Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2850: The husband and wife are of one heart

"Sorry for keeping you waiting for a long time. Leave it to me next."

The gentle voice echoed in the ears of Chen'er, mother and daughter, and easily released the guard status of the three women. They hugged the heroic and slender figure tightly, and did not want to let go in this life. .

At this moment, it seems eternal.

After a long time, Ye Chen smiled slightly, hugged the mother and daughter gently, and said softly: "Okay, don't worry, I will not let you be bullied anymore. Now I will solve some problems first. "


With red eyes and pity, Chen'er let go of Ye Chen's arms reluctantly, and said softly: "Brother Yue, sister Yiwu, sister Jingruo are all in a very bad situation, if you have the ability to contend with the ancient road Overlord, please help the two sisters quickly."

"Don't worry, with me, you don't have to worry about everything."

Ye Chen was gentle on Chen'er's head, just like when a teenager faced the doting of a girl, she also rubbed the small heads of Yaya and Xiao Chenxi, causing her eldest daughter Yaya to mutter her hair in dissatisfaction. Xiao Chenxi was very Enjoy the love of a father who has only been in contact for the second time in hundreds of years of birth.

This kind of father's pampering made the little girl quite enjoy, very excited, blinking her black big eyes and worshiping the father who looked down from the sky like a god.

But thinking that it's not the time yet, so I returned to Chen'erniang with my sister Yaya.

"Quiet, Wu'er."

Ye Chen raised his head, his dark eyes looked at the Yiwu and the goddess who were fighting the overlord of the ancient road in the distance. Seeing the two women's clothes were stained red with blood, their auras were withered, as if they could not hold it at any time, and the eyes also appeared. At the same time of pity, there is also a monstrous anger that is gushing out.

"Come here, everything has me."

The palms pointed at Yi Wu, the goddess lightly held a shot, and the two women flew over uncontrollably.

The three ancient overlords wanted to stop them, but they were too late. They could only watch the two peerless goddesses flash across the sky and fall into Ye Chen's arms, with a gloomy expression.

Although they all know that the two Moon Palace heroines are Ye Chen’s wives, they have long regarded them as Taoists and want to subdue them, but now they are embraced in their arms like the fighting holy king, saying that they are not angry. Leave.

However, being able to become the overlord of the ancient road, the state of mind is naturally extraordinary, and immediately regained his peace, looking at the seemingly ordinary fighting king, but as the overlord of the ancient road, the peerless powerhouse in the late period of the quasi-sovereign, clearly can I felt the threats from him, as if there was a great murderer hidden in this person.

"You are the fighting king?"

The three ancient overlords of Yuanshi, Original Sin, and Chaos stared coldly at Ye Chen. The terrifying quasi-king was far more powerful than Ouyang Yu. I don’t know how many times, he pushed forward surgingly, and the void shattered like fragile glass. Open.

It was just that Ye Chen's fist was lightly squeezed from a distance, and the boundless aura suddenly turned into a giant dragon, soaring into the nine heavens, and colliding with the power of the three ancient road overlords.

Both eliminate.

Raising their hands to smash the terrifying oppression of the three ancient road overlords, the strong on both sides were dumbfounded.

At this time, they could all see that this fighting sage king was not generally strong, and perhaps the true strength was no less than that of the ancient road overlord.

Ignoring the attention of both sides, Ye Chen gently hugged the two women, feeling the gentleness of the two women in his arms, and blew a sigh of heat. It fell on the pink ears of the two women, and the cheeks of the two women appeared in a flash. She blushed, Hong Yan was moving: "Sorry, I just rushed here now, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"Brother Yue!"

"Little brother!"

The two women hugged Ye Chen tightly. No matter how strong, how majestic, and how domineering they are in front of outsiders, they are always weak little women in the arms of their beloved man. For their husbands, they never do The stingy showed the side of this little woman.





Between heaven and earth, there seemed to be countless heartbroken voices.

The Tianjiao of the Ultimate Ancient Realm, there are a few people who have never had admiration for the heroines of the Moon Palace, but after seeing this scene, they all deeply understand that the heroines of the Moon Palace belong to this name. A man who fought for the holy king.

And seeing the side of the little woman, I also know how much pressure these moon palace female hosts have been under over the years. At this moment, while heartbreaking, they also have a blessing mentality.

After all, these women of the Moon Palace are also the women they have loved. Since I can't give them happiness, seeing them so happy naturally also means a blessing.

At this time, an indifferent voice broke the warmth at the moment, and the Ancient Road Overlord of the Palace of Original Sin looked at this scene coldly, and said mercilessly: "Are you the Holy King of Fighting?"

Regarding the fighting sage king, how could they not know, after all, they are the goddess husband who is also the overlord of the ancient road, even if they have never seen it, it is like a thunder.

Ye Chen raised that delicate and handsome face, smiled faintly, with a sense of indifference: "If I am not wrong, I am the fighting sage you think of."

"Battle Saint King, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The infinite power suddenly broke That is the overlord of Chaos. His figure is tall and majestic, with thousands of ancient chaos descending upon him, like the Lord of Chaos, standing on the sky, watching and embracing the two moon halls. Ye Chen, the hostess, the heat in her eyes was even far higher than that of the goddess.

It's like seeing the most precious treasure between heaven and earth, which is much more precious than the Supreme God Crown.

Because Ye Chen is also a chaos cultivator, a chaos cultivator like him who has cultivated the chaotic avenue to extremely high depths.

As long as the Chaos Dao Fruit of the Fighting Saint King is obtained, the Chaos Overlord is sure to make himself the Primordial King in a short time, a completely invincible Chaos King of the same rank!

"Chaos Overlord!"

Ye Chen also looked at the Chaos Overlord. Back then, he had a battle with this Chaos Overlord's avatar of the Chaos God, and they were both Chaos practitioners and practitioners of the Eternal Path.

Since ancient times, chaos are incompatible.

When two great chaos practitioners meet, there can only be one person who can stay!

"Battle Saint King, I hope you don't let me down." The Chaos Overlord licked his lips, as if seeing a delicious prey, he shot out a beast-like gaze.

Although the overlord of Yuanshi never spoke, the horrible power that gradually spread from his body was enough to explain everything.

The goddess squeezed Ye Chen's hand and said firmly: "Yue, I will fight side by side with you."

On the other side, Yi Wu also held Ye Chen's other hand tightly, and whispered softly: "The husband and wife are of the same heart, and it is profitable for money."

Ye Chen smiled knowingly, and looked at the two women around him. There are wives like this, so how could his husband ask for anything.

"Then you two have a good rest and see how I clean up these bastards." Ye Chen rejected the two women, with an unquestionable decision in his soft voice.

(End of this chapter)

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