Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2974: The emperor can't

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The old man who died of the world sighed faintly, felt the Emperor Yan's prestige up close, and became more and more in awe of it.

The three dignified emperors were all close to the realm of the emperor, but in front of Emperor Yan, they seemed so vulnerable.

This is Emperor Yan, the emperor he follows!

Seeing that Emperor Yan was about to burn the three foreign emperors to death, Ye Chen couldn't bear it, and couldn't bear it.

Of course, this kind of unbearable heart is not unbearable for foreign races, but such good materials are burned to the end. Knowing the origin of the great world in the emperor's body, it makes him quite jealous.

Once swallowed and refined...

Ye Chen couldn't imagine how much the increase could be, because this was definitely far beyond the original world of alien kings such as the Buddha War and Mahakong.

He even started rubbing his palms, ready to ask Yan Emperor.

At this time, Emperor Yan raised his eyelids slightly and looked into the distance, where a terrifying and powerful pressure was spreading like lightning, even better than the three foreign monarchs.

The entire burial fairy world trembled.

There is no doubt that this must be the ancient emperor of the alien race.

Finally, the ancient emperor appeared.

"Finally willing to appear?" Emperor Yan smiled slightly, watching the existence of the ancient foreign emperor who had caused the entire immortal burial world to violently turmoil once he appeared. He just moved a little dissatisfied and said slowly: "Unfortunately, it's slow. One step, wait for the body to be collected."

Slightly squeezed the palm of his hand, and a powerful force of the emperor that was far better than the previous one burst out suddenly, and grabbed the three alien emperors who had been burnt miserably and inexplicably.

Boom boom boom

Originally, the three major alien emperors who had been burned to the extreme with their flesh and souls, they all just took it forcibly. At this moment, they couldn't take it anymore. They let out a scream, and couldn't hold on anymore, terrifying fluctuations. In the hundreds of millions of miles, the atmosphere of the three foreign monarchs finally dissipated.


In the world of burial immortals, endless visions suddenly appeared, one after another, all shocking visions of the death of the emperor, turbulent.

"Emperor, dare you!"

The ancient great emperor of the foreign race screamed, and the entire immortal burial world almost exploded. The world-class supreme emperor's prestige was erupting, impacting at close range, and the entire Immortal Pass shook as if it collapsed.

Under this powerful emperor’s might, the billions of miles of the sun went down equally dimly, and went out directly, revealing the bodies of three huge emperors, but the souls were extinguished and burned to extinction, leaving only three corpses. .

Even the great emperor of the ancients is too short to return to the sky.

Yan Emperor stomped the soles of his feet, and the trembling Immortal Heaven shut down for a while, no longer shaking.

He raised his eyelids slightly and looked at the immeasurable demon figure of the ancient alien emperor who descended before the Immortal Pass, and said expressionlessly, "Fantasy, you are the only one who dare to come over?"

In the calm words, no matter how they sounded, it seemed to carry a strong taste of mockery.

The foreign emperor who came here was indeed the Buddha of Buddha.

The Great Buddha, standing in the deepest part of the immortal world, looked at the three different emperors killed. One of them was the Emperor of the Buddha Clan, and even his younger brother, a younger brother who was also hopeful of proving Dao Chengdi.

In front of him, Emperor Yan was killed face-to-face, unable to restrain the anger in his heart.

He looked at Emperor Yan sullenly, and said solemnly: "Emperor Yan, the lessons our Ancient Universe gave you back then are really not enough, let you dare to take action against the emperor of our Ancient Universe."

In the sky, although Emperor Yan's figure is only the size of a normal person, compared with the Emperor Futu's body, it is different from the world, but it looks like equal, even faintly as if looking down, overlooking the past, indifferently authentic : "Lesson? I really thank you for the lesson of the alien race, otherwise I won't sleep for that long. It's just fortune and misfortune."

Upon hearing this, the Great Buddha suddenly woke up and was shocked: "Did you break through?"

"Hahaha" Yandi didn't answer this question head-on, but in an instant, his aura skyrocketed many times, covering the entire world of buried immortals.

He was condescending, overlooking the Great Buddha, and said indifferently: "I think you really forgot the emperor's methods in previous years. You dare to disturb the emperor's sleep and attack the emperor's immortal pass. Today, the emperor will Killing you makes your aliens remember again. Back then, there was an ancient emperor named Yandi, but he dared to enter the depths of the ancient alien universe and kill the great alien!"

In the words, it shows infinite domineering, and also shows all the deeds of the year.

At that time, Emperor Yan, alone, entered the deepest part of the ancient alien universe, even beheading an alien emperor, Megatron Chaos Sea.

Endless years have passed, and along with Emperor Yan's deep sleep, these deeds have gradually been forgotten, but today, Emperor Yan has returned to let the ancient alien universe remember the profound lessons of the year.

Boom boom boom boom boom

Suddenly, ten rounds of brilliant sun suddenly appeared at the highest point of the sky of the celestial burial world, each of which was huge, hundreds of millions of miles across the heavens.

As soon as the ten rounds of the sky came out, it represented the strongest emperor's way of fire attributes, and all fire attributes had to kneel and surrender before the emperor of fire.

The Great Emperor Futu changed color, but he knew the Yan Emperor's methods deeply, so he turned around and walked away without saying a word.

"Since it's here, stay here completely."

Emperor Yan said, ten rounds of bright and bright days went across the sky, and then there was a loud roar, blasting the nine heavens, and falling heavily on the Buddha of the same huge demon body of hundreds of millions of miles.

Emperor-level fluctuations are in turmoil, tearing apart the immortal world, and destroying the Buddha.


The Buddha of the Great Buddha raised up to the sky and roared, while the Supreme Emperor was emerging, tearing the heavens, and the rivers of years appeared, and even displayed the forbidden magical power of the Thousand Hands Buddha!

He has transformed himself into a Thousand-Hand Avalokitesvara-like Thousands of big hands appear, each big hand represents a kind of move, and the sum of the thousands of big hands is a thousand moves, even more often. It changes every moment.

In an instant, hundreds of millions of heavy moves exploded, attacking ten rounds of the bright sun.

This is the Buddha of the Great Buddha, once displayed forbidden magical powers, it is far more terrifying than others.

Ten rounds of panic were bombarded so that they could not fall down, and even began to fall faintly.

The Great Futu was indeed extremely powerful.

The Emperor Yan also gave a slightly startled suspicion, he said: "I didn't expect that the Buddha did have some means to display the Thousand-Handed Buddha, but unfortunately, it is unavoidable after all. In order to show respect for you, I decided to kill you with one blow!"

Emperor Yan's already incomparably powerful aura suddenly climbed again, and even overwhelmed Emperor Futu, the entire immortal burial world was collapsing and began to disintegrate.

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