Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3120: The power of Tonggu God King

"Prince King!"

The star quasi-king also changed color.

"Prince King?"

The gods and kings heard the new realm term, and felt its power, far better than the many quasi-kings who had just appeared.

Even the quasi-prince of the starry sky next to Your Excellency Chen cannot be compared.

They all give birth to despair.

Needless to say, the Primordial King must be an invincible existence above the quasi-king.

"The Primordial King is here, but it's a bit troublesome."

Ye Chen frowned slightly, he was unwilling to make a move and reveal his identity, but he couldn't just watch Doumen World fall apart.

He sighed softly, and was about to shoot, but at this time, an extremely powerful and unparalleled aura burst out of the Valley of Medicine God, vast and mighty, no less than Jun Tianjun who stepped into Doumen World, and even more to some extent. powerful.

From the naked eye, the monarch Tianwei, who was terrifying enough to destroy the entire Doumen world, was completely suppressed and retreated.

Silently, a sloppy old beggar appeared at the place where the God of Medicine Valley was filled with the **** tree. However, it was this old man who exploded with the most astonishing power.

"Tonggu God King!?"

The gods and kings were surprised that this old beggar was not the Tonggu God King and how sacred it was, but judging from the eruption of its power, it was not an ancient **** king at all, but an existence of the ancient king level.

"He is the God King Tonggu?"

Ye Chen also glanced at the Tonggu God King who looked like a beggar old man in surprise, but was not surprised at all that he was able to erupt with such a mighty power.

After all, he had guessed a long time ago that the Tonggu God King was superior to the God King, but now, it is true.

God King Tonggu looked at Yun Tianjun coldly, and yelled: "You people are really enough. It's enough to come from the outside world, but you dare to disturb the old man's enjoyment time and time again. I really think that old man I am good. Next generation?"


A terrifying power erupted, surpassing Yun Tianjun in an instant.

I could only see that the ancient **** king shot, a handprint across the endless sky, heavy bombardment on Yun Tianjun.


Even if it only saw that Yun Tianjun hadn't really landed in the Doumen world, the whole person flew upside down, like a cannonball flying upside down, the whole person was gone.

Such a horrible method shocked the superpowers of the two camps hidden in Medicine God Valley.

Primordial King, and it is not an ordinary Primordial King.

Sheng Xu's eyes narrowed.

There was a strange brilliance in the eyes.

Ye Chen was also a little surprised. He estimated the abilities of the Tonggu God King in his mind, but he couldn't estimate it accurately, he only knew it was very strong.

The Tonggu God King was condescending, and at this moment, he changed the sloppy look of the old beggar, but on the contrary, he looked very majestic, as if he was the master of the entire Weiyang world, his eyes swept across everyone in the Valley of Medicine God, indifferent. Said: "Everyone from outside the Weiyang Great World, come out, no need to hide. In my eyes, you are not as capable, unless you are the emperor."


The super powers of the two camps changed color, and they became more and more surprised at how much the real strength of the Tonggu God King was.

They came out one by one, and immediately there was a terrifying aura that surpassed the **** king.

This made everyone's hearts tremble, because some of them had been dismissed by them, and some had talked, but no one knew that each of these people was a terrifying existence beyond the gods.

They were so close to these people just now.

Just think about it at this moment, there is an inexplicable sense of fear.

If these people were angry just now, wouldn't they have died long ago?

At the same time, Sheng Xu also stood up.

Ye Chen also stood up.

When Doumen God King saw this scene, he smiled bitterly: "No wonder you have never seen such a person in the world. It turns out that Your Excellency Chen is a super being from outside the Weiyang Great World."

At the same time, there was a kind of rejoicing, because Lord Chen did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, otherwise the Doumen God King would not dare to guarantee that he could survive in the hands of such beings.

Nangongxue, Ