Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2965: Old man

The Immortal Sky closed, silently, a tall figure appeared.

It is vaguely visible that there are full heads of gray hair scattered randomly, and a pair of deep eyes emerged from the dimness, revealing a trace of shock: "So strong, is the quasi-king against the sky? No, even stronger than the quasi-king Quite a lot, it's just a bit worse than the Primordial King."

He appeared in front of Gutianmen, his figure as if the immortal emperor Yue was standing in front of Ye Chen.

He stared at Ye Chen and said, "What a peerless Tianjiao, I really don't know what method you used to surpass the heavenly quasi-king level in a short time with your strength."

Ye Chen looked at this tall figure solemnly, frowned and said, "Who are you?"

The tall figure said indifferently: "You can call me an old man who destroys the world."

Ye Chen nodded. Although he had never passed this title, he knew from the first instinct that this person was absolutely extraordinary and gave him a terrible sense of threat.

"You want to stop me?" Ye Chen said again.

The tall figure, who claims to be an old man, said indifferently: "I am the gatekeeper of the second pass. The emperor is sleeping in the heaven. Don't be disturbed. Forgive you for being young and promising, and you should leave. Otherwise, it is not you that alarmed the emperor. Can bear it."

From the tone of the tone, this old man of extinction has a sense of cherishing his talents. He does not want Ye Chen, a young and promising peerless arrogant, to fall like this, but once he is known by the sleeping emperor in the Immortal Pass, he will definitely be let him. The form and spirit are destroyed.

Ye Chen smiled. He knew that every Immortal Pass seemed to fall asleep with the supreme supreme existence, and this pass was obviously the same, but compared to the ancient alien universe, the Immortal Pass was asleep even though the ancient emperor was sleeping. Existing, he was confident that he had some hope, because the emperor's reincarnation and the emperor star were in his body.

"I want to break through!"

He paused every word, his tone firm.

The old man sighed slightly, and then his eyes appeared indifferent: "Since you want to break through, don't blame the old man for being ruthless, but he will kill you accidentally."

"Dare to ask if I succeed in breaking through and entering?" Ye Chen said.

"If you successfully break through the barrier and enter, the old man will not block you, so he will block latecomers here for you." Mieshi said.

"it is good!"

Ye Chen was also a little surprised. He could feel that the terrible place of the old man who destroyed the world before him was definitely not an ordinary primordial king.

Of course, although he is the eternal quasi-king level of this deity, he also knows the huge gap between himself and the old man who destroys the world. With a thought, the reincarnation of the emperor is dispatched and said: "Old man, please don't blame the younger generation for using other means."

The Old Man Destroyer glanced suspiciously at the reincarnation of the great emperor. Naturally, he could see that this seven-year-old boy looked immature and young, but he was definitely a peerless horror. Even he was a bit jealous. Ye Chen opened his mouth and laughed haha: "The old man said that as long as you successfully pass through the barrier, the old man will not pay attention to what means, just block it."

The reincarnation body of the great emperor stepped forward, his mind moved, and the two supreme-level incomplete powers, such as the power of the flesh and the mighty power of the Nirvana Emperor Realm, merged into one, and the peerless power that ruined the sky and the earth collapsed and blasted the old man.

The old man of Misunderstanding was shocked and hurried to block...


The terrible loud noise reverberated in the deepest part of the immortal burial world, and also attracted the attention of the foreign powers, who rushed over at a faster speed.

After a while, they finally rushed to the Immortal Pass, and they happened to see Ye Chen's slender and immortal figure standing in the chaotic light in the ancient Tianmen Gate that had been blasted open. Emperor.

"Battle Saint King, leave it to me!"


An ancient king of a foreign race took action immediately, crossing the boundless sky, with a large hand that could cover the sun, moon and stars, and quickly reached Ye Chen in the ancient sky gate.


Ye Chen's figure flashed, and he was submerged in the Immortal Pass.

