Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3115: Please run naked

A group of people carried the fruit plate and came to the location of Qingtian Power.

Qingtian could be seen as Gu Xuan, his majestic face was full of smiles: "Gu Xuan, you are very good."

With the appreciation of the ancestors, Gu Xuan's heart was even more determined, and he glanced at Ye Chen to see how you will end up in a while.

"Go, follow me to visit the ancient gods and kings."

Qingtian opened his mouth, and brought the Qinghua sect's great powers, as well as Gu Xuan, the Four Great Tianjiao, Ye Chen, Ning Er, Nangong Xue, Xingkong Quasi-Sovereign and others to the Doumen who was in close conversation with other ancient **** God king.

Qingtian Da Neng stepped forward, bowed his body and clasped his fists towards the ancient gods: "Qinghuazong Qingtian pays homage to all the gods."

The twelve ancient gods including Doumen God King and Hunshan God King nodded slightly, their faces unchanged.

Although he is a half-step **** king, but what about it, he has never really set foot in the ancient **** king, and he has never been in the eyes of their law.

Qingtian Daneng clasped his fists toward the Doumen God King again, and said in gratitude: "My Lord Doumen God, Qingtian led the people of Qinghuazong, and I am grateful that you have specially rewarded Gu Xuan for the heavenly flat peach."

The ancient **** king was the eye of everyone. At this moment, after hearing the words of Qingtian's great power, everyone suddenly realized that the many heavenly flat peaches were rewarded to Gu Xuan.

Immediately, hot eyes fell on Gu Xuan. Gu Xuan enjoyed the attention of all the people. The whole person seemed to be a little taller, and his handsome face showed a little bit of color.

Secretly glanced at Ye Chen, the provocative meaning was very clear.

Ye Chen sneered and looked at you. Seeing your sorrowful look, you will know what it means to be happy and sad.

The other ancient **** kings looked at Gu Xuan in surprise. Although they all could see that Gu Xuan had a good talent, it was just not bad.

According to their ancient gods, there are many ancient existences in the world that are more than 100,000 years old. No genius has ever seen them. There are many people who are more enchanting and outstanding than Gu Xuan. There are many on the scene, but they are not seen. Doumen God King rewards like this.

They all wondered why the Doumen God King rewarded Gu Xuan with thirty large peaches.


"Reward Gu Xuan?" Doumen God King was also slightly startled, and said, "Who is Gu Xuan?"

When the words fell, Gu Xuan's expression suddenly froze on his face.

The people of Qingtian Daneng, Qinghuazong, and the Four Great Tianjiao all who thought they were rewarding Gu Xuan with wide eyes and dumbfounded.

Not a reward to Gu Xuan?

Qingtian Daneng's face was also a little stiff, and said, "Master Doumen God King, didn't you reward Gu Xuan with these heavenly flat peaches?"

"Of course not. I don't know him. I'm just a junior. How can I be qualified to reward him." Doumen God King denied it directly. It was a thunderbolt that caused Gu Xuanru to be struck by lightning.

At this time, Gu Xuan suppressed the stormy waves in his heart, firmly suppressed it, and at the same time was extremely puzzled.

Since it wasn't a reward to him, who else could he be rewarded?

Nangong Snow?

Although it is not impossible, it should be inferior to him.


Ren Jing?

It's impossible.

Who the **** is it?

At this time, what Ye Chen said not long ago suddenly appeared in his heart: "Maybe it was really for me?"

Is it really a reward for this kid?

He couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe it, his heart was full of roar, but after the light swept away, he saw Ye Chen's face with light wind and light, as if it had been faintly foreshadowed.

Gu Xuan raised his head with difficulty, plucked up courage, and said tremblingly: "Dare to ask Senior Doumen God King, who are these heavenly flat peaches rewarded?"

"Reward?" Doumen God King shook his head, letting Gu Xuan and the others breathe a sigh of relief. Since it's not a reward, it means they haven't lost yet.

But the next moment the Doumen God King’s words caused their hearts to sink and stunned all the people present: "How dare you to reward, these peaches, I see this little friend who is so magnificent and extraordinary, and specially gifted it. Give it to him. I don't know if you can like these big peaches, little friend, if it's not enough, you-you can mention it, how much you want, how much."

But seeing him cuddling fists towards Ye Chenyao, his tone was quite polite, even with traces of respect in it.



Everyone present was shocked.

These peaches were given to Ye Chen, not a reward?

Don't think that gifts and rewards seem to be the same, but in reality they have very different meanings.

Giving is an equal attitude, and rewarding is from the superior to the inferior.

The difference between the word, the difference between heaven and earth!

And Doumen God King is even more eloquent, how much does it need?

In an instant, the attention of the public, countless attentions fell on Ye Chen.


At this time, there were also two big camps of super powers. Among them, there were hidden auras, and no one could recognize the existence of these **** kings that surpassed the ancients at every turn.

Their gazes also fell on Ye Chen, and for some reason, they all felt familiar.

Beside the Blood Prison God King, Sheng Xu wins snow in white clothes, like a banished immortal, slightly condensing his sword eyebrows, and he feels like this.

However, in order to prevent others from recognizing it, Ye Chen used Taoism to change his appearance and original aura, no one would recognize it.

The quasi-prince of the starry sky also has his way of covering up, the same is true.

Therefore, even the primordial kings like Shengxu can't be recognized.


Nearby, five people including Gu Xuan, Zi Guangtian, and Ren Jing fell to the ground.

His eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

Nangong Xueyu covered her opened small cherry mouth with her hands, her apricot eyes widened, full of surprise.

The same is true for the two Xuezong sisters.

Ning'er looked at Ye Chen's eyes filled with worship.

Ye Chen stretched out his hand and rubbed Ning'er's hair, causing Ning'er to mutter dissatisfiedly: "Make my hair mess up, bad brother."

Ye Chen laughed.

The Mountain God King, the Blood Prison God King and other ancient **** kings looked at Ye Chen in surprise and suspiciousness. However, as the ancient **** king, they could not perceive the slightest fluctuation in the power of this young man, as if A young man through and through.

Who is he?

Moreover, they all faintly noticed that the Doumen God King was very polite to him, even with a hint of respect that was hard to detect.

It is the Blood Prison God King, who is surprised in his heart. Is it another super existence who came from the outside world with Lord Sheng Xu?

At this moment, Ye Chen looked at the five people including Gu Xuan, Zi Guangtian and Ren Jing, and smiled lightly: "Everyone, please fulfill your promise immediately and take off your clothes and run naked."


The attention of all the people, countless eyes fell on Gu Xuan and others.

They feel hot at once.

Especially Gu Xuan, if he really takes off his clothes and runs naked this time, his face will be lost, and he is still in front of the power of the world and the ancient gods. Needless to say, he will never be a descendant of Qinghua Sect. Up.

Gu Xuan whispered: "Friends of Taoism, please don't go too far, stay a line in everything, so you can see each other in the future."

There was a bit of threat in the words. ()

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