Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2964: The emperor must not be humiliated

Soon after, the great emperors and royal family powerhouses of the foreign race appeared in great numbers. He saw that the emperor present was covered in blood, and only the tenth heaven aura was surrounding him, and his breath rushed over.

Especially the strong emperor clan where Emperor Wentian is located is even more concerned and said: "Xiaozu, are you okay?"

Emperor Wentian coughed up blood, no one could see that his injury was serious, but he was the only one left, and he couldn't help but doubt it.

Why everyone was beheaded, only Emperor Wentian was alive.

Although the injuries were serious, they could even see that it had hurt the origin.

But it is also likely to be acting.

Di Wentian pointed to the deepest part of the immortal burial realm, and said: "Hurry up, he has fled to the deepest part of the immortal burial realm and wants to enter another realm."


Everyone changes color, only the absolute high-level of the emperor clan knows what the other side of the immortal burial world is, even if it is a foreign race, they dare not easily go deep.

"Who is he?"

"Battle Saint King!"


As soon as this name came out, all the strong aliens were struck by lightning.


"Battle Saint King!"

"How dare he go deep into my alien ancient universe?"

"How did he enter the ancient universe of our world?"

The expressions of all the great emperors and royal clan powerhouses changed, and they quickly realized that it was no wonder that all the alien patriarchs were slaughtered, and it turned out that the fighting sage king made the move.

Because he is absolutely comparable to the existence of the quasi-monarch level against the sky, he can know all kinds of things in the tenth level.

As for everything in the sealed universe, he killed Ye Cui, because of the blockade of the sealed universe, the foreign race did not know that Ye Cui was killed by Ye Chen.

I also understand why the Taikoo Sovereign has blocked his moves, because everyone knows that the fighting sage king practiced the Chaos Taoism, which can shield the heavens.

Back in time when the Primordial King shot before, I can see that sentence-

"Me? Ancient elephant emperor Tianjiao, Gu Taixu!"

I'm afraid it was the fighting saint king who deliberately released and interfered.

"Damn the fighting king!"

The ancient elephant emperor clan was angry, and this black pot almost caused the ancient elephant emperor clan to bear it.

"His Royal Highness asked Tian, ​​why are the other emperor sons and daughters away, but you are all right."

At this time, some powerful emperors questioned that all the emperor sons and daughters are dead, why emperor Wentian did not, and emperor Wentian is the son of the Qingtian Emperor, the son of the tenth day who rebelled into the ancient universe of the alien race.

Di Wentian smiled bitterly, and took out a broken and dull armor: "If it weren't for this king's treasure just now, you happened to show up again, otherwise I'm afraid I would have been killed."

Everyone was shocked. The shattering of a king-level defense treasure was enough to prove the terrible opponent.

But the strong emperor still said in a cold voice: "His Royal Highness asked the sky, why other emperors and emperors have not had time to display them, only you successfully display them."

Emperor Wentian's eyes were cold suddenly: "Brahma, are you suspicious of this emperor?"

"Don't dare, I'm just curious that His Royal Highness Emperor Wentian and His Royal Highness Liu Dao are similar in strength, and are both Dzogchen quasi-kings. Why the Fighting Saint King suppressed His Royal Highness Liu Dao but didn't suppress you. I have doubts." The quasi-monarch of the Borneo clan said he was curious, but he actually doubted Emperor Wentian's help.


Emperor Wentian's momentum suddenly refreshed to the extreme, the tenth heaven added, the Dzogchen quasi-king momentum was surging, even though he was covered in blood, he was still like the awe-inspiring and invincible **** of war, so that all the powerful except the five great ancient kings were affected. A terrible sense of oppression.

"Brahma, my son wants you to understand one thing. Since the last epoch, my father and I are the people of the chaotic ancient universe, not the person who sealed the universe. The son of the emperor can't commit a decline for the sake of a decline. The shattered sealed universe came to help. If you want to say why the emperor was not killed by the fighting holy king, you can only explain one thing, the emperor is stronger than those wastes."


As if the whole starry sky was overwhelming the past, the quasi-monarch of the Borneo tribe, Borro Guye, sank suddenly, coughing out a mouthful of blood, cracking in shape, and almost exploding.

At the scene, the great emperors and royal family powerhouses were awe-inspiring and respected.

At this time, instead of doubting Di Wentian, on the contrary, he more and more admitted Di Wentian.

In the ancient alien universe, the strong respected, this truth is far more obvious than other ancient chaotic universes.

Di Wentian's strength is fully demonstrated, the terrifying strength of Dzogchen's quasi-monarch level, and indeed, as he said, it is not guilty to venture into a sealed universe that is about to be shattered.

In their eyes, the sealed universe is so small and weak, it will only be a matter of time before it is extinct before the extremely powerful ancient alien universe.

An alien emperor glanced at Brahma Guye, and snorted coldly: "Brahma Guye, I hope you understand that the emperor character cannot be humiliated, and the strongest emperor must not be humiliated!"

The corner of his mouth was bleeding constantly, and he nodded in panic, not daring to resist.

Di Wentian snorted coldly: "It's good to know. It's not a long time before the Fighting Saint King has escaped. Now there is a certain hope that I will be able to catch up, so you all go quickly."

"it is good!"

"Ask your Highness to be careful."

The great emperors and royal clans rushed to the deepest part of the immortal burial world, and at this time the speed accelerated a lot, because they knew what the other side of the immortal burial world was far more than anyone.

The prehistoric world!

The strongest chaotic ancient universe no less than the ancient alien universe, even stronger than the sealed universe back then.

There, even the ancient emperor of the alien race did not dare to get involved easily.

At the same time, Ye Chen almost chased the stars and rushed to the deepest part of the immortal burial world. The deeper he went, the more he felt a stubborn darkness covering the world, everything became dimmed, even accurate The king's line of sight could not see too far away.

But the meaning of special calling in the depths of the soul was even stronger, trembling violently almost every moment.

Suddenly, infinite darkness appeared in front of him.

Ye Chen stood still, frowning and looked ahead. It was not so much darkness, but it was another immortal gate, standing in the deepest part of the burial world, covering the sky and the sun, and the dark city seemed to be shrouded in darkness. It is like the earth, unable to see through.

Tianguan, see Tianguan again!

Could this be the return to the heavenly gate of the sealed universe?

No, most of the other side of Tianguan is the prehistoric fairy world!

The call from the depths of the soul is extremely strong, and he can feel that there is an existence in the sky or on the other side that makes his soul be called so strongly.

"what exactly is it?"

Ye Chen’s eyes were slightly The strength of the eternal quasi-king was shown, and the chaos cut the sky to point out, and the heavy bombardment on the immortal sky, suddenly exploded the boundless chaotic light, accompanied by the burning ten thousand rules, Billowing out.


The strongest combat power was fully demonstrated, and the strongest power of the eternal quasi-king suddenly bombarded the immortal pass, and this finger was enough to kill the Dzogchen quasi-king.

The entire burial fairy world was shocked, turbulent for hundreds of thousands of miles away, and boundless brilliance bloomed.

In the end, the dark Immortal Pass was blasted open.

However, no bright passage appeared. Inside the ancient sky gate, there was only a dark ups and downs that could not be seen.


Quietly, a figure appeared on the Immortal Gate, tall and majestic. ()

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