Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2917: Tianmen is ahead

The person who broke through the ancient dragon mountain range and destroyed the fire net was a powerful alien **** king.

   But the **** kings on this side of the sealed universe all went to the depths of the alien army, fiercely fighting and delaying other alien **** kings.

   Undoubtedly, the current Gulong Mountains are threatening!

"Jie Jie, only you are the mighty powers and kings of heaven. This **** king can slap a group to death." The alien **** king Jie Jie smiled, revealing a terrifying smile, and the terrifying **** king's might spread down. The expressions of many powerful people in the Gulong Mountain Range changed drastically, and they trembled.

   "You can't let him do whatever he wants!"

  The two bosses in the enclave army rushed out, they were already at the level of old antiques, they could be called a half-step **** king, half of their feet had already set foot in the domain of the **** king, and they joined hands to fight the alien king.

   "The two and a half-step old guys of the **** king dared to rush over, really looking for death!"

   Even if the alien **** king suffered a certain amount of injury when he hit the Destroy Fire Net, it did not affect the explosion of the **** king level combat power, causing the entire sky to be shaken, and then shot.

  The power of the King of Gods is extremely amazing even after the main battlefield of the sealed universe is weakened.



   Only played against each other, but less than ten rounds, two half-step **** king-level old antique figures flew upside down, spraying blood, very miserable.


   The strong man with the Holy Land power screamed, full of misery.

  Because the two ancestors were already venting a lot of air, but not entering the air, their spirits were dim, and they were seriously injured and dying.

   But the two half-step gods, Lao Kui, tried their best to stand up, and even burned his whole body.

   This is the burning form god, in exchange for more powerful power.

   "Burn your own body and transform the Tao in advance." The alien **** king squinted his eyes, and even he was a little afraid of the power of this transformation.

  Especially this is the sealed universe, with home court suppression, even more so.

   However, it only has a bit of fear.



When the alien **** king's figure flickered, two afterimages appeared out of thin air. With two screams, they rushed to the two half-step **** king Laoguo who burned themselves like lightning. They were actually two afterimages of the **** king. With part of the power of the king.

During the collision, although the two half-step gods and old antiques managed to reach the **** king realm with the help of burning Xing Shen, they still have a big gap compared with the foreign **** kings. Obviously, the latter is not the first to step in this field. The **** king is much stronger. .

   Even the afterimages of the two gods are powerful enough.

   blocked the two old antiques.

   The two old antiques are powerless, and even if the spirits are burning, they can't get close to the front of the alien king. It is so sad.

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that the old man is unwilling to be able to slaughter the aliens!"

   An old antique roars full of unwillingness, but also has a strong helplessness and powerlessness.

   "Die, two old guys."

   The alien **** king’s mind controlled the two **** king afterimages, and at the same time, the two **** king afterimages became stronger and stronger, and they began to suppress the old antique in turn.


   At this moment, a figure thunder flashed, and it appeared directly in front of the two old antiques, angrily.



   The afterimages of the two **** kings who were able to suppress the two old antiques comparable to the **** kings were so destroyed and exploded directly.

   "What kind of method is this?"

   This makes people's hearts tremble, even if this kind of remnant of the **** king is not as good as the real **** king, but it will not be so easily defeated by people.

"you are--"

   Seeing a young man with abundance of spirits suddenly appeared in front of him, the two old antiques were both startled, as if surprised at how young each other was.

   The face can be changed, but the unique vitality contained in the blood remains unchanged.

   "Two seniors, I will suppress you first."

   This person is Ye Chen, smiled gently, and patted two old antiques with both hands.

The two old antiques are about to stop, because this is the flame of the Tao of Burning Xing Shen, which is extremely terrible, and it can easily touch the Tao of God to burn. This is also what the alien kings do not want to collide with them head-on. The reason lies.

   But it was too late to stop, Ye Chen's palms had fallen on them, and the two old antiques were shocked by the wide-eyed scene. The fire of Huadao was actually suppressed by the ground, and even disappeared directly.

At the same time, the two felt a powerful but majestic life force emerging from their bodies, and the severe trauma caused by the burning Xingshen was completely repaired in a flash, and in a faint, they both seemed to become younger Now, a bit of black hair has emerged from the gray hair.

   These methods can be called astonishing.

   Ye Chen retracted his palm, and said to the two old antiques who were surprised: "The two seniors will rest for a while, and I will deal with him."

"it is good!"

   The two old antiques did not refuse, because the various methods shown by the young man in front of them proved far superior to them.

   They are all half-step **** kings, and naturally only **** kings can surpass them.

   Just the two looked at each other, seemingly wondering, when did the heavens and domains give birth to such a young **** king.

   "Who are you?" The alien **** king looked at Ye Chen with jealousy From the various methods of the talent, it can be seen that this son is by no means an ordinary person, perhaps also a **** king.

   "The one who killed you."

   Ye Chen responded, very plain, but under the plain there was boundless killing intent.

"The one who killed me—" The alien **** king was startled, and then, as if he heard a big joke, he laughed up to the sky: "You are a hairy boy who dares to kill me? Even if you have a home game plus— —"

   Before a word, his eyes widened in the next moment, full of infinite horror.

Because I don’t know when Ye Chen appeared in front of him, it was almost impossible for him to notice, and immediately the white palm of his hand gripped his neck tightly, letting him move the power that could break the world at every turn. No, it was completely banned.

   "Too much nonsense, I don't like people who talk too much!"

   Ye Chen said, the palm of the hand was spit out, and he rushed directly into the palace of the alien **** king's eyebrows and Niwan, blasting the spirit out.

   The alien king, his eyes dimmed forever, with a trace of unwillingness, and also seemed to be puzzled, where is this sacred and why it is so powerful.


   The many troops on the Gulong Mountain Range were stunned, because the scene before them was too shocking, and a strong alien king was killed in such a way. These methods shocked them to heaven!

   Ignoring everyone's surprise, Ye Chen looked at the two old antiques and said, "Senior, dare you ask where is the gate of heaven?"

   The two old antiques came back to their senses and pointed in a direction: "The Tianmen is at the forefront. The Lord of the Tianmen Gate was unwilling to leave Dufeng, and he had no choice but to lead the Tianmen strong forces to defend Dufeng."

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