Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2916: Gulong Mountains!

This is completely exploded, even the strong vitality has not reversed all reorganization of Xing Shen.

   In the blink of an eye, the seven great powers of the alien race died.

   Xia Miao'er stared at this scene blankly, always having an incredible shock.

   The eldest brother has actually become so powerful, I am afraid that even the respected master, the old man may not be able to do this calmly and freely.

   The half-step divine king of the alien race was even more horrified. He was beyond the reach of such a method, and even those divine kings in the clan were afraid that few people could do it.

   He remembered a scene not long ago, when a quasi-king of the clan made a move, and easily smashed the five great powers in the enclave army in the air. The wind is light and the means is shocking.

   Now it seems that this young man's methods are so similar to those of the quasi-kings in the clan.

   Is this person also a——

   Quasi-King! ?

   When thinking of this possibility, the alien half-step **** king turned around and left without even thinking about it.

  What are you kidding?

   Facing the existence of the quasi-king level, even the peak **** king might be life threatening, not to mention that he is only a half-step **** king.

   I am afraid that such strength is no different from that of ants...

   was thinking like this in his heart, the speed had already been increased to the extreme, and it was much faster than when he chased Xia Miao'er just now.

   "Did I say I let you go?"

   At this time, Ye Chen's indifferent voice suddenly sounded.


   A wave of supernatural power blasted over, and the half-step divine king of the alien race, who was still invincible just now, was blasted to ashes.

   Form and spirit are destroyed!

He raised his hand and killed a half-step **** king. To Ye Chen, it was nothing more than an ordinary thing. He brought Xia Miao'er, who was always shocked, and said: "Miao'er, come with me. , Go to Tianmen together."

   Xia Miaoer, who hadn't recovered yet, was taken onto the Chaos Avenue.


   Several voices sounded. It was Yi Wu, the goddess, and Chen'er, who were naturally seen in the ancient emperor world.

   A few women greeted them with a gentle smile.

   "Sister Yiwu, Sister Jingruo, Sister Chen'er." Xia Miaoer switched to her younger sister's soul side, very surprised, and hugged her with a few girls.

   saw other people who were relatively unfamiliar. Except for the one who had a relationship with Shenrong, the others were basically unfamiliar.

   Xia Miao'er's heart was shocked, as compared to the other people who had just killed her by Ye Chenfeng and Danyun.

Because I can clearly feel the breath of these people, each of them is far more powerful than oneself, as powerful as she can only feel the faintly faintly faintly aura, it is so terrifying, if these people fully explode, I am afraid that a finger is enough to kill myself.

Xia Miao'er couldn't help thinking like this, but she also saw that these people had a very good attitude towards themselves. They had a gentle attitude from the bottom of their hearts, not a false feeling, and then looked at Ye Chen, her moderately gentle and jade-like elder brother. Knowing that it must be Ye Chen's friends.

"Miao'er, why did you appear alone, and you were chased by a foreign half-step **** king?" Ye Chen frowned, half-step **** king, in his eyes, although it was just like an ant, it was still unmanageable for Xia Miao'er. The super power.

   And for ordinary cultivators, it is a world-destroying demon king.

   This situation is really strange.

Xia Miao'er smiled bitterly: "Big brother, I went to the Celestial City to support, but I didn't expect that the alien race opened a line of defense when attacking the Gulong Mountain Range, and was mixed in by these people, knowing that I belonged to the Celestial Gate. Chasing me down on the road. It's also teasing me, otherwise I won't be able to live so long in the hands of the Half-Step King."

   Ye Chen and others nodded slightly, and immediately asked about the current situation of Tianmen.

  From the Lord of the Ten Thousand Realms Palace, I only learned that the Tianmen is currently in crisis, but with the Taikoo King personally going to support it, no matter how great the crisis is, it should not be a problem.

Xia Miaoer shook her head: "You don’t know that Tianmen is on the other side of the Gulong Mountain Range. The predecessors of the Divine King of the Emperor Realm can handle it. This time there are quasi-kings sent from the foreign army, and there are more than a dozen divine kings, and the power is more than half a hundred, and it is extremely difficult to handle. , And with the help of several gods, Tianmen has been captured a long time ago, and the current situation is not optimistic."

   "According to the current situation, Tianmen can't last a day at all, and it will fall completely."

   Xia Miao'er interprets some of the conditions of the Tianmen through magical scrolls, and the entire magnificent capital almost collapses.

   A dozen foreign **** kings surround Dufeng, and the seven **** kings of Tianmen insist on bitterly. They are covered in blood, and their power has already fallen.

   Ye Chen's expression was slightly sinking, making it more difficult than he thought.

   And knowing that there is a battlefield above the God King level close to the armies of the two worlds, if there is no strong enough support to come to rescue, the Tianmen will definitely collapse.

   "I will take a step first, and you will follow up!" Knowing the situation in Tianmen, Ye Chen left early now.


   After a pause, the Chaos Avenue is moving faster, rushing to the Gulong Mountain Range.

  The Gulong Mountain Range is rumored to be a vast mountain range formed by the fall of a true ancient dragon. It is tens of thousands of miles long, and it stretches over several large areas, which is quite amazing.

   Visible to the naked eye, the Gulong Mountain Range is shaking as a whole at this moment, on the other side, endless killings are going on.

   The two mighty ancient cosmic armies are going under the Gulong Mountains.

   Sealed the universe, occupies the Gulong Mountain Range, condescendingly launches an offensive against the alien army that is close to the city.

Because of the home field advantage and the Gulong Mountains, even the strong at all levels of the alien army are more than ten times more than the enclave army, occupying an absolute number advantage, and still far from capturing the Gulong Mountains~www.wuxiaspot .com~ And the ancient dragon mountain range is immortal, the foreign army has repeatedly used large-scale magical attacks, still unable to blast off the ancient dragon mountain range, and was suppressed.

   There are all kinds of magical attacks, various magical formations, and all kinds of magical cannons on the sky. The fire web of destruction is intertwined with all kinds of cannons. If the foreign race army wants to rush to the sky, it will be fully suppressed by the fire web of destruction.

   It is precisely because of this that the Gulong Mountain Range has not been attacked for a long time.

This is the case, and the battle is extremely tragic. There are countless deaths and injuries to the alien army under the Gulong Mountain Range. I don’t know how many alien creatures have been beheaded. The souls and spirits are all destroyed. The debris and depravity are scattered all over the ground. Not enough to describe it.

   millions of corpses!

   However, the situation of the enclave army on the Gulong Mountain Range is not optimistic. There are countless casualties, and there are corpses all over the ground. There is no shortage of heavenly kings and great powers.

Because there are too many powerful foreign races, whether it is the heavenly king, the mighty, the **** king, or the quasi-king, the level is far beyond the enclave army. There are always many attacks that can penetrate the fire net of destruction and fall on the ancient dragon mountain range, causing Casualties.

   If it weren’t for relying on the Gulong Mountains and the main battlefield blessings of the Enclosed Universe, how could it persist.

   As for the powerhouses above the **** king level, there is another battlefield.

   The **** kings and quasi kings on the side of the sealed universe, in order to prevent the alien gods and quasi kings from breaking through the fire net and breaking the defenses, they set off early and committed suicide into the alien army, delaying the alien kings and quasi kings.


  At this time, a strong alien of the other race suddenly broke through the destructive fire net and rushed to the Gulong Mountain Range, causing the strong man stationed on the Gulong Mountain Range to change color: "God King!"

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