Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2851: What is truly powerful!

Upon hearing this, both Yi Wu and the goddess glanced at each other and did not refuse.

They just didn't step back, once Ye Chen was defeated, they would also support as soon as possible.

Seeing this, Ye Chen did not refuse, and clenched their catkins with both hands.



Two majestic chaotic divine powers submerged into the bodies of the two women, and immediately, the healing sacred technique operated, repairing the wounds on the two women’s body surface, and even carrying a ray of life force, the light of life of the tree of life, let The wounds in the two women's bodies have quietly recovered more than half.

Such a method is amazing, even if the ancient road overlord masters the healing holy technique, it is difficult to achieve this step.

It's just that Ye Chenxiu is infinitely close to the quasi-king against the sky, and possesses the tree of life body that is restored after the death of the emperor of life. The light of life is the purest. It operates by the power of the rule of the king of life. It is naturally different and can repair everything. Injury.

The goddess and Yi Wu glanced at each other, and they all appeared with a strong shock.

Passing by, Ye Chen came to the two women and faced the three ancient overlords, saying: "Today, the three of you attacked the Moon Palace and injured my wife and children. It almost made my family ruined and made me very angry. ."

He was calm when speaking, but under the plain words, anyone could hear the hidden anger.

Like a volcano, it looks calm during the day, but once it explodes, it is absolutely earth-shattering.

"very angry?"

The ancient road overlord of the Palace of Original Sin was cold, raised his eyebrows, and said: "Even if you are reborn, today is not only the Moon Palace, but you, the Lord of the Moon Palace, the Fighting Saint King, you must stay here completely."

The overlord of Yuanshi was indifferent.

Chaos Overlord said: "Leave the Fighting Saint King to me, I don't need the rest of the Moon Palace, I only want him."

Ye Chen, who is also a chaos practitioner, is the greatest prey of the Chaos Overlord, and he will naturally not let it go and regard it as the greatest prey.

"it is good!"

Although the fighting sage king is a chaos cultivator and the other two are very excited, but the real goal is to obtain the supreme divine crown. One less fight is naturally the best.

"Go ahead!"

The three ancient road overlords rushed to three directions, the Chaos Overlord rushed to Ye Chen, and the other two rushed to the goddess and others to continue their previous shots.

"Sorry, all three of you are against me."


Ye Chen's figure suddenly reached the extreme, using the Kunpeng Great Universe Technique to reach the Dual Aurora Realm, and across the sky at once, coming to the eyes of the three ancient road overlords with lightning speed.

"How can it be so fast!"


Only then did the three ancient road overlords react, revealing a deep look of shock, even if they were unable to react to this degree.

It was just that the next scene, which was even more shocking, occurred, and Ye Chen struck out three punches like lightning.

Boom boom boom -

The three ancient road overlords came quickly and went faster, their silhouettes flying backwards, and blood was spilled along the way.

The world is silent!

Everyone was stunned.

It's just that the three ancient road overlords are all blindfolded, no matter what, they will be knocked into the air in a single encounter.


Someone couldn't help being rough and staring at all of this.


The dignified three ancient road overlords were bombarded in the face.

How can this be?

Not to mention him, everyone has an unbelievable horror on their hearts.

Those are the three major ancient road overlords, not roadside goods, not to mention the ultimate ancient road, even if you look at the ultimate ancient realm, they are the supreme powerhouses standing on the top of the pyramid and the supreme quasi-kings. The strongest among the kings.

But now he was knocked into the air by the fighting saint king who had appeared.

The shock this scene has dealt to the world is unimaginable. Until now, most of them have been blinded, and they feel that something incredible has happened.

The goddess, Yi Wu, Chen'er, Yaya, and Xiao Chenxi all had their faces in astonishment, and Qianxun's eyes clenched her fists.

This is the father, his father, the invincible father.


The three ancient road overlords all reacted immediately. They were directly caught off guard just now, they were knocked off, and they didn't suffer much injury. They reacted immediately.

They looked at the majestic figure in black robe from a distance, and a deep sense of dread suddenly emerged in their hearts.

At this level, even if they were faintly difficult to see, they only saw a vague shadow, even if they were blown away by the thunder.

It can be seen from this point that the other party has absolute degrees, and this degree is especially superior to them.

However, the true power may be in the middle of them.

This can be clearly seen from Ye Chen's move.

Now as long as you keep a distance, there is nothing to fear.

As a generation of ancient road overlord, who has ruled the ultimate ancient road for many years, naturally no matter which aspect he has cultivated to the extreme, he can do both close combat and long-range attack.

As long as he releases his magical powers, he can attack at a long distance from a distance, which is worry-free.

The three of them are the overlords of the ancient roads, naturally thinking of this point, consciously distanced themselves, guarding Ye Chen from a distance.

And every ancient road overlord subconsciously unleashes the boundless power in an all-round way, vast and mighty, with the armor and soldiers on his body, all of the quasi-monarch level, blooming the power of the unparalleled quasi-king, and standing opposite to the battle. king.

Seeing the defensive posture of the three ancient road overlords, everyone naturally knows how difficult this fighting saint king is to deal with.

"I know what you guys think. I think that as long as you stay away from me and keep a long-range attack, you don't need to be afraid." Ye Chen smiled faintly, and immediately saw through their thoughts.

The overlord of Chaos is very similar to Ye Chen. It is like Ye Chen's second. All the ways are deriving and evolving, surrendering, and the power of the overlord is restored, indifferent and authentic: "Battle Saint King, you are indeed very Smart. I have to admit that your degree is really You should have obtained a certain ultimate body technique, which may be related to the Kunpeng body technique. I have seen related records in the past. There is a Kunpeng ancestor who has left behind Wushuang Shenfa, which is the first degree of Chaos Sea."

"You are also very smart. I did get the Kunpeng body technique, named Kunpeng Dayushu." Ye Chen did not deny it, but admitted it generously.

Hearing this, many of the strong on both sides immediately understood.

It is no wonder that being able to fly the three ancient overlords in one face-to-face encounter turned out to be due to physical fitness.

Originally, many of the three ancient road overlord forces were worried about their respective masters, but at this moment they understood the reason and breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, the fighting sage king is just taking advantage of his body skills, the true strength is not necessarily much stronger than the ancient road overlord, and it may even be weaker.

At the same time, their eyes suddenly rose with a strong fiery meaning.

Once they have obtained the Kunpeng Great Universe Skill, even they will greatly increase their strength, at least they will have the same degree of surprise to kill the enemy as the Saint King just now.

The strong on the side of the Moon Palace were also worried.

Observing the expressions of all the people, Ye Chen smiled slightly without explaining, but said indifferently: "You really only think I'm going to save yourself?"

"Let me tell you what is truly powerful!"


With the fall of Ye Chen's words, at this moment, his aura completely exploded, like the sun exploded in an instant, the incomparable chaotic blood exploded, submerged nine heavens and ten earths, and then rushed to every inch of the world.

Shocked the world!

Dzogchen quasi-king! ?

ps: There will be tomorrow, please drop in for recommended tickets and monthly tickets, hahaha!

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