"Brother Guan!"

   "Looking at the sky!"

   On the other side of the avenue counter, several other people were surprised when they saw Guan Jingtian suddenly scream and fell to the sky.

   No warning!

Viewing sky suddenly felt that his head was blank, the pupil technique was cracked, and Ye Chen's ruthless eyes appeared all over his head, like "Heaven is not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog", like an ancient emperor standing high above the ground. Looking down at himself, as if looking down at an ant.

  The pupil technique that I am proud of is very vulnerable!

   This is not a general, not even an ordinary **** king.

Ye Chen glanced at the viewing sky indifferently. It was just a lesson just now. Otherwise, with his spirit power not weaker than that of the Primordial King, under this glimpse, even the super king, even the quasi-prince, would have suffered heavy losses early. .

   Do not say that it is a mere half-step God King’s viewing sky, and even the top 20 super arrogances on the Era Zhunjun list, it will inevitably be annihilated.

Many people in the Hall of Drunk Eight Immortals watched this scene in amazement, especially when they looked at Ye Chen, they all saw that Guanjingtian was about to use the pupil technique to exert pressure, but they didn't expect to fall down and motionless in the blink of an eye.

   Needless to say, this must have a lot to do with Ye Chen.

   Just how did he do it?

Xue Wuhen, Qiuwei and other five super arrogances all looked at Ye Chen in shock, and the seventeenth on the Era Great Power list was hit hard by the sight of the gods and spirits. Even Xue Wuhen couldn’t do it. Where is Ye Chen sacred?

   Shangguan Ziqing was more interested in Ye Chen's shock.

   Even his eyes quietly became a lot hotter.

   The woman next to her looked surprised.

   From this hand, it can be seen that Ye Chen is absolutely extraordinary.

   Ye Chen's expression turned cold, looking at them, very annoyed at their actions, and said: "Get out of here, don't come to provoke me again, otherwise you dare to attack me again, even your elders will not do here."

   After that, the big sleeves flicked, an invisible strong wind blew out, and many super arrogances including Shangguan Ziqing were blown away, very embarrassed.

   Xue Wuhen and others were secretly shocked, these methods, they were unable to resolve, it was unfathomable.

   Is it a super king?

   They also took away the sight of Qiqiao lying on the ground, bleeding and not awake.

   I just knew that Guanjingtian was hit hard by someone, and I was afraid that most of the forces behind it would not let it go.

   Shangguan Ziqing did not leave, she tidied up her appearance, reappeared dignified and charming, stepped forward again, smiled Yingying, and said, "Brother Dao is really a good method. Are you a quasi-king?"

   She seriously suspects that Ye Chen is really a quasi-monarch, otherwise she would not be so valued by Yan Shen.

   Such a character, how can she give up, if she can befriend, but her position in the Shang Qing sect will be much stronger.

   After all, there are few quasi-princes as powerful as the Qingzong.

   Ye Chen frowned and looked at Shangguan Ziqing coldly, her heart trembled as if she was being stared at by some peerless murderer, but she couldn't help taking a step back.

   Ye Chen snorted coldly: "Didn't you let you go? You dare to come up? I'm really not afraid of me making the move?"

I have to say that Ye Chen's cold face is really majestic. Even if he does not deliberately release the coercion of the quasi-monarch, Shangguan Ziqing still feels oppressed and has to bite her red lips, which is particularly charming and moving: "Dao Brother, do you really want to bully Zi Qing like this?"

   I have to say that, as one of the top ten beauties, Shangguan Ziqing's behavior is really very tempting, even if he has cultivated his heart for many years, it is easy to burst into blood.

   And between those pair of beautiful eyes, there is a faint charm of charm, which makes Shangguan Ziqing even more troublesome.

   It's a pity that Ye Chen faced him, and said coldly: "Get out!"

   It was just a little teasing earlier, but now you can see Shangguan Ziqing's contrived appearance, and Guan Jingtian has never stopped him from taking action, and the disgust in his heart has long reached its extreme.

   Shangguan Ziqing is one of the top ten beauties on the ancient road of origin. He has never suffered such grievances. His face of grievances and even arousing affection have made many people secretly scold Ye Chen for not understanding style.

Some **** kings even prepared to step forward, hoping to teach Ye Chen a lesson, and win Shangguan Ziqing's peace of mind, but at this time, an old figure was stepping forward, walking in a dragon and tiger step, extremely majestic: "Huh, I want to see. Look, who dared to let me go, the Saintess of the Qing Sect."

   "Grandpa Eagle Mountain."

   Shangguan Ziqing's eyes turned red, and she came to the side of the old figure, with a weeping appearance, which was very pitiful and made many people scold Ye Chen for being really open.

   Yingshan can see Shangguan Ziqing's appearance, and the old face is even more cold and merciless, and the whole person has a terrible feeling of coldness.

   Of course, this is just shrouded in the mayor of the avenue counter where Ye Chen is located.

   As for the side, a hundred feet away, it is the countertop where Yan Shen is located. He dare not reach those quasi-princes.

   Ye Chen frowned, scolded the little one, but the big one came.

At the same time, several other figures appeared, all of whom were advanced in the realm of God Kings, at least above the God Kings of the Five Tribulations, and even God Kings of the Seven Tribulations. , Xue Wuhen and other super powers behind the forces.

  Several super talents were slapped in the face like this, they naturally couldn't stand it, and appeared in person.

   Especially the forces behind Guanjingtian, but an Eight Tribulations God King appeared.

The arrival of several powerful **** kings, high above, looking down at Ye Chen sitting cross-legged in front of the counter table, leisurely tasting wine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dare to bully me and the super arrogant of the major forces, boy, you are so bold Big. "

   The **** king of Shang Qing sect named Yingshan spoke, looking at Ye Chen with sharp eyes like eagles, full of coldness.

   Another super king said: "Dare to sit cross-legged on an avenue counter, see if you are really impatient, not a prospective king would dare to sit here too?"


   Ye Chen stared, a horrible spirit power emerged, and it instantly turned into a mighty storm of invisible spirit power, and the thunder impacted the eight **** kings standing in front.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   In the blink of an eye, these powerful God Kings above the Five Tribulations God King were struck by lightning, all flying upside down and coughing up blood, extremely embarrassed.

   They looked at Ye Chen in horror, only then did they realize that they had encountered hard stubble.

   Shangguan Ziqing and other eight super arrogances just realized that Ye Chen glared back at the eight powerful sacred kings. Among them, there was no lack of the Eight Tribulations sacred kings like Yingshan, absolutely extraordinary.

   That cultivation base, perhaps surpasses the **** king.


   When I miss this, the eight super arrogances are full of stormy waves.

   In front of these quasi-kings, they are the super arrogant who are on the list of their era powers, and they are just slightly stronger ants.

   It's no wonder that this child can sit cross-legged in front of an avenue counter, not because of Yan God, but because of himself.

   Only Shangguan Ziqing Yinya bit her red lips and looked at Ye Chen, revealing a hint of resentment.

   I don’t believe you are a quasi-king.

  Wait, I will definitely break through you!

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