Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3118: I am not a king


There was a bright light flashing between the heaven and the earth, making everyone unable to open their eyes. The next moment the King Doumen, who was originally standing in the center of the heaven and the earth, fell from the sky, covered in blood, blood spilling into the sky, falling into the valley of the **** of medicine, crashing many peaks. .

Suddenly, the sound of rumbling sounded endlessly, and the dust billowed into the sky.

"It's not good, Doumen God King was defeated and was hit hard!"

The Valley of Medicine God was full of horror, the Doumen God King, the dignified ancient God King, was defeated in seconds. This is incredible.

But I have to believe it.


For the first time, the other ancient **** kings came to the Doumen God King and saw that the Doumen God King was covered in blood, and there was a bone-bearing wound on his body, almost splitting his whole person in half.

He was already in a coma, and a lot of blood was dripping from the wound that was deeply visible in the bones, and the bright avenue symbols appeared, all of which were the blood of the gods, which was extraordinary and could not stop flowing out.

This means that the Doumen God King is the master of the Doumen World. He uses the power of Inner Heaven and Earth to bless his body. As the God King of the Four Tribulations, the spirit of the God King he has realized is just related to life. Otherwise, under this attack, it is very likely to be Was killed.

But in that case, he was seriously injured and dying. A large amount of the blood of the **** king stained the earth, and I don't know how many thousands of miles of mountains collapsed.

"The injury is too serious, this blow almost killed fellow Doumen Daoist!"

"So ruthless, so strong!"

"According to the current situation, Daoist Doumen is afraid that he won't be able to survive tonight."

It was the eleven ancient **** kings who changed their colors one after another, and the injuries were so severe, not to mention that the murderous man who severely injured the Doumen God King was still there.


"God King Ancestor!"

Doumen's thirteen great abilities and many Doumen powerhouses rushed forward, seeing that the Doumen God King was suffering such a serious injury, and even hearing the words of other ancient gods, he almost fainted.

I don't know what to do.

At this time, Ye Chen and the quasi-king of the starry sky came here silently, took a look at Doumen God King's injury, slightly condensed his eyebrows, it was indeed serious.

Yang Taiguo and the Doumen Da Neng hurriedly prayed to Ye Chen: "Your Excellency Chen, please take action to save the life of God King Zongzu!"

"Lord Chen!"

A group of Doumen powers prayed to Ye Chen. In their eyes, Ye Chen was unparalleled in the world, and there must be a way to resolve the Doumen God King's injuries.


By his side, the Hunshan God King shouted: "Doomen Taoist Fellow is so seriously injured, even if I wait for the Ancient God King, there is no way he can do it for a junior."

Although his method of healing the mysterious saint was only in his eyes, it was also because the mysterious saint was only a trivial saint, but the king of Doumen was the king of ancient gods, and the gap between them was huge, even if Ye Chen had the sky. It is also difficult to resolve the current dangerous situation of the Doumen God King by large means.

The other ancient **** kings also nodded, not because they didn't want Doumen God King's injuries to recover, but because the injuries were too serious, even they had nothing to do, not to mention Ye Chen, a junior who hadn't grown up in their serious hairs.

Ye Chen glanced at them and said indifferently: "You have no way, that is you are all rubbish."

"Junior, who do you say is rubbish?" An ancient **** king shouted, angrily rushing into the crown, and the terrifying power pressed on Ye Chen.

"Dare to strike at the Lord?"

Next to him, the quasi-king of the starry sky stood up, swept his eyes, and immediately resolved the terrifying power of the **** king, and even let the figure of the ancient **** king who released his power kick back, as if struck by lightning, he looked horrified. The quasi-king of the stars.

"I've taken good care of all of you trash."

Ye Chen gave a soft drink, and immediately a blue light fell on Doumen God King.

"Dare you—what!?"

The Mountain God King was about to scold Ye Chen, but his eyes widened in the next moment, because the injuries on the Doumen God King's body were quickly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he was the dripping God King. The blood returns, everything returns to the body.

Such a method is absolutely inferior to these ancient **** kings.

"The spirit of the king of life?"

The gods and kings present were taken aback. They felt the power of life breath, which was clearly the spirit of the gods.

In this way, this seemingly young junior was actually an ancient **** king, and even an unfathomable ancient **** king.

Ancient God King! ?

Everyone just feels like being struck by lightning.

Such a young ancient **** king.

Yuankong Medicine God Valley, there is a great power to project everything there, but everyone saw Ye Chen's move to instantly recover the Doumen God King's injury, and they were all shocked.

Especially Gu Xuan, Zi Guangtian, Ren Jing and others opened their mouths wide, their eyes filled with horror.

Originally, they still had great resentment towards Ye Chen asking them to run naked, but when they saw this scene, they were only deeply frightened and afraid.

The person they provoke is such a terrifying existence.

Qingtian Da Neng was also terrified, and stepped back a few steps. With such a powerful force, he was afraid that he was also an ancient god.

"He... he is the ancient **** king!?"

Nangongxue covered her red lips with a pair of jade hands that deceived Shuangshengxue, and she couldn't hide her shock.

No wonder he uttered wild words, it turns out that he is the ancient **** king.

No, it wasn't that he was ranting, but it was taken for granted.

Hunshan God King was amazed: "Friends, you are so young, you did not expect to become a God King, you are a hero from a young Other ancient **** kings also nodded, despite the dizziness. Dizzy, because the ancient **** king is too young.

It's just that they have never seen such a young ancient **** king, nor have they seen this person.

Where is he sacred?

"Ancient God King?" Ye Chen shook his head, "I am not."


Everyone was shocked.

Beside, the quasi-king of the starry sky sneered: "The Lord is naturally not a **** king, he has already surpassed him."


How could the **** kings believe that it is incredible to have such a young ancient **** king in the world, let alone surpassing the **** king, it is impossible.

"No, Your Excellency Chen is the existence above the Divine King." At this time, the recovered Doumen God King spoke, and he bowed to Ye Chen and saluted him: "Thank you, Your Excellency Chen, for saving his next life."

"It's okay." Ye Chen waved his hand, not caring.

The Hunshan God King and others frowned, just about to rebut, Ye Chen pointed to the three-zhang giant man at the ancient gate, and said: "You know, that person is an existence beyond the body, called a quasi-king."

"The quasi-king?"

When the gods and kings were shocked, they also had deep doubts. Is the realm beyond the gods a quasi-king?

Is there such a realm?

At this time, the three-zhang giant came with infinite power, and the entire Doumen world shook abruptly, as if he couldn't bear his existence and wanted to disintegrate completely.

Such terrifying power has made all the gods change their colors.

Sure enough, this is also an invincible existence beyond the **** king.

"Starry sky, you go." Ye Chen said.

"Yes, Lord."

The quasi-king of the starry sky rose into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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