Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2854: Strong aid is coming!

Forbidden Soul Palace!

Back then, I had contact with the first level of the ultimate ancient road. This is a weird and powerful mysterious force. It is the opposite of the ultimate ancient road, and its background is unfathomable.

The Forbidden Soul Temple even dared to attack the Ultimate Ancient Road. For a time, many ancient test gates in front of the Ultimate Ancient Road were shattered, and the casualties were heavy. The highest level of the Ultimate Ancient Road once did not hesitate to wage a terrible battle with the Forbidden Soul Temple.

It can be said that the power of Forbidden Soul Palace is not weaker than the ultimate ancient road. There is a real Primordial King sitting in the seat, and it is more than one.

Even now, Ye Chen hadn't understood everything about Soul Forbidden Palace, and still felt unfathomable.

Ye Chen didn't expect that he would meet the strong of Soul Forbidden Palace here.

At the moment, my heart sank, the Palace of Forbidden Soul was not only immersed in the ultimate ancient road, but even the most extreme point of the ultimate ancient road-the ultimate ancient realm, was actually immersed and invaded.

Needless to say, Soul Forbidden Palace is really terrible.

"Jie Jie-Fighting Saint King, I'm so glad to see you."

The quasi-king of the Forbidden Soul Palace spoke. He was a strong man hiding under a black robe, and he could not see his true face. Only two deep green ghost fires loomed under his head robe, like a **** of death.

But there is no doubt that he is powerful, reaching the level of Dzogchen quasi-king.

But anyone who was swept by those faint green eyes, even the quasi-monarch, would feel the ice cold.

Ye Chen frowned, "But I am not very happy to see you lingering fellows."

Forbidden Soul Palace is a very evil force, and they wantonly captured many of the ultimate ancient road's trial arrogances. One is to seize their physical bodies. Anyone who can come to the ultimate ancient road to participate in the trial is the true arrogant of the chaotic ancient universe.

The second is because of their spirit.

So Ye Chen's perception of the Palace of Forbidden Soul was very poor.

What's more, they played against each other several times that year.

The Dzogchen quasi-king of the Forbidden Soul Palace didn’t care at all, and then Jie Jie smiled: “It’s worthy of being a fighting holy king. He is really as powerful and domineering as rumored, and indeed powerful. For the Dzogchen’s quasi-king, look at the ultimate On the ancient road, you can call it the number one pride of the ancient road!"

Pride on the first day! ?

Many ancient road arrogances on the scene have slightly changed their expressions, but they have to admit that the current fighting saint king is really qualified to be called the first arrogant of the ultimate ancient road and is the strongest.

Ye Chen said solemnly: "I want to kill them, do you want to stop it?"

"Jie Jie, I'm sorry, the three of them are important customers of my Forbidden Soul Palace, so I can't let you kill them." The Forbidden Soul Palace completed the full quasi-king with a smile and said: "By the way, introduce yourself, old man Tianyin, you You can also call me the Third Hall Master of the Earth Hall."

"The Third Hall Master of the Earth Hall!?"

It is said that both the Yuedian and the three ancient road overlord forces heard bursts of exclamation. Obviously, they were very surprised at the identity of the three hall masters of the underground hall, and many people were even more frightened. The color, as if seeing the most terrible thing.

It must be known that the Forbidden Soul Palace, as the opposite force of the ultimate ancient road, has an extremely strict hierarchy.

Many of the halls of Forbidden Soul are divided into four major levels, the heavens and the earth are mysterious.

Among them, as the head of the Huang-level Forbidden Soul Palace, he must be powerful.

The master of the Xuan-level Forbidden Soul Hall is the Divine King.

The level of the temple is the quasi-king.

The highest-level temple is the Primordial King.

Moreover, each level of Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang's Forbidden Soul Palace has a ranking of the strength of the Palace Master.

Generally, the higher the ranking, the higher the strength.

Tianyin is the third person in the rankings of all the hall masters of the earth halls, known as the three hall masters, enough to prove his terrible strength.

After all, Soul Forbidden Palace, such a colossal force, possesses quasi-monarchs, but it is far from a few people, as can be seen from the seven quasi-monarchs that have been killed in front of them.

And Tianyin's Dzogchen quasi-king level strength also explains everything.

