Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2760: Ye Chen VS Tai Cang!

Ye Chen said indifferently: "God emperor, I was in the palace with you back then and had a cup of wine for friendship, I don't want to shoot you, leave quickly, otherwise I won't keep my hand next time."

   Hearing this, the son of the **** emperor changed his color greatly.

   Other people are the same.

   The flick of the finger blasted the **** emperor, this is still the situation where the fighting holy king has kept his hands, otherwise it is as strong as the **** emperor, and I am afraid that it will be hit hard.

"Yes, in those days, the Ten Tribulations of the Saint King was enough to defeat the quasi-prince, let alone the true quasi-king now, I am afraid that facing the Dzogchen quasi-king, it is enough to retreat. Although the son of God is very strong, But at most it is only at the mid-level of the quasi-king, and it is impossible to be the opponent of the fighting holy king. It is impossible to kill the **** emperor with the power of the holy king."

   Someone said in a deep voice, this was the words of a quasi-king in the later period, which made many people change their color, and the evaluation of the fighting king was really high.

   "Dare to hurt our little ancestor, fighting saint king, you are looking for death!"

   After putting down the son of God Emperor, King Tai Cang Zhun roared angrily, rushed into the sky, and actively killed Ye Chen.

   "Looking for death? You should be the one looking for death!"

   Ye Chen raised an icy smile at the corner of Ye Chen's mouth. He pursued and killed him several times that year. Now that he is promoted to the quasi-monarch, he truly has absolute combat power. How could he not revenge Ye Chen, and take revenge now.


   He attacked like a human-shaped real dragon, and also killed the King Tai Cang.

   "You are so courageous, junior, even if you truly become a quasi-king, but I am a Dzogchen quasi-king, and I can easily suppress you!"

Tai Cang quasi-king is cold, the prestige of the quasi-king erupts, and there are many rules of the king appearing in the raising of his hand. There can be as many as sixty-six ways, condensing into a huge world with more than 100,000 miles. The beast is the lion king.

   The lion king roared and shattered the sky, and a huge claw stretched out to cover a cloud and sky. The mighty power can easily severely injure or even kill the ordinary quasi-king.

   "Do you dare to show off your little vulture skills? It's ridiculous!"

   Ye Chen sneered, and there were also many rules of kings in his hand, turning into an ancient real dragon, as if it were real forever, with the ancient spirit of chaos, hundreds of thousands of miles long, a dragon swept its tail.


   The collision between the giant beasts of heaven and earth condensed from the rules of the two kings, the power is no less than the great collision of the late quasi-kings of the strongest, making the sky and the sky fall into a real big collapse.


  In the end, the lion king was swept away, and only the ancient true dragon soared in the sky.

   "Oh my god, the fighting power of the fighting king is really against the world, and even the Tai Cang quasi-king, such as the Dzogchen quasi-king, has blocked and repelled the attack, how powerful he should be."

   In the scene, everyone was shocked again and again.

   If you say that the emperor son of God is fine, although it is strong, it is only in the mid-term period of the quasi-monarch. The fighting saint king of the year can be reversibly cut into the late period of the quasi-monarch.

But Tai Cang Quasi-King is different. He is a veritable Dzogchen Quasi-King, a truly supreme power among quasi-kings, who has transformed the world by more than 90%, and is about to take the last step to become the eternal king of the ancients. Exist, the strength is far better than the **** emperor son, I don't know how much.

   But the attacks of the king, as powerful as Tai Cang, have been blocked?

   I have to say, this is quite shocking.

"go with!"

   At the same time, Ye Chen yelled, and the Primordial True Dragon that groaned up to the sky rushed over and killed the King Tai Cang.

   "Huh, what if you really have these means, but the Dzogchen quasi-monarch is still not a match for juniors like you."

The King Tai Cang snorted with an ugly face, and a fight appeared in his hand, bursting with infinite light, and one hundred and eight king rules emerged, covering him, as if a layer of king light was condensed. , The power has risen steadily, far better than I did not know just now.

   "Destroy Sun Tiange, cut!"

   Tai Cang Zhun King roared, Mie Ri Tian Ge angrily smashed down, swept across the sky with the power of destroying the sky and the earth, cutting the sky in half, and even to Ye Chen.

   "It's a good come, let's see how I can do everything!"

Ye Chen laughed loudly, and presented the Great Chaos Cauldron, blooming with infinite chaotic light, and even the phantom that envelops the heavens and worlds, descending from the sky, with boundless power, colliding with Mie Ri Tian Ge fiercely. .


   The most terrible collision exploded, and it was vaguely visible that many rules of the king were intertwined with each other, constantly colliding, just like a quasi-prince colliding wantonly, and the power exploded.

   This piece of the sky was directly sunk, and it is still spreading out, to completely suppress all tangible and intangible things.

   At this time, the Sun Emperor took action to suppress all the power within a range, and could not really spread it, otherwise even the emperor, emperor, and fairy tale heirs in the scene would be afraid that a large number of them would die.

During this time, Ye Chensi was unscathed. He was wrapped in tens of thousands of ancient chaos, like an immortal emperor, and laughed loudly, full of joy: "What a great this great perfection with you The quasi-monarch is happy to fight, come again!"

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   Ye Chen was brave and unparalleled, and constantly shot, colliding head-on with King Tai Cangquan.

   Tai Cang quasi-prince also had a solemn expression, did not dare to be careless, waved Mie Ri Tian Ge, no longer reserved, and tried his best to shoot.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   The terrible war of quasi-kings is unfolding, and it is still an extraordinary war of quasi-kings.

Because the Tai Cang quasi-king is a Dzogchen quasi-king, the strongest among the quasi-kings exists, and the fighting sage on the other side is said to be a new quasi-king, but the strength is not inferior to the Tai Cang-quan. king.

   And in the war, he was inextricably killed with the Tai Cang quasi-king. From the sky to the earth, it is not to destroy the world and shatter the world. That kind of power is far beyond the ordinary quasi-kings.

   "Emperor God Hand!"

   The King Tai Cang quasi yelled and displayed the emperor magic power of the **** emperor clan, combined with the power of many kings' rules, it can be said that this emperor magic power was used to an extremely terrifying level.

The big hand that    protruded is all intertwined and branded with dense Dao patterns, and the rules of the king are constantly flashing, which is enough to crush the world on one plane and kill the ordinary quasi-king.

   "Shake the sky!"

   Ye Chen attacked the hand with his hand, displaying the heaven-shaking hand in the holy method of fighting and colliding with it.

   In the blink of an eye, both sides collided hundreds of times.

   There are terrible collisions of the rules of the king again and again, and the horror of the destructive power that emerges here can definitely be called earth-shattering, and the emperors, emperors, and heirs of the heavens have even changed their colors.

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