Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3114: bet

In the distance, under the tree of God, Qingtian Power is surrounded by a group of great powers, who are the ancestors of the major immortal forces. Seeing this scene at this moment, they also have the same thoughts, and they all hold fists and congratulate Qingtian Power: "Congratulations to fellow Qingtian Daoist."

"The Daoist Qingtian stepped into the realm of the King of Gods, and he was about to break and then stand up and become the new King of Ancient Gods. Lord Doumen God King must have sent 30 top-class peaches because of his potential to become a king. I came to little friend Gu Xuan, this is to make a good friend of Qingtian Daoist."

Qing Tian Da Neng was extremely pleased. He didn't expect Doumen God King to value himself so much, but he stayed half step God King for thousands of years, and he didn't feel any further.

Does Doumen God King want to help himself to attack the realm of the Ancient God King?

Missing this level of Dao, Qingtian Da Neng became more and more excited about it, but on the surface he hugged his fists towards the surrounding Da Neng and said humbly: "Everyone is serious, and Qing someone is just lucky enough to step into the realm of the king. There are two ways to say that Ri can really take another step. However, this generous gift from Lord Doumen Shenwang flattered someone in Qing."

At this time, Heavenly King Doumen had personally delivered a plate of flat peaches, thirty crystal clear flat peaches piled up as high as a hill, each shining brightly.

He smiled towards Ye Chen and the others: "Several friends, this is a peach that my family **** Wang Zongzu specially bestows on you."

Around, there were envious eyes full of jealousy.

Gu Xuan stepped forward, humbly clasped his fist and said, "Senior Doumen is too polite. How can I wait to accept so much of the peaches?"

Heavenly King Doumen waved his hand: "Since God King Patriarch gave it, you can wait and accept it."

These words made Gu Xuan more and more convinced, and his face couldn't help showing a look.

Many female Tianjiao had their eyes blazing, and they were so naked that they could not wait to pounce on Gu Xuan immediately.

At this time, Zi Guangtian, Ren Jing and other four great arrogances, as well as Nangongxue and other female cultivators of the Xue sect, also strode forward, looking at the 30 neatly stacked flat peaches in the plate, their eyes shining.

Gu Xuan is very generous and said: "You Dao brothers and sisters, now there are a lot of peaches in the sky, and you can enjoy it. Moreover, the principle of Taoism in the peaches in the sky can derive out-of-the-sky divine power, which is very helpful for improving your physical fitness. "

Zi Guangtian immediately slapped a flattery, and the flattery said: "Gu Gongzi is still very good, and he has to be rewarded by the predecessors of the Doumen God King, so that we can also win the way, and the chickens and dogs ascend to heaven."

Gu Xuan's eyes were full of excitement, but he was still quite humble on the surface: "You are polite, maybe this is the gift of the senior Doumen God King only after seeing a few Dao brothers Tianzong."

"Where there!"

Seeing these five people flattering each other, Ye Chen felt like vomiting. He dragged Ning'er to the plate, took a big peach for her, and smiled: "Ning'er, eat."

At this time, Zi Guangtian walked forward quickly, frowning and shouting: "Stop, stop, these peaches are all bestowed by Lord Doumen God King Senior to Gu Gongzi, but not for you. If you want to get it, first get Gu Gongzi. Promise."

Ren Jing also said coldly: "Boy, you were arrogant and arrogant before, but now these big flat peaches are clearly rewarded to Master Gu, but you don't get the permission of Master Gu. It's too much."

The four great arrogances stepped forward and looked at Ye Chen and others coldly.

With arms around his chest, Gu Xuan pretended to say: "Friend of Taoism, if you are willing to get rid of your bad temper, maybe I will give you a flat peach to taste."

Ye Chen sneered: "I want to eat the peaches, where do I need his promise. Do you really think that these peaches are not for him?"

Only he and Xingkong Quasi-Sovereign knew that these peaches were specially given to him by the King Doumen.

Ren Jing snorted: "Although he didn't say it clearly, except for Gu Gongzi, who else can be rewarded by Senior Doumen God King? Do you really think you can get it from the arrogant generation?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "Maybe it was really given to me?"


As if he heard Tianda’s joke, Zi Guangtian couldn’t help laughing first, and said: "Boy, dare you bet with me. I bet whether this is a reward given to you by Senior Doumen God King. If I win, Kneel down and call me grandpa. If you win, I will kneel and call your grandpa."

Ye Chen shook his head.

"Hehe, are you scared? Don't dare to bet!" Zi Guangtian continued to provoke.

Ye Chen said: "I'm not scared, you are my grandson and take advantage of me. I am not as useless as your grandson."

"You—" Ziguang Weather was annoyed. He was the super arrogant who was listed on the Saint Tianjiao list, but he was looked down upon and said coldly, "I think you dare not."

"I have nothing to be afraid of. As long as you promise me that if you lose, you will not only kneel down, but also take off your clothes and run naked.

Streaking! ?

Purple light changed color.

Ye Chen smiled and looked at him: "Are you scared? Or are you afraid of it at all."

Gu Xuan looked at Ye Chen coldly, and said to Zi Guangtian, "Brother Zi, do you really believe what this kid said is true?"

After returning to his senses, Zi Guangtian also sneered again and again. He didn't believe that the Doumen God King could reward Ye Chen with these peaches. He agreed in one fell swoop: "I gamble, and Zi Guangtian will be afraid of you who is full of lies., I will promise you now, Ziguangtian, if these peaches are given to you, I will take off my clothes and run naked!"

"I will look forward to that scene very much." Ye Chen said with a smile, and immediately looked at Gu Xuan, looked at Ren Jing and others, and said, "Are you going to bet too?"

Although he didn't think Ye Chen's words were true, but for some reason, seeing the confident and glorious smile on his face, he always felt very hanging and looked at each other.

But Gu Xuan said coldly: "I Gu Xuan also promised you that if it is really a reward for you, I would also take off my clothes and run naked."


"I Ren Jing also agreed to this bet."

"I Yang Tian would like to gamble!"

"Count me Xia Wei!"

The other three Tianjiao are also willing to gamble.

A gambling game was formed in this way, but Ning'er looked at Ye Chen worriedly. No matter how it looked, King Doumen didn't seem to be a reward to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen gave Ning'er a relieved look.

"It just so happened that I was about to go with Da Neng ancestor to visit Senior Doumen God King, so I asked and left together."

After all, Gu Xuan was the first to leave, and the four great arrogances immediately followed.

At this time, Nangongxue whispered: "If you admit defeat at this time, I will help you intercede with Gu Gongzi. I believe that in my love, Gu Gongzi will not let you do anything."

Ye Chen glanced at Nangongxue with a little surprise. He didn't expect that Nangongxue looked a bit vain and kind, but he shook his head and refused: "Why admit defeat."

Leading Ning'er away quickly.

"You--" Nangongxue stomped her foot, unexpectedly this guy would not appreciate it at all.

I'll see how embarrassed you are later.

Then keep up.

(End of this chapter)

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