"Yue, be careful, the three hall masters of the Forbidden Soul Hall are not easy." Goddess Transmission has a deep jealousy. Obviously, I have been in contact with this Forbidden Soul Hall in the past few years.

Ye Chen naturally knew something about it, but he didn't expect that the three ancient road overlords would actually find a powerhouse like the third hall master of the Earth Hall to come and support.

But what about the third hall master, Ye Chen smiled freely, knowing that he is not an ordinary Dzogchen quasi-king.

"Don't worry, unless it's the palace owner of the Temple of Heaven, I'm not afraid even if the first palace owner comes." Ye Chen transmitted the sound back, reassuring his wife.

He looked at the Lord of the Third Hall of the Earth Hall and asked, “It turned out to be the Lord of the Third Hall of the Earth Hall.

"Jie Jie, the Saint King of Fighting Fighting, the Ming people don't speak secretly, but the old man came for the Supreme Divine Crown." The Lord of the Third Hall of the Underground Hall Jie Jie Yin smiled, but looking at Ye Chen, there was also a special hotness. Meaning: "Of course, I didn't expect to see your surprise coming. A chaos practitioner, but I need it. The stronger you are, the greater the help to my Forbidden Soul Hall."

"Hehe, it turns out that you dare to hit my mind in the Palace of Forbidden Soul." Ye Chen sneered.

"Jie Jie - Fighting Saint King, even if you are a Dzogchen quasi-king, it is useless. Today is destined to be the prey of my Forbidden Soul Hall." The third hall of the underground hall, Jie Jieyin, laughed and swept away Qianxun. , Yaya, and Xiao Chenxi are even more enthusiastic: "But don't worry, your three children will also follow you and become the prey of my Forbidden Soul Palace, reunited from now on."

Following the orders of the three hall masters of the Earth Hall, the quasi-monarchs of the six great soul-forbidden halls rushed out, from the early quasi-kings to the late quasi-kings, and there were also many strong gods.

Obviously, this time the Soul Forbidden Palace came, and the preparations were quite sufficient.

These powerful souls of the Forbidden Soul Temple surrounded Ye Chen in the center in an enveloping manner, sealing every corner so that he could not escape.

The goddess and others looked ugly, they came to Ye Chen's side, and they wanted to fight together.

Ye Chen looked at the three ancient road overlords and said coldly: "As a group of the ultimate ancient road, but colluding with the Forbidden Soul Palace, you are really the shame of the ultimate ancient road. If you are known by the seniors such as King Xuelan, naturally Will drive you out of the ultimate ancient road."

The overlord of the original sin said coldly: "Today you are fighting against the king and the king is destined to become the prey of the Forbidden Soul Palace, as long as you are captured by the Forbidden Soul The remnants of the Moon Palace are also captured. Now, who else can know what happened today."

Yuanshi Overlord looked gloomy, looking at Forbidden Soul Palace, he seemed unwilling to cooperate.

Only the Chaos Overlord always looked at all this indifferently.

"Shoot, capture the Fighting Saint King!"


Following the orders of the three hall masters of the Earth Hall, many powerful souls in the Forbidden Soul Palace took action against Ye Chen, and the three hall masters also personally took action. The supreme cultivation base of the Dzogchen quasi-king level was completely exploded, and the sky was boundless black mist. With the sound of chains.

"Worse, it won't work even if the Holy King of Fighting returns, nor is it possible for the Dzogchen quasi-king. Is my Moon Palace destined to perish?"

Many powerhouses in the Moon Palace fell into despair.

Ye Chen looked up at the three hall masters of the underground palace and the three ancient road overlords, and said indifferently: "Do you really think I will return alone?"

"What do you mean?"

The sky was overcast and the hearts of the three ancient road overlords jumped, and there was a bad feeling.

"Of course it is to summon a helper." Ye Chen smiled coldly, a flash of light popped out of his fingers, and rushed to the farthest part of the sky like lightning.

"Come out!"





Although Ye Chen's voice fell, on the distant sky, suddenly, there was a wave of powerful aura and thunder, and it immediately swept across with an extremely astonishing wave.

Strong aid is coming!

ps: Many people say that yesterday and today’s update are counted together, there is no such thing as an explosion.

Let me tell you that I am used to updating the first chapter at zero. This is also the first update on May 23, not May 22.

There is still a small explosion today!

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