chaotic quasi-king?

   The late quasi-king?

   In the past, the Ten Tribulations God King was able to kill the quasi-king late, and now he has become the chaotic quasi-king, I am afraid that it will be beyond ——

   Dzogchen quasi-king! ?

   When this thought came to mind, suddenly almost everyone appeared uncontrollable in shock.

   Because it is too amazing.

   The Dzogchen quasi-king is the extreme end of the general quasi-king. Throughout the ages, not many people can become the heaven-defying quasi-king.

  The first-time quasi-king is not weaker than the Dzogchen quasi-king, it is absolutely impossible for the evildoer to do it.

   At the very least, the ancient emperor and the supreme immortal were among the quasi-kings in their youth, and few people can really do this step.

   But the Fighting Saint King has reached that level, maybe it is really possible.

   Many people secretly said in amazement.

   Behind the sun emperor, Ye Chen's entire body was flooded by the dazzling chaotic light, the law of ten thousand ways was emerging, and the ten-fold divine aperture was emerging, setting him off so supremely.

  He is unparalleled in power, condescending, standing with his hands behind him, Yuanzhu Yuezhi, he has invincible supreme power.

The deep gaze simply swept toward the emperors, sons and daughters of the heavens, the sons of the immortals, and others, and they felt the extremely terrifying sense of oppression, as if the gaze was a tangible substance, turning into a primordial star to press on them, causing them The body shape sinks, and the body is torn and shattered by the void.


too strong!

   This is also an invisible suppression, a manifestation of strength, and a manifestation of war.

However, even if the emperors and heirs of the emperors of the heavens have become the at least peerless gods, they are not afraid to face the peaks of the gods, but facing such a high and condescending battle, even if they are in the heart A bit angry, but sadly discovered that he can't even think of resisting at all.

   just because the gap between them is too big.

   is like a baby looking up at a giant. No matter how many people there are, the gap cannot be solved by the number of people.

They fully understood that the fighting sage king really wanted to take action. Except for the four quasi-princes of Chu Shenjun, God Emperor Zi, Yu Wudi, and Huang Yao, there were probably not many other emperors, emperors, and descendants of Xian Dao. Will be the all-in-one general of the fighting king.

   Yes, it is not a general.

   Although I don't want to admit this, I have to admit it.

  The Fighting Saint King is really strong enough to be unmatched.

   In this world, the younger generation is the only one who respects him!

   The release of power completely swept and suppressed the sons and daughters of the emperors of the heavens and the descendants of the Fairy Dao. Ye Chenruo, the ruler of this heaven and earth, made the powerhouses of the emperors and the immortals clenched their fists. He could not hate and killed this son.

   But he loosed his fist reluctantly.

  Because it can't be killed, even the Primordial King can't shoot.

   The Sun Emperor is too powerful, enough to sweep all the ancient kings.

   What's more, the fighting saint king has the most terrifying body of the saint king.

  The back hand of the Wuxiang King is still there.

   They all found helplessly that the final test actually didn't need to go on anymore. The fighting saint king was alone, and who could compete with it.

   I'm afraid that only the four of God Emperor Son, Chu Shenjun, Yu Wudi, and Huang Yao could have some resistance.

   It's not that I don't have confidence in the four, but that the Fighting Saint King is too evil.

   "Hahahaha, from the perspective of the Dragon Emperor, there is no need for the final test. Little Moon alone is enough to sweep everyone. You should leave quickly. Anyway, it is impossible to fight for the ‘Supreme’ fairy."

   The Emperor Corpse Eater has a big mouth, laughs, and enjoys himself.

   This made many people angry, but seeing the fighting holy king, full of anger and words poured into his throat, but they couldn't say a word, only full of bitterness.

   Yeah, the Fighting Saint King is so terrifying, who can fight against it?


   God Emperor Son, Chu Shenjun, Yu Wudi, and Huang Yao are naturally impossible to give up so easily. They are both quasi-lords. They don't believe that they will be much weaker than the fighting king.

   Even if he knew that the Fighting Saint King was the unprecedented Ten Tribulations God King Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, it was impossible to give up.


   At this time, Ye Chen looked at the **** emperor son, or to be more precise, looked at the Tai Cang quasi-prince behind him.

Tai Cang quasi-king was naturally shocked that Ye Chen actually became the strongest quasi-king in just two years. You must know that two years ago, he had just been promoted to the King of Ten Tribulations. At that time, if he hadn’t been six battles. Blocking the formation, even if it is difficult to fight the Saint King, it is enough to easily crush the opponent.

   But now, Ye Chen, who has become a quasi-monarch, seems to be unable to crush again as easily as before.

   "You really came too."

