Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2853: Invincible! Invincible!

The world fell into silence.

Everyone looked at the fighting saint king who was looking down from above, the invincible chaotic figure, and the invincible words, but no one felt arrogant.

Because the fighting sage king does have arrogant qualifications.

Ancient Road Overlord?

This is also true in front of the fighting sage kings at the Dzogchen quasi-king level.

On the Moon God Mountain, all the powerful people of the Moon Palace looked at the fighting sage king like the emperor. In the past, they did not agree with the fighting sage king who had never met before, and they also had anger and anger. Zhan Sheng Wang alone obtained several of the most beautiful and arrogant Moon Palace heroines, and was angry that several Moon Palace heroines did not hesitate to create the Moon Palace for them, and angry that they did not hesitate to give the Supreme Divine Crown to Dou Zhan Sheng Wang The Moon Palace was buried together, and the treasurer of the holy king was furiously fighting.

But at this moment, all the grievances in the heart disappeared with the wind.

Even if it is envy, jealousy, hatred and fighting, the Saint King has gotten the Tianjiao of several Moon Palace female masters, it will never give birth to the slightest envy.

Only this kind of supreme and invincible fighting sage is qualified to get the goddess, Yiwu, Chen'er and other moon hall female masters.

At the same time, there will be a stronger sense of worship in the heart.

Absolutely powerful for the fighting king.

One man turned the tide, resisted the forces of the three ancient road hegemons, and even defeated the three ancient road hegemons for a lifetime, showing the superiority of the world above all the ultimate ancient road gods.

They are a group of simple people, with pure worship for the strong.

Compared with the fiery worship of the Moon Palace, the powerhouses of the three ancient road overlords have a strong look of panic.

With the emergence of the fighting king, one person crushed the three ancient overlords, turned the tide, and stood on the highest point.

There is no doubt that with the defeat of the three ancient road overlords today, as the overlord forces behind them, participating in the attack on the Moon Palace, they will inevitably receive terrible revenge from the Fighting Saint King.

Even the three most powerful ancient road overlords could not contend, how did the others resist.

The minds of the four great ancient road hegemons and the powerful forces, the three ancient road hegemons are not clear, but their current situation is really bad.

The original sin overlord kept coughing up blood at the corner of his mouth, and a clearly visible fist mark appeared on the magic armor on his body. Through the magic armor, his body was wounded, and it was Ye Chen's fist wiped it.

He had no doubt that if the punch just fell on his body, he was afraid that the quasi-monarch-level magic armor would not be able to resist it at all and would be penetrated.

Behind the overlord of Yuanshi emerged a pair of sword wings, which were condensed with pure light of the primordial beginning. It is rumored that this is the most precious treasure born from the opening of the universe, no weaker than the chaos of the nine immortals. It is the essence of the primordial era. Condensed into Wushuang sword wings, protect oneself.

But even so, the terrifying power contained in the Shaking Palm Sword was transmitted to him through Wushuang Sword Wing, causing him to be slightly injured.

If it weren't for Wushuang Sword Wing's extraordinaryness, if it wasn't for its own cultivation base to be strong enough, if it were an ordinary quasi-king, even with Wushuang Sword Wing, it would probably be broken and blocked.

He looked at the immortal battle king in front of him with great dread, and for the first time since he became the overlord of the ancient road, he felt such a terrible sense of crisis among his peers.

On the other side, the figure of the Chaos Overlord who was submerged in the ancient Qi of Chaos also trembled slightly, unable to stand up completely. On his face, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and the breath was strong and weak, which proved that the earlier collision had suffered. .

Obviously, even if you try to overestimate the strength of this fighting saint king, the three ancient road overlords still paid a certain price.

But they only suffered a little, and they have not really lost.

The three looked at each other and continued to rush forward. The three cooperated and attacked Ye Chen.

"Do you still want to make a move? No matter how you make a move, it will not change the fact of defeat."

Ye Chen said coldly, Dzogchen’s quasi-monarch-level strength was shown, and he was also a little serious. He used the Great Chaos Cauldron and stood on the cauldron. All kinds of terrifying supernatural powers were revealed. Together with the power of the rules of hundreds of kings, he fought the three big Ancient road overlord.

There is no doubt that the three ancient overlords are very powerful, and each masters extraordinary magical powers, even forbidden magical powers, and has also received the corresponding supreme inheritance. They have powerful promotion secrets that can greatly increase their strength. Ascension, the number of king rules played is also a lot more.

What's more important is that they have extremely rich combat experience, and they are all ancient road overlords who have stepped out of the blood sea of ​​the dead mountain, and none of them are weak.

The strength they can wield is far more powerful than on the bright side.

This is the increase brought about by the rich combat experience and terrible combat awareness.

But it's a pity that it would be nothing more than other Dzogchen quasi-kings, it's just that Ye Chen is now facing the control of the three ancient road overlords, and he also controls it.

No matter in terms of supernatural powers, secret techniques, body skills, combat experience, combat consciousness, etc., Ye Chen is not bad at all, and even better.

And even if the three people work together, the cooperation between each other is sometimes not a one-plus-one cooperation. Many factors must be considered. Therefore, after hundreds of rounds of fierce battle, they were still defeated by Ye Chen one by one. The figure flew horizontally, and the blood was falling.

Some of the ancient road overlords were pierced through their bodies, some ancient road overlords were torn apart by a piece of arm, and the ancient road overlords were almost slashed, all of which were severely injured in the past hundreds of rounds.

Seeing this scene, everyone had expected it for a long time. Facing a much more powerful fighting sage, the defeat of the three ancient road overlords was only expected, and no one was surprised. .

After defeating the three ancient road overlords, Ye Chen did not have the slightest joy.

This is not the first time he has done such a thing.

He looked at the Chaos Overlord who had broken his arm, felt the surging ancient chaos in his arm, felt the trembling of the chaotic avenue in his body, and had a greedy impulse to get out of his body to devour the chaos~www.wuxiaspot .com~ This is another encounter.

Ye Chen understood that if he had seized the Chaos Dao Fruit of the Chaos Overlord, his strength would inevitably go further, perhaps he would take that step directly and become the Primordial King.

When Ye Chen looked towards the Chaos Overlord, how could the Chaos Overlord know something? He didn't expect to see Ye Chen as a gift at the beginning, and consciously let it grow up to the point where he wanted, but eventually exceeded his imagination , Even more powerful than himself, can be said to be self-reliant.

But how could he die so easily, and sneered: "Fighting Saint King, I admit that you are stronger than me, but it is not that easy to seize my Chaos Dao Fruit."

Then he suddenly turned around and looked to the rear, shouting: "You don't come out quickly, if you don't come out again, we are defeated, and you are also not expected to get the Supreme God Crown."

"Jie Jie--"

A burst of cold laughter rose suddenly, as if coming from Jiuyou.

At this time, from behind the three ancient road overlords, numerous figures appeared, all dressed in dark robes, with dark chains rising and falling, and a cold and powerful aura spreading freely.

The seven of them were all of the quasi-monarch level.

The person in the middle of the seven quasi-kings has a stronger aura that is no less than Ye Chen.

Dzogchen quasi-king!

The powers of the Moon Palace looked at the sudden appearance of these black-robed powerhouses, especially the seven quasi-monarchs, with great dread. They reversed the current situation once again.

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes, revealing a dangerous light: "Forbidden Soul Palace!"

ps: The five changes are over, please vote for the recommendation and monthly tickets, please, and continue to update tomorrow, hahahaha!

(End of this chapter)

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