Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2804: You guys, want to fight with me?

The entire emperor star was paying attention to the mysterious fighting saint king, even the powerhouse belonging to the supreme ancient realm was the same, shocked.

When the **** king is a reversible quasi-king, then how powerful should he become a quasi-king?

It's just that as long as the emperor, the emperor, and the heirs of the immortal Dao are silent, no one speaks, no one wants to say that the quasi king of the fighting saint king is not weaker than the quasi king of Dzogchen.

Ye Chen naturally knew about all of this, and even Will and the Emperor Corpse Eater were always sucessful.

But he didn't hide it at all, only in this way can he minimize many unnecessary troubles.

On the other side of the emperor star, the **** emperor son heard the news of Ye Chen’s appearance, and the aura of his body became stronger in an instant. I don’t know how much, so he directly changed the look of an old super **** king with the seventh calamity around him. Zhi pale, panic and panic withstands the power of the quasi-monarch far above.

The figure of the **** emperor is like the great emperor standing tall, standing proudly in the world, with deep eyes but with terrible sights such as the sun and the moon rising and falling. He stood with his hands holding his hands and said: "The fighting saint king is also here. The emperor's cultivation base is progressing very fast, even if he is very strong, he may not be defeated."

This is the absolute self-confidence of being a son of the **** emperor, and he firmly believes that he is undefeated, even if he defeated himself in the fight against the holy king, but in the past few years he has used the ninth-level Cangtian Dao star to cultivate and condense the rules of multiple kings , The cultivation base is far from the past.

Even if you face the fighting holy king again, it may still be difficult to match, but it will definitely not be defeated when you face it. To him, such an absolutely proud son of the emperor, is a strange shame and must be reported. .

In another corner of the distance, the **** of Chu descended like a fairy, and the body was covered by fairy light. He was surrounded by three thousand gods. It seemed like a peerless fairy king. Naturally, he also knew the message that the fighting king came to the emperor star. It is very far-reaching, and there is no emotion at all.

The Lord of the Earth has a huge body and is crossing a continent. He heard rumors from the outside: "To kill the king with the body of the **** king? It's really nonsense, even if the fighting king is against the sky, it is impossible to do it."

As a quasi-king, he knows how big the gap between the **** king and the quasi-king is. It is not as easy to cross as imagined. On the contrary, even those emperors, emperors, and heirs of the fairy dao are at the peak of the Nine Tribulations God King. It is impossible to reverse the quasi-king.

He was just a joke.

The same is true for the other quasi-monarchs on the Emperor Star who belong to the Supreme Ancient Realm. It is just a joke that has never been placed in the heart. He does not think that the fighting king can do this step, because it is impossible. .

On a continent, a **** king who was exploring alone was shrouded in boundless light.

After half a day, everything disappeared, the figure of the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor appeared, looked into the distance, and revealed a sneer: "The Fighting Saint King also appeared? Well, it is rumored that he is not only a chaotic practitioner, but also a chaotic practitioner. The Holy Body, completely transformed the physique into a chaotic physique. If it can be swallowed, this emperor will definitely become the real first person!"

In other places, when they learned of the battle record of the Saint King, some people showed a slightly thoughtful look and disappeared and left...

After searching in this way, three months soon passed. Under the search of many powerful men, many continents of Emperor Star were searched seven or eight eight.

In the fourth month, an old **** king strayed into a continent, and his figure disappeared in a flash. When he reappeared, he became younger and more energetic, stronger than before, because of some people’s Attention, one after another went.

In the end, these powerhouses have all obtained different benefits, their cultivation bases have been improved, and they are also known by more powerhouses.

In the end, the disappearance spread like wildfire, attracting a prospective king to come.


The continent with a radius of one million li exploded, turning into a sky full of great storms and blasting away.

At the eye of the storm, the sky filled the sky with light, reflecting the Great Avenue of the Heavens, and the emperor's way rushing into the sky, the mighty heavens, resonating with the entire emperor star.

All the powerhouses on the Emperor Star know that, I am afraid that the Supreme Vault will appear at that time!

Ye Chen and others rushed over at the first time, but they were far away, and after they shuttled again and again, it was also half a day later.

It was an ancient continent suspended in the air, quite huge, and a phantom of Tiangong Temple appeared vaguely in it, stretching for thousands of miles, each of which was as tall as a mountain, exceptionally majestic and majestic.

This is the imperial palace and the imperial palace.

A large number of powerful figures have long been gathered outside the imperial palace, all of them eagerly looked at the huge and tall Immortal Emperor Hall in the center. The rising and falling heavens and the earth are exceptionally extraordinary. The strong must bow for it.

But it is currently not allowed to enter, because the imperial palace is blessing with the light of the emperor's way, as powerful as several quasi-monarchs are not allowed to enter, squinting his eyes, watching closely for a moment.

Ye Chen's appearance directly shocked everyone present. The emperors, emperors, and heirs of the Fairy Dao who followed the gods by their side all looked deeply jealous and helpless.

Several quasi-princes of the Supreme Ancient Realm were also there, and Ye Chen was slightly startled when he saw Ye Chen's figure, as if he didn't expect the other party to be so young.

However, they are all true quasi-kings, and they can vaguely feel the horror that originated from Ye Chen's body, and they feel like a sovereign king dormant. Once awakened, they will surely shock the heavens.

This is a real world powerhouse, far more terrifying than imagined, making them, quasi-kings, all discolored.

"Battle Saint King!"

A stream of light fell from the sky, exploding terrible waves of air, annihilating the space, and making many powerful people have to retreat one after another before stopping the figure.

Some strong figures were embarrassed and wanted to scold them, but when they saw the overbearing figure that was so solemn, their discoloration changed and they immediately shut up.

Son of God!

The quasi-kings who instantly killed eight super kings as soon as they arrived at the Supreme Ancient Realm were extremely powerful, far beyond their ability to deal with.

The Emperor God didn’t even look at these people, but directly looked at Ye Chen. The gaze was directly condensed into essence, like an emperor’s sword, with a strong will to martial arts, he looked towards Ye Chen, and more There is a deep hostility and provocation.

"Emperor God, you are arrogant!"

Before Ye Chen spoke, Yuqing stood up by his side and smashed the two Eyelight Heaven Swords with his hands. He also released the terrifying pressure of the quasi-monarch level on his body, turning into a huge storm of imposing momentum, and making the scene. Everyone's expression changed drastically.

This indescribably beautiful woman in Tsing Yi is also a quasi-monarch!


A blazing fairy light descended from the sky, carrying a surging flame, collided with Yuqing's imposing storm, and exploded, with the power of shaking the sky and the earth in turmoil, so that almost all the strong on the scene had to avoid it.

Otherwise, once it is contaminated, it is probably bone-eroding inflammation and it is difficult to expel it.

The blazing fairy light carried the sound of phoenix ming, vaguely, it seemed that the immortal phoenix was flying in the air, so that the emperor Nanhuang looked over and clenched her fist.

The person who came was Huang Yao!

Ye Chen looked at Huang Yao, his expression unchanged, without the slightest disturbance.

Yuqing looked at Huang Yao, who was also invincible, and said, "Are you going to be on his side?"

Huang Yao's breath is strong, like an immortal phoenix dormant in his body, recovering, and the phoenix screams through the world, saying: "Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of Huang Yao."


When the fairy light came, it was the **** of Chu, who was as graceful as a jade, and the son was unparalleled, and it was him.

The three-thousand-thousand celestial ring is added, as if surrounded by 3,000 great worlds, it makes him unparalleled in the world.

The aura is so powerful that it is no less than the trio of God Emperor Son, Huang Yao, and Yuqing, and he is yet another quasi-king, and a quasi-king on the path of immortality!

Soon after, the last strongest emperor, Shiyu Wudi, also appeared, and he was also a quasi-king.

The four strongest among the emperors, sons and daughters of the heavens, and the descendants of the immortal Dao have appeared, all at the level of quasi-monarchs. The power of the most powerful quasi-kings in his body is majestic and pervasive, so that many super powers in this world are all in succession. Discoloration, backward for it.

Only the quasi-princes of the supreme ancient realm, such as the Lord of the Earth and the Xutian King, can stand tall, but there is a dignified color in the eyes of the gleam.

Obviously, the power of these strongest tianjiao outside the territory is beyond their imagination, standing with them in the realm of quasi-monarchs, but they are countless times younger, and their future is brighter and boundless. To become a primordial king can be said to be an iron nail. General facts.

However, the four quasi-monarch-level emperors, emperors, sons and heirs of the Fairy Dao all stood side by side faintly, facing the arrogance of the human race.

Perhaps more importantly, it was facing Ye Chen, who had always looked unchanged and calm.

Because only in this way, can we truly contend against Ye Chen.

They don't want to admit but they have to admit that today's Fighting Saint King is worthy of their joint resistance.

The Lord of the Earth, the Xutian Monarch and other quasi-princes of the Supreme Ancient Realm all stared at the mysterious fighting holy king. Obviously, they no longer have any doubts. These four young quasi-monarchs can all fight together and fight together. How powerful is the Saint King?

However, staring at the fighting sage king, the pupils of the supreme ancient quasi-kings suddenly shrank into pinholes.

Because they couldn't really detect the strength of this fighting saint king, the opponent was like a chaotic haze, unable to see clearly, and the way was not clear.

Like an abyss, unfathomable.

Feeling the gazes of other quasi-kings, Ye Chen looked at the quasi-kings of the Supreme Ancient Realm, including the Lord of the Earth, and the Emperor Xutian, but they did not show much hostility, but looked at Ye Chen kindly. Nodded slightly.

Ye Chen naturally also nodded, and then looked at the four people including the Emperor God, standing with their hands behind them, Yuan Zhaoyue stood up, and slowly said, "You guys, are you going to fight me here?"

(End of this chapter)

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