Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2975: Kill the Great Emperor

The place where the celestial burial world is located is at the center of the ancient alien universe, where there are many great emperors, even the strongest emperor.

Originally, I only paid a little attention to the deepest part of the buried immortal world, but at this moment, almost all the ancient emperors changed their colors, and even the strongest emperor was alarmed.

Because of the powerful aura suddenly released from the deepest part of the Burial Immortal Realm, it even made the entire alien ancient universe tremble.

"this is"

All foreign race great emperors paid attention to the deepest part of Xiangbuxian Realm, and they also sensed that the extremely stable and immortal Burial Realm was disintegrating.

Pieces of huge fragments of the immortal burial world rushed to various places, causing terrible vibrations, tearing apart the stars.

It was visible to the naked eye that in the deepest part of the immortal burial world, a huge flame dragon appeared on the 33rd layer of Ao Ling.

This flame blue dragon has ten claws on its body, and each claw catches a huge round of the sun. The huge fire dragon's mouth, which is even bigger than the king's world, is sprayed with endless flames of light, which can burn down. Eternal sky, burning time and space, even the sun can be burned.

This is the emperor flame blue dragon purely condensed from emperor flames, condescending, looking down at the Buddha, even if the body of the supreme emperor is still small, the dragon eyes that are as huge as the sun, there is a kind of in the emperor flames. Contempt of aloof indifference.

Supreme is also ants!

For some reason, Ye Chen saw such an emotion in the eyes of Emperor Yan Canglong, as if the Supreme Emperor was nothing more than this in front of him.


The Emperor Yan Canglong opened his mouth and vomited, and a round of sky that was even bigger than the billions of miles before suddenly fell, completely submerging the Great Buddha below.

Suddenly, all the foreign emperors knew what was wrong, and immediately took action to rescue the Buddha.

It’s just too late, because that round of the sky was too fast, and the Great Buddha was completely submerged in the blink of an eye, and the terrifying ripples of pure emperor flames spread, layering on top of each other, all the attacks of many foreign emperors. To resist it, it is impossible to approach effectively.

At the same time, the terrifying Canglong Yantian instantly burned the thousands of big hands that emerged from behind the Buddha to ashes.

The emperor flame was terrible, as if it contained a mighty power that surpassed the supreme. The supreme emperor's body could not stop the burning of the emperor, and it was quickly burned to the skin and flesh, and he could even smell the thick scent of meat.

"Do not"

In the flames of Emperor Huanghuang, there was a roar of anger from the Great Buddha of the Buddha. He struggled constantly, but it didn't help.

Emperor Yan contains an absolute burning power, even if it is the Supreme Emperor, even if it is the eternal and immortal body of the Supreme Emperor, it is also unbearable.

It was just a few short breaths. The Great Buddha of a generation of foreign races was burned to death by the Huanghuang Sun, and died.

Infinite visions emerged, shocking the heavens and even the entire alien ancient universe.

That was the ancient emperor, the Buddha of Buddha, who lived for an era of epoch, and the terrible emperor who had experienced the great destruction of myths, was actually suppressed and killed in this way, which is incredible.

The emperor Futu clan also heard endless screams.

Ye Chen looked at Emperor Yan in shock, and the Emperor Ge, who felt the suppression by the Emperor Star, also wailed, knowing that Emperor Futu had really fallen.

It's just that these methods are definitely not something that the average emperor can do. Could it be that Emperor Yan has become...



Numerous terrifying Di Nian successively penetrated into the deepest part of the collapsed immortal burial world, and there were many projections of the ancient great emperors of foreign races appearing. When they descended here, the emperor's coercion collapsed the heavens, terrifying, and they all looked at Yan Di angrily.

In the presence of all the ancient emperors of the ancient universe of foreign races, to behead the Buddha, it is simply bold!

One of them even roared: "Emperor Yan, you dare to kill the ancient emperor of my universe, I want you to pay the price of death!"

The emperor was angry, blood stained the sky.

What's more, the anger of so many foreign race great emperors is derived from the endless imperial way killing thoughts, turning into heavenly way killing blades, each of which is tens of thousands of miles long, rushing to the immortal pass.

The Emperor Yan is still domineering, standing with his hands on his back: "Isn't it an extinction before?"

The Emperor Yan Canglong just opened his mouth and swallowed all the killing blades of the Heavenly Path.

Even with this attack, he wanted to kill the Emperor Yan. It would be too small to look down upon him.


The figures of several alien great emperors gave way because the strongest emperor appeared. Although it was only the emperor's thought, the emperor's prestige was not inferior to that of the ancient emperor.

That kind of breath will almost be broken when the river of years emerges.

He looked at Emperor Yan coldly, the incomparable emperor's prestige overwhelmed the sky, and said coldly: "What a Yan Emperor, it seems that it was our fault that he didn't kill him back then."

At that time, Emperor Yan almost died and died. He was helpless to sleep for eternity. A spirit was reincarnated and reborn nine times. He was almost lost and perished forever. Unexpectedly, the spirit would return to his body and be revived, and his cultivation was better than that.

Otherwise, Emperor Yan would never be able to kill the Great Buddha so easily.

Yan Di sneered: "This is so beautiful, I really thought that you could kill me back then, you dare to do it, my old friends of the fairy king will definitely kill you."

The strongest emperor of the foreign race was also silent. This Emperor Yan was only the pinnacle of the supreme, but for some reason, his relationship with the giants of the immortal realm was irreversible, which caused them to be extremely jealous. After the injury, even the strongest emperor would die in nine deaths, so he finally let go of Yandi, thinking that in this era, Yandi would not be able to survive.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Yan finally recovered.

Because of this, they missed the best opportunity to kill Yan Di back then.

"Huh!" The strongest emperor of the foreign race snorted, and then the infinite emperor's prestige bloomed: "Even if you have a few friends of the fairy king, why should the ancient universe of our world be afraid of crossing the prehistoric fairy world? The primordial immortal realm. Today, if you dare to kill the ancient emperor of the ancient universe in our realm, your sin is inexcusable, and you should be punishable!"

Emperor Yan glanced at the body of the strongest emperor. The Emperor Yan Canglong on the 33rd layer of the sky opened his mouth and vomited, and it was another round of Emperor Yan Tian ~ Submerged Xiang Xiang's body, and said indifferently: "If it is your body that makes a move, it should be destroyed. I can easily kill an ancient emperor like the Buddha, let alone your body. , It's so vulnerable."

The emperor's body of the strongest emperor of the foreign race exploded, and his body was shattered.


In the center of the universe, an ancient ancestral temple appeared up and down, and a terrifying figure walked out.

Along with the steps, this figure quickly soared and became bigger, and even surpassed the sun and stars of hundreds of millions of miles, surpassed everything, and was even larger than the Burial Immortal Realm, and came directly.

Behind him, thirteen ancient alien emperors followed, and the most terrifying supreme emperor was also blooming.

Obviously, today, the alien race had a murderous intention to kill Emperor Yan, the most powerful emperor, because his strength had already caused a huge threat to the alien ancient universe.

What's more, Emperor Yan is still the ancient emperor who sealed the universe, so he must stay here completely anyway.

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