Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3013: You will see

How could he not feel the resentment of Shangguan Ziqing, but the mere half-step God King didn't care.

   Ye Chen continued to taste wine alone.

   At this time, a quasi-monarch came, covered with many rings of gods, wearing a crown of heaven, like the Lord of God, he looked quite eye-catching.

   Even the many quasi-princes here look eclipsed and inferior in comparison.

This is actually a quasi-monarch against the sky, not inferior to Yanshen. He came to the desk of Yanshen Avenue and sneered: "Yo, I didn't expect that Yanshen would not sit in the center, but actually came to sit here. Yes, but I have learned a lot."

   "Gu Liu!"

   "It's Master Gu Liu!"

   Many quasi-princes who originally surrounded Yanshen were taken aback. Gu Liu, like Yanshen, was a super existence at the level of quasi-kings against the sky, much stronger than ordinary quasi-kings.

   It's just that Gu Liu is the 21st place on the Jiyuan Junjun ranking, which is higher than the Yanshen ranking.

   And the more important point is that Gu Liu's background is also extraordinary, and he is one of the eight great ancient emperors of the Yandi Region.

   Of course, Gu Liu's master, the ancient emperor, is naturally incomparable compared to Emperor Yan.

   But compared to the average quasi-king, the cultivation base of the quasi-king against the sky and the master of the ancient emperor are enough to make people daunting.

  Although Yan Shen was the master of Yan Emperor, but outside, unless he met an existence far beyond himself, unable to contend, and was in absolute crisis, no matter it was Yan Emperor, he would not come forward at all, and let Yan Shen be tempered accordingly.

   So from this point of view, Gu Liu was not afraid of Yan.

  Naturally, the more important point is that Gu Liu has a grudge against Yan Shen, otherwise the two great quasi-monarchs would normally not be so diametrically opposed!

   Yanshen glanced at Gu Liu and snorted coldly, "Gu Liu, where I want to sit, it seems that it has nothing to do with you."

Gu Liu sneered: "That's not the case. You are also a dignified quasi-king, and even a disciple of His Majesty Yan Emperor. Sitting in this kind of corner, you have discredited His Majesty Yan Emperor. Can't leave it alone."

   "If you sit here, waiting to be with those ordinary quasi-kings, it would be a shame to my name as a quasi-king."

   I have to say that as soon as this statement came out, many prospective kings in the Hall of the Drunken Eight Immortals changed their expressions.

  The secret meaning of this is that Gu Liu is ashamed to be with them.

   It's just that they dared not speak up. Whether it was strength or status, Gu Liu was far from what they could compare.

   In fact, Gu Liu is indeed qualified to speak like this.

   But saying it in front of so many people is really ugly.

   Yan Shen immediately sank, and was about to speak, Ye Chen frowned beside him: "Noisy!"

   The Drunk Eight Immortals Palace was silent at the moment, everyone was watching, stunned.

   Did Ye Chen dare to scold Gu Liu?

   Isn't this looking for death?

   Gu Liu's face sank, and the heavy rings on his body were all bright, and his Qi was quietly stronger many times, like the magnificent starry sky and the mighty sky, the entire Drunken Eight Immortal Palace trembled.

   Countless people feel like a sea of ​​stars, hard to breathe.

  Especially under those quasi-monarchs, everyone seemed to feel that they were in between Gu Liu's thoughts.

   "Boy, who are you talking to?"

In the words of   , each word contains the power that can make the stars tremble.

   Even many quasi-princes must be frightened.

   Gu Liu is really angry!

   The consequences of the anger of a quasi-king against the heavens are unimaginable, and even a Dzogchen quasi-king cannot bear it.

   Ye Chen raised his head, looked at him indifferently, frowning: "Noisy, let you stop making noise, don't you understand?"

   An uproar!

   Ye Chen is so brave!

   "Okay, okay, okay!" Gu Liu laughed furiously. For so many years, few people have dared to speak to him like this, even Yanshen may not dare to do so.

   Many people looked at Ye Chen with sympathy.

   To the dignified and quasi-lord yelling at him, this is not the birthday star hanging himself-is it too long?

   Shangguan Ziqing watched this scene, feeling very happy. When Ye Chen scolded herself for rolling, the depressed mood suddenly became a huge smoothness.

   Even if you are a quasi-monarch, facing the top of the quasi-monarch of the epoch and the pinnacle of the quasi-monarch domain, the general quasi-monarch can raise his hand and be able to kill.

   "Boy, I want to see today, what can you do to make Gu Liu shut up!"

   Gu Liu was extremely angry, and a power beyond horror was spreading quietly, turning into a storm of power, sweeping away, and overwhelming Ye Chen.

   Even if more than 90% of the power was only aimed at Ye Chen, the remaining 10% of the power still made many quasi-princes in the field shocked and hard to breathe.

   Other people are more like a small boat in the storm, stormy waves, and will capsize at any time.


   Yanshen didn't say a word, but forcefully inserted into it, and also burst into power against the heavenly quasi-king, immediately cutting off Gu Liu's power and oppression.

The two quasi-monarch-level powers collided, and the entire Drunken Eight Immortal Palace was shaking, and suddenly many avenue secret patterns related to the Primordial King level appeared, intertwined all over, to resist all power and power. As for the collapse of the Drunk Eight Immortals Palace.

   In the hall, everyone is frightened. You are too good at fighting the king?

   "Yan Shen!"

   Gu Liu looked at Yan Shen angrily, what does this mean, he coldly shouted: "How dare you intervene?"

   Yanshen said coldly: "What if I intervene? How can you get me?"

   "Quickly get out of Otherwise, it's not my ruthless men!" Gu Liu frowned, as a last resort, he really didn't want to do anything with Yanshen.

   Yanshen sneered: "I want to see how ruthless you are!"

   **** for tat!

   Everyone was surprised. It was obvious that Ye Chen had a close relationship with Yanshen, otherwise they would not show up like this.


   Ye Chen got up, walked to the side of Yan Shen, looked at Gu Liu equally, and said calmly, "Gu Liu, the twenty-first of Ji Yuan Zhunjun ranking, disciple of Emperor Shijia, right?"

   Gu Liu looked at Ye Chen coldly: "There is a kind of you, don't let the Yan God protect you, I can pinch you to death with just one finger."

   Ye Chen's face was expressionless: "To be honest, I wanted to let you go, but if I don't teach you a little lesson today, you won't know that there is a sky in the world, and there are people in the world."

   "Brother Yan God, please give in."

   "Okay!" Yanshen smiled at Gu Liu, a very cold smile, which made Gu Liu feel strange, as if looking at him sympathetically.

   Gu Liu was surprised in his heart, what does Yan Shen's expression mean?

   Immediately he sneered. As a quasi-king against the sky, he could be described as an invincible existence in the realm of quasi-kings, unless the opponent was the Primordial King.

   But at such a young age, it is impossible to become the King of the Ancients.

   All the attention.

   Gu Liu looked at Ye Chen coldly: "Today I want to see what you can do?"

   "You will see it soon." Ye Chen said, and suddenly shot.

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