Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3119: Losing streak to the enemy

The kings of the gods were worried: "Your Excellency Chen, since you said that the person is an existence above the king of gods, I am afraid that your subordinates will be more and more ill."

Ye Chendan smiled and said, "Don't worry, my subordinates are also above the **** king."

Before the gods and kings were shocked, an astonishing battle broke out in the sky.

The power of the two quasi-monarchs broke out in an all-round way, and swept across the entire Doumen world.

The endless power of destruction poured down wantonly, not to mention that the billions of ordinary people, that is, all the powers of the Medicine God Valley have changed color, and those promised powers are enough to make their powers disappear.

The entire Doumen World couldn't bear it anymore, and it was about to disintegrate.

Doumen God King changed color, Doumen World is not only his God King's original inner world, but also has hundreds of millions of Doumen people.

At this moment, Ye Chen stomped his feet. In an instant, the entire Doumen world stabilized and all cracks were repaired.

And whether it is the starry sky or the earth, there is an invisible force to protect it, even if the war on the sky is terrible, it can't affect it at all.

"This means—"

The gods and kings changed their colors.

This is the failure of the means to surpass the **** king.

In the Valley of Medicine Gods, the black dragon ancient monarch and other super powers from the outside world all watched this scene in shock, feeling the mighty power contained here, and were deeply shocked.

This method is mostly an ancient king.

Sheng Xu looked at Ye Chen thoughtfully.


Infinite blood is blooming, dyeing the entire Doumen world red.

The three-zhang giant was torn in half by the quasi-prince of the starry sky, and the blood rushed into the sky, falling from the sky, hitting the boundless earth, sinking seven continents with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, and sinking into the ocean. .

Between the world and the earth, there are endless visions, all of the corpses of gods and demons falling, the rain of blood flying, turbulent Doumen world.

As far as the Weiyang Great World is concerned, the quasi-monarchs can be regarded as extremely top-notch existences. Once they fall, boundless visions will naturally arise.

"The existence above the **** king just fell away like this?"

The gods and kings are still in a daze, and such an existence that needs them to look up to, was killed and perished. I have to say that everyone is shocked.

Not long after, a stream of light appeared here. It was the quasi-king of the starry sky, returning with the corpse of the slain giant, throwing it aside, faintly opening his mouth, with a touch of contempt and disdain: "Only the mid-term quasi-king. Vulnerable."

A group of **** kings still trembled in their hearts. Even if the quasi-princes above the **** king died, the aura emanating from their bodies could still make these ancient **** kings quite uncomfortable. As if to explode.

Just facing the starry sky, the quasi-king is full of awe.

Being able to kill such quasi-kings does not mean that the starry quasi-kings are even more terrifying.

And no matter how you look at it, it is easy for the starry quasi-king to kill the three-zhang giant quasi-king, which is contemptuously called the quasi-sovereign mid-term, vulnerable.

How strong he should be.

Immediately looking at Ye Chen, it was even more shocking.

It is possible for such a terrifying existence to call the Lord willingly, just like a slave, everything proves Ye Chen's terrible.

Sir Chen, what is sacred?

In the Valley of Medicine Gods, there are also super powers from the Saint Emperor Domain or the Yan Emperor Domain camp, and I am shocked to see this scene.

"Dzogchen quasi-king, that person is definitely Dzogchen quasi-king!"

However, neither camp has seen the quasi-king of the starry sky, so they both thought it was the Dzogchen quasi-king of each other's camp.

"A Dzogchen quasi-king is not a member of my Saint-Emperor Realm camp, but according to intelligence, it does not seem to be a member of the Yandi Realm’s camp, and that young man is also very special, allowing a Dzogchen quasi-king to call it the Lord. , Who is he?"

From a distance, Sheng Xu looked at Ye Chen with a touch of surprise. For a while, he didn't know how sacred this mysterious Lord Chen was, and could not correspond to any of the two camps he knew.

Moreover, with that method, combined with the servant of the previous Dzogchen quasi-king, it is very likely that he is an ancient king.

But for such a young Emperor Taikoo, he did not have the slightest impression.

It was not that he hadn't considered that Your Excellency Chen was the Saint King of Fighting, but at most he was doubtful, and even more uncertain.

At this time, the corpses of the kings of gods looked at the corpses of the three-zhang giants were filled with intense heat.

Although the three-zhang giant fell, his corpse still contains infinite value, and it hides the key to breaking the shackles of the gods and leading to higher realms.

If they can study, they may be able to take the opportunity to crack the key contained in the corpse and lead to a higher level.

It's just that Ye Chen and Xingkong Quasi-Sovereign were by their side, and they didn't dare to act rashly.

Ye Chen didn't care about the corpse of the three-zhang giant.

A corpse of a quasi-monarch's mid-term period is of little use to him, except that the Weiyang world is an illusory world, and these ancient gods cannot use it. Ye Chen put away the corpse and can refine it. Quasi-king puppet.

This disappointed all the but did not dare to say more.


At this time, the ancient door exploded, and the second quasi-monarch came, who also came to question the supreme inheritance information related to the Doumen organization, but as soon as it arrived, Ye Chen ordered the quasi-king Xingkong to take action.

The quasi-king of Dzogchen can almost sweep all the quasi-princes, and there are so many three thousand great worlds, the number of Primordial kings who have entered the four great emperor sites is only a hundred people, and the probability of being allocated to three thousand great worlds is very small. of.

Therefore, few ancient kings have entered the Weiyang world.

Sure enough, it didn't take a long time, and the quasi-king of the starry sky thunder made an attack and killed the second quasi-king.

This is a super power in the late stage of the quasi-king, mastering the thirty rules of kings, but unfortunately facing the starry quasi-king crushed by absolute strength, he still can't escape the situation of perishing, and he is still the quasi-king of the Saint-Emperor Realm camp.

During the period, Sheng Xu had been watching, and had not taken action because the two quasi-monarchs that were killed were both in the Saint Emperor Domain camp, and secretly observed.

In this way, quasi-kings came one after another, and among them, two strong men from the Yandi domain came, a peak **** king and a quasi-king late, naturally Ye Chen suppressed it, and the sound transmission explained everything, let them go away.

Such a scene was also seen by Sheng Xu.

How smart he is, he knew right away that Ye Chen belongs to the Yan Emperor domain camp.

However, he also had no plans to rescue the strong in the Saint Emperor Domain.


When the eighth person who broke into the Doumen world, he was a great ancient king, and it was Yuntianjun.

The majestic and indescribable stalwart aura overwhelmed the sky, sweeping across nine days and ten places, causing the entire Doumen world to tremble violently, and it actually began to collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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