   Ye Chen showed a smile at King Tai Cangzhun, but it looked so rugged.

   The King Tai Cang frowned: "What do you mean?"


Without answering, Ye Chen's whole body moved abruptly, tearing through the layers of void, and at an incredibly fast speed, he leaped across the boundless sky, and came to the direction of the God Emperor Clan, and even came to Tai Cang. In front of the prospective king, a cold voice echoed in the sky: "Kill you!"


   Ye Chen, who had killed him in front of him, suddenly shot, a terrifying attack appeared, with infinite chaotic light, as if ten thousand realms appeared.

   If you don't make a move, you will take it. As soon as you make a move, it will be like a thunder.

   "Battle Saint King, enough!"

  The **** emperor son stood up and shouted, it was impossible for Ye Chen to attack the strong man of his **** emperor clan.


   He is like a rebirth of a **** emperor, like a **** coming to the dust, with unparalleled power and obstacles, it is also blooming with the terrifying power of the quasi-king, showing the power of the 18 rules of the king!

   "It is the power of the rule of the king, the true method of the quasi-king, and it is still a full eighteen ways, far better than the average quasi-king, comparable to the mid-term of the quasi-king, the strength of the **** emperor is too strong."

   In the scene, there were bursts of exclamation.

   The rule of the king, but the symbol of the quasi-king, is an upgraded version of the spirit of the **** king, once controlled, it has the strength to crush the **** king.

   And the number of rules of the king represents whether the quasi-king is strong or not.

   Generally, only the mid-level of the quasi-king can be used to display the rule of the 12 or more kings.

   It is conceivable how strong the **** emperor son is. Not only has he become a quasi-monarch in twenty years, he seems to have reached the mid-level of quasi-monarch, which is absolutely terrifying.

"Don't underestimate any emperor, emperor, or fairy, especially the heir of the strongest emperor and fairy king. The power of the supreme bloodline in them is much stronger than you think." Someone said in a deep voice. .

   Even after reaching the quasi-sovereign queen, they basically complement the Dao generations, and even the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao of the same rank can hardly gain much advantage.

However, the power of the supreme bloodline is always an advantage. It can still allow the emperor, the emperor, and the children of the fairy dao to control the avenue faster, and even some terrible generations can revive the father's power contained in the bloodline and perform it. .

The son of the **** emperor, this is undoubtedly that, activates the power contained in the blood of the **** emperor in his body, and there are also rules of the king in it, condensed, and it is easier to master the rules of the king than other quasi-princes who are not the sons of the supreme. , And it will be more powerful.

   As soon as the rules of the Eighteen Dao Kings came out, the sky changed immediately, and he rushed towards Ye Chen howling.

   God emperor son can be said to have used his real strength, even if he knew that Ye Chen was indeed very strong, but he firmly believed that he was not weaker than others, and he was the heir of the **** emperor, how could he concede defeat so easily.

   "Although both are quasi-kings, you are not my opponent."

   Ye Chen's expression changed a bit, he was rather indifferent, but he just popped his fingers, and easily bounced off all the rules of the king of the **** emperor.

   Accompanied by an extremely terrifying force rushed to the face and blasted the son of God.


The expression of the **** emperor changed drastically, the light of the quasi-prince on his body was actually shattered, and the huge force fell on him, and it seemed that dozens of rules of the king could be seen vaguely, and his expression couldn't help it. Amazed.


   The next moment, his whole person was blasted away, like a kite that went off the line, rushing back.

   Snap the finger to defeat the God Emperor!

   "Little ancestor!"

   The King Tai Cangquan directly took over the son of the **** emperor, but he also felt a huge force quickly passed out, his expression changed slightly, and he constantly shot to resolve this huge force.

   In the end, the **** emperor son was safe and sound.

   But the mysterious place exploded!

   All the attention!

   shocked the world!

   The dignified son of the quasi-monarch of the mid-term, the strongest of the younger generation, was actually bombarded by the fighting holy king, vulnerable!

   Do not say that it is the heir of the emperor of the heavens, the son of the emperor, and the heir of the fairy dao, even the ancient kings can't help showing shock.

   This kind of combat power, even the quasi-monarch late stage is difficult to achieve.

   Chu Shenjun, Yu Wudi, Huang Yao and the other four quasi-monarch-level emperors, emperors, and heirs of the Fairy Dao all changed their colors.

   They thought that even if the Fighting Saint King was stronger, they were both quasi-kings. They were not afraid at all, but now it seems that there is a huge gap that is insurmountable.

  The fighting king is so powerful?

   The **** emperor also changed color. I didn't expect Ye Chen to be so much better than himself. Is it really just the first step in the realm of the king?

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