"Huh, can you escape?"

The alien king snorted coldly, and the king's big hand still caught up, even reaching into the ancient sky gate, trying to penetrate into the inner city.


Immortal Tianguan trembled slightly, and a **** hand emerged, no less than a king's hand, and went down and collided with it. There was a loud bang, blocking it.

A strong and majestic voice came from the Immortal Pass: "Foreign race, I have crossed the boundary. This is the place where the emperor sleeps. Don't disturb!"

Silently, the old man appeared again, but there was a ray of blood at the corner of his mouth. Looking at the back of Ye Chen, who was immersed in the Immortal Pass, the shock in his heart has not disappeared, because he remembered not long ago. If the seven-year-old boy's violent shot, the majestic Emperor Star appeared in his hand, even if he tried his best to stop it, it was a pity that it would not help.

In the end, he was defeated, he kept his promise, let Ye Chen enter the customs, and he appeared to block the latecomers.

Five great alien immortal kings appeared in front of the Immortal Pass. The emperor's heavenly might be boundless. They all pressed towards the Immortal Pass, and each shot and explored the ancient sky gate. One of them shouted: "Dare to stop the ancient universe from pursuing and killing fights." Battle Saint King, if you are invincible with our ancient universe, can you bear it?"

There is no doubt that this is the biggest threat. The blocker is the enemy of the ancient alien universe. I am afraid that even the ancient Chaos universe will have to weigh a bit.

The Alien Ancient Universe is so powerful and domineering, but also has a strong and domineering capital.

"Huh, does the foreign race really think it is number one in the world?"

The immortal heavens closed the world-destroying old man standing up, condescending, looking at the five great alien primordial kings, and said coldly: "I think the five of you will stay here today."


The heavenly might of the king that was far above the talents was blooming, causing the five great alien kings to change their colors.


A big foot fell from the sky, and it was many times larger than the king's big hand. It directly stepped on the big hands of the five foreign kings, and they were crushed into flesh and blood.

The five great alien kings snorted, and his **** hands withdrew back.


At this time, the big hand on the Immortal Sky Gate reappeared, but it turned into a five-finger mountain, and all five fingers turned into an Optimus pillar with dense runes, each blasting on an alien king.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Like the ancient emperor, the five kings of foreign races flew upside down, coughing up blood.


Between the sky and the earth, a rough grinding disc appeared, as huge as a star field, covering the sky and the sun.

This seemingly rough millstone is permeated with an aura of horror that destroys the world, rippling slowly, as if it could wipe out the world at every turn.

"World Destroying Millstone!"

An alien monarch was shocked and said, Annihilating the world, but it is a famous and peerless soldier.


The immortal heaven closed the big hand and grabbed the world-destroying millstone, and then smashed down the burial fairyland. An alien king was hit and blended into it. The millstone was spinning, and the scream of the alien king was heard in it. Both the body and the soul are being constantly being grinded by the grinding disc.

"Do not--"

Foreign kings struggled hard, but nothing helped, because the world-killing millstone can wipe out everything in the world. It is a legendary weapon of a fierce weapon, famous and unstoppable.


After a while, the blood bloomed and a vision emerged, and a powerful alien king would destroy the world and kill him ~ both form and spirit.

PS: Beginning tomorrow, QQ Reading will hold an event. For a month, I founded a fan group called "Yuedian". I hope everyone can join Yuedian and accompany me in the battle.

Of course, I will try my best to update it. In the next month, I will guarantee four updates, and I will add one more chapter if the reward exceeds 10,000 book coins.

This requires rewards from Yuedian fans to be effective.

If the event is over, Xunyue can be ranked in the top ten, and it will also have five chapters for a month.

Work hard, I hope everyone will support Xunyue.

The book is in the final stage, a few months later, and as expected, the end of this year or the beginning of the year is really over.

I hope everyone can support you in the final stage

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