Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2761: The suppression is too great!

The emperors and daughters of the heavens and the sons of the immortal Dao only felt the aftermath of random waves, and it was very likely that they would suffer severe injuries or even vanish.

"It's terrible. Not only has the Fighting Saint King become a quasi-king, he is also not an ordinary quasi-king, but a real battle with the Taicang quasi-king, isn't it because the strongest of the Dzogchen quasi-king level failed?" Dao, I was really surprised at how powerful Ye Chen was.

   The other emperors, emperors and daughters of the immortals all showed a bitter smile.

   Although the fighting sage kings were stronger than them, they were still able to beat them, but now the distance between them seems to have reached a realm beyond the reach of the dust.

   "Shake the sky!"

   "Cut the sky!"

   "Zhentian Seal!"


   "Ten Thousand Worlds!"

   "Cosmos style!"


Ye Chen fought against the Tai Cang quasi-prince, and in the blink of an eye, a kind of supreme supernatural power was displayed. Along with the rule power of the ruler, the mighty power rises steadily. It is far better than ordinary times. The power of the offensive is unparalleled, crushing nine heavens and ten earths, and pushing it horizontally.

On the other side, King Tai Cang did not dare to be careless. He saw the terrible place of Ye Chen, and kept making moves. The terrifying magical powers were also constantly displayed. Here, billions of brilliance are surging, belonging to the level of Dzogchen quasi-king. The battle of the pinnacle.

   In the blink of an eye, thousands of tricks passed.

   From beginning to end, they are always in a matchless position.

   All the heavenly emperors and immortals are paying close attention, and there are also many forces on the edge of the mysterious land to watch the sky screen projection to watch this summit duel at the Dzogchen quasi-king level.

   This level of battle is no less than the Primordial King, and is a rare peak battle in the ages.

   In this battle, there are often rules of kings flashing in every gesture, and any rule of kings is enough to easily kill ordinary gods.

  There are so many rules of the king flashing, which can blow up a big world of kings.

   However, under the Sun Emperor's shot, it was suppressed in one area.

   "Hahaha, happy is happy, it is different from the Dzogchen quasi-king!"

   Ye Chen laughed up to the sky, full of joy, waving his fists and feet, the majestic chaotic divine power in his body, like a mountain and a sea, was surging out, swaying freely.

   This is a very rare battle, you can completely let go of the battle, let him know his true strength.

   Although the quasi-king of the starry sky is also the quasi-king of the Dzogchen, after all, he is only his own slave, and he is afraid of hurting himself when he fights and will be restrained.

   But too Cang quasi-prince would not be like this, and he wished to kill himself immediately.

   Only in this way can he understand more clearly where his true strength is.

At the same time, I was also sighing in my heart, really worthy of being a Dzogchen quasi-king, it is really terribly powerful. After he became a quasi-king, he was much stronger than the ten-kalpa **** king in every aspect, but he still couldn’t be too pale The prospective king had the slightest advantage.

   He also clearly understood that he was only the first stepping on the quasi-prince. His mana was not as strong as the quasi-prince, and the rules of the king were a little worse, and he could not use the power of the original world, heaven and earth for his own use.

   But the advantage is that it is almost comparable to the Primordial King's Chaos Eucharist, which can be called the strongest physical body under the Primordial King.

   And the power of the origin of the universe is also an advantage.

   Because of this, even if Ye Chen's mana and the rule of the king are slightly inferior to the king of the quasi-cang, but he has made up for the physical body and the power of the origin, so they are in a kind of incomparable relationship.

   However, in contrast to Ye Chen's exclamation, King Tai Cang Zhun's shock was directly expressed.

He is a dignified and perfect quasi-king. The conversion rate of the original world is more than 90%, and he has mastered more than a hundred rules of the king. He is about to become a real cosmic hegemon at the level of the ancient king. However, the young man of the fighting king is just beginning. Stepping into the realm of quasi-kings, you can fight him in a similar way.

  If this continues, and give the fighting saint in front of you more time, wouldn't it be possible to reach the realm of the heaven-defying quasi-king, or even surpass it, to enter the realm of myth that belongs to the legend?

   Missing so far, King Tai Cang Zhun's heart is filled with endless killing intent.

   I must kill the fighting king anyway.

   So, his combat power was actually improved out of thin air, and it was even more terrifying to wave Mie Ri Tian Ge, destroy the void, the rule of the king flashed, and Ye Chen began to see blood.

   "Yes, King Tai Cang Zhuan, this will immediately kill the King of Fighting!"

Many powerful emperors and immortal clans thought this way, very excited, otherwise fighting the holy king would be like an eternal and immortal chaotic god, pressing on the hearts of the emperors, sons and daughters of the heavens, and let them It is difficult to surpass and break through, let alone fight for the "Supreme" fairy.

   Ye Chen was slightly surprised that the Dzogchen Quasi-Sovereign was indeed very powerful, and he did not expect to have some spare energy.

   But he is also not easy, but he was killed by surprise at first, but later King Tai Cang Zhun wanted him to see the blood quite difficult.

   "Okay, I won't play with you, I will kill you now!"

   Ye Chen said suddenly, offering six giant soldiers to form six battle formations, and summoning the quasi-kings of the starry sky, the three great Dzogchen quasi-kings appeared, and they attacked the quasi-king Taicang with all their strength.

   "Battle Saint King, you mean!"

   The quasi-king Tai Cang roared and was very angry, but there was no other way, because under the siege of the three great Dzogchen quasi-kings, he soon saw blood and began to suffer.

"It’s just a king or a loser. When you chased me down, I was still the king of gods. There were as many as a dozen quasi-kings, and there were no shortage of quasi-kings. I didn’t say that you are despicable. Come and say I'm mean? How ridiculous!"

   Ye Chen sneered, and didn't care at all. The fighting power of his body and the three great perfect quasi-kings of the six battle formations and the starry quasi-king was exploding, and he blasted and killed the quasi-king Taicang.

   After a short while, King Tai Cangquan suffered terrible and severe damage, and he almost fell apart, torn apart, his armor was shattered, and his body was full of many terrible cracks.

   The quasi-princes of the other emperors and immortals wanted to help, but they couldn’t. Almost all the quasi-princes of the human race came and stared at these quasi-princes. Once they took action, they would surely take the shot.

   More importantly, the old man of Xuan Dao and Qin Wu, the quasi-lord kings of the two human races, are all condescending, and they are looming over the terrifying coercion that the ordinary quasi-kings do not know, so that they are all silent, and they dare not act without permission.

   What's more, there is also the Sun Emperor. After the battle two years ago, the agreement that the Primordial King could not be shot has long been broken, and the Human Race will not have so many scruples at all.

   "Battle and roar!"

The chaotic holy soul villain in Ye Chen's eyebrows slammed into the sky, turning into an immeasurable giant of heaven and earth, and the whole body flashed with crystal-like shining colors, which is a manifestation of soul power condensed into substance. Know the extent of Ye Chen's strength.

   The Giant Soul Giant was condescending, looking down, rushing out with a terrible roar, the force of the rolling sound wave spreading away.


King Tai Cangquan was hit by the frontal roar of the divine soul, and it was even the supreme martial will that carried Ye Chen against the sky, like a substantial chaotic golden sledgehammer that hit his divine soul. .


   The King Tai Cangquan only felt a buzzing hum from his soul, as if to be torn apart, which was quite uncomfortable.

   In an instant, his brain fell into an absolute blank state.

   At the same time, Ye Chen directly manifested the Supreme Chaos Body and the Spirit of the Chaos God King, divided into three!

   The spirit of the Chaos God King at this moment did not turn into the rule of the king, but the whole body was shining with the light of the rule of the king, but it appeared to be so humanized, with the coercion comparable to the Dzogchen quasi-king.

   boom boom boom——

   The three came out together, and in an instant, the thunder came out, like an electric shot, and they all blasted towards the quasi-sovereign king who was in a dazed state.

   The six battle formations and the quasi-king of the starry sky are simultaneously shooting.


In Ye Chen’s most powerful three-body state, there are six battle formations and the joint attack of the quasi-king of the starry if the quasi-king Tai Cang is really powerful, he cannot bear it. Live, in such a terrible collision, was directly torn and shattered to the flesh, and it was torn apart, it was very tragic.


   The Great Chaos Cauldron descended from the sky, filled with the monstrous ancient chaos, and evolved into the heavens and myriad paths, rushing, intertwining, and bombarding down with the might of the world.

   This great tripod has long been accompanied by Ye Chen to become the tripod of quasi-kings, and it is not the tripod of quasi-kings, but the supreme soldier of the future.

   Now Yiding is bombarded, the soul of the quasi-king that the Tai Cang quasi-king is torn apart from his flesh is exposed, even the soul of the quasi-king of Dzogchen cannot be used, it is torn apart strongly.

   Tai Cang Zhun King Yang Tian let out an unwilling roar, and was swallowed by the Great Chaos Cauldron immediately, completely suppressed.

   A generation of Dzogchen quasi-monarchs was suppressed!

   Mysterious place, the world is silent, almost everyone stared at this scene in a daze.

   The King Tai Cangquan was suppressed, and if it spread out, it would definitely be a shocking event that triggered a massive earthquake in the entire ten-day realm.

That was a Dzogchen quasi-king, one of the strongest among the quasi-kings, but it was hard to match a riser like the Fighting Saint King, and was suppressed. I have to say that this is very shocking, and it is difficult to restrain the innermost feelings. Overwhelming waves.

   Anyone would have thought that the Saint King of Fighting could suppress the King Tai Cang.

Although this is due to the use of the six battle formations and the quasi-king of the starry sky, there is no doubt about the strength of the fighting sage king. It was completely manifested when the quasi-king Taicang was fought earlier. No less than the Dzogchen quasi-king.

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