Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2805: Severely wounded the evil emperor

There is no power, only calm words, but anyone can feel the domineering confidence under those words.

Ye Chen, looking at the heavens, actually faced the four quasi-monarchs equally, not any of them.

The emperors of the heavens, the emperors, and the heirs of the immortal Dao are nothing more than, but the great ancient gods and super powers who followed are all shocked. Is it possible that this fighting sage alone has to deal with the four quasi-kings at the same time? ?


Everyone wanted to say this very much, but when they saw the emperor's sons and daughters, and the sons of the Fairy Dao who were assisting and following them, their expressions were solemn, and they didn't refute, and their hearts jumped.

Could it be that the fighting sage king of the young generation's first person is really so powerful, but cannot deal with the four quasi-kings alone?

When he had such a thought, his heart suddenly jumped, and he looked at the young Xeon figure of Yuan Zhen Yuezhi in shock.

Is he really so strong and invincible? Can one person deal with the four quasi-monarch-level emperors and heirs at the same time?

Although the four young quasi-princes, God Emperor Son, Huang Yao, Chu Shenjun, and Yu Wudi, had a slight expression, they did not refute them.

Although their cultivation bases have grown rapidly during this period of time, they also understand that facing Ye Chen, who is comparable to the Dzogchen quasi-emperor, no one can be an opponent when fighting alone.

Unless they also reach the Dzogchen level, it is impossible, and they need to work together to compete.

There are a few special figures in the crowd. Looking at Ye Chen and the others, there is no fear, helplessness, or fear of others. They are just calm, and there are curiosity and disdain, which are particularly different.

Some people are even more arrogant, and their eyes are not always on the battle of these young generation's top-notch powers. Instead, they look at the magnificent imperial palace, and even look at the proudly central and eternal place. The immortal palace, with twinkling eyes, quite complicated and unclear...

Under the eyes of everyone, Ye Chen and the four young quasi-monarchs were about to be on the verge of a battle. At this time, the **** among the arrogances of the human race suddenly had a whim and felt an inexplicable bloodline fluctuation.

The familiarity of this bloodline fluctuation was only experienced when he faced his father Jade Emperor Zhuxian and other brothers and sisters, but these relatives obviously couldn't be here.

Then there is only one possibility!


Shen Rong violently rushed into the crowd, killing one of them, the Eight Tribulations God King level cultivation base broke out in an all-round way, sweeping the sky, terrifying.

Many powerhouses in that area were all discolored, swept over by the powerful momentum, and the figure flew upside down one after another. Only one emperor could stand still with the same powerful cultivation base, but did not make a move.

Because he felt that Emperor Zhuxian was not aimed at the direct, but at someone else.

"I found you, don't even think about hiding, you bastard!"

The gods yelled violently, that powerful figure descended on a figure shrouded in a black robe, and the spirits of many gods emerged in an instant. The absolute combat power of the **** king of Eight Tribulations exploded, and he could instantly force a non-Dzogchen Supreme The Eight Tribulations God King of Tianjiao.

However, the black robe figure that was attacked was faster, and boundless rays of light surged out of the black robe, suddenly blooming, turning into layers of light curtains, and directly resisting the mighty attack of the gods.

But the black robe hood was taken off, and a face similar to Shenrong Jiufen was revealed, surprisingly, but with a wicked sneer laughter: "Jiejie, I didn’t expect your junior to find Ben emperor."

This person, who is not the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor.

After obtaining the 70% bloodline and bones of Shenrong, he directly reorganized the flesh and blood into a physical body. With the help of the ancient emperor’s secret technique, the power of the bloodline of the Emperor Zhuxian was completely evolved. If it is a complete emperor’s flesh body , Is also the supreme Tianjiao of Dzogchen, extremely terrifying.

"Asshole, dare to take my blood, take my body, and die today!"

Shenrong displayed the eight styles of Zhuxian, attacking forcefully and domineeringly.

Behind him, the phantom of the Great Emperor Zhuxian appeared, as if the Great Emperor Zhuxian had descended here.

Looking at the Great Emperor Zhuxian, who was stomping on the heavens, his hands stained with the blood of the supreme immortal, the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor revealed a strong jealous color.

The Great Emperor Zhuxian, the most famous emperor in the Chaos Sea, has shocking power. According to reports, he is not the strongest emperor, but he can also fight the strongest emperor, which is terrifying to the extreme.

There are rumors that Emperor Zhuxian has killed the real Supreme Immortal before he has the name Zhuxian.

Shenrong trembled the blood of Emperor Zhuxian in his body, turning the eight forms of Zhuxian to the extreme, as if Emperor Zhuxian possessed him, with boundless power, breaking the world, and the vast continent of millions of miles beneath him was collapsed, terrifying to the extreme.

"The Eight Tribulations God King even dared to attack me, looking for death."

Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor sneered, he was jealous of Emperor Jade Immortal, but not just jealous of Emperor Jade Immortal's heir.


The quasi-monarch-level power suddenly bloomed, like a dragon coming out of the abyss, sweeping across this vast land, making nearly everyone change their faces.

There is also Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon here, and there are peerless powerhouses of other quasi-monarch levels! ?

The Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor just broke out his power and easily defuses Shenrong's offensive. Even if Zhuxian Ba ​​Style is very powerful, but is isolated, it is because the gap between them is too big.

"Also, it was only to capture 70% of your bloodline at the beginning. Today, you will capture all the remaining bloodlines. This can make this emperor's temporary physical body stronger, and the strength that can be exerted will also be stronger." Beihuang The evil emperor smiled coldly, and took the opportunity to take the opportunity to shoot at Shen Rong, Jie Jie Yin kept laughing, echoing the world.

But soon, he felt a terrible crisis emerging.

Although this is just an emperor thought, not a real deity, it still possesses extremely terrifying perception.

In the light of his eyes, there was a figure descending in front of him. It was Ye Chen, appearing in front of him at an extremely terrifying speed. It was Kunpeng Dayu Art, which was so fast that even the quasi-king could hardly respond.

An unparalleled power overwhelmed the sky, stopping the evil emperor Northern Wilderness's preparations for an attack, and looked at Ye Chen who suddenly appeared with a ray of shock: "You--"

"Small trail, do you think the ancient emperor is truly invincible?"

Ye Chen's shot was also the first time he showed his surviving means in the Supreme Ancient Realm.

It was just a slap shot, but that hand was clearly like nine-fold gold, and the rule of the king of gold emerged between the palms of the fingers, like a peerless sword, descending from the sky.

The Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor retreated violently without even thinking about it, reaching the limit.

It's not that he is not strong enough, on the contrary, it is just an emperor's mind left behind infinitely years ago. It took away the 70% blood of the gods and evolved into the present. It is already extremely amazing that he can display the power of the quasi-king, but facing Ye Chen It is even more terrifying.

As a last resort, he, the ancient emperor, would retreat violently, not daring to confront directly.

But that hand was faster, as if breaking through the barrier of time and space.


The blood burst into the sky, and one arm of the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor was torn off, and the mighty blood glow was continuously spraying, which was amazing.

Shocked the world!

In a meeting, the quasi-monarch level Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor was torn his arm and was severely injured.

All the quasi-monarchs were shocked.

Ye Chen didn't sing, it was a blockbuster, that speed should be shocking, at least they all found it difficult to compete with that extreme speed.

In the crowd, those mysterious figures all squinted their eyes, with wisps of light flashing, seeming to be thoughtful.

For Ye Chen's strength, perhaps it was based on the ultimate speed, and it was really difficult for them to see Ye Chen's strength.

Because the speed is too fast, it is too fast to react, and sometimes it can create some consciousness that blinds the truth, and it is difficult to find out how powerful the opponent is.

The Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor looked ugly, and he could feel the deep danger from this junior.

But how could Ye Chen allow him to retreat, Shenrong was his friend.

Moreover, the Northern Desolate Evil Emperor is really despicable, he even dared to cut the original prison devil emperor, let alone the Northern Desolate Evil Emperor, who also dared to cut.

The Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor shouted at the four of the God Emperor's sons: "You four juniors have not come to help you quickly, do you still have to watch him kill the emperor?"

"The Emperor?"

The eyes of the four young quasi-monarchs all squinted, and then their expressions changed slightly, and they understood a little bit from these names.

The same is true for the emperors and heirs of the emperors of the heavens, and their expressions instantly become ugly.

Ye Chen snorted coldly, and said, "Look at whoever dares to help you today, I will kill it!"

There is absolute domineering in the tone.

The gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha, making the four young quasi-monarchs look cold.

Doesn't this put them all in sight?

However, he didn't make a move either, because he was not a similar person, it was a threat, and it was not impossible to use him to reduce part of the fighting king's strength.

The Evil Emperor Beihuang saw the look of these young quasi-princes and guessed it, his face was gloomy, but he did not continue to speak, and must find a way to stop Ye Chen from chasing after him.


Ye Chen was about to make another move. At this time, the world changed suddenly.

That's because the imperial palace has changed, and the imperial road barriers outside the envelope have slowly disappeared, proving that it can truly enter the imperial palace.

And the Supreme Secret Vault is in it The same is true of the Supreme God Crown.


At this moment, many figures rushed into the imperial palace, ignoring the others, trying to take the lead in competing for the supreme treasure.

Evil Emperor Beihuang naturally did the same, taking the opportunity to leave, otherwise he felt that it would be really dangerous to face Ye Chen with his current strength.

"Hmph, let you run away for a while now."

Ye Chen snorted coldly, but at this moment it is also the most important thing to fight for the Supreme Divine Crown, and the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor deliberately blends into the many powerful, has a different kind of method to cover the atmosphere, and it is difficult to find out for a while, so he is not looking for it at this moment. .

God Emperor Son, Chu Shenjun, Huang Yao, Yu Wudi and others had already entered.

The quasi-monarchs of the Supreme Ancient Realm such as the Lord of the Earth and the Xutian Monarch have all entered.

Ye Chen and others naturally entered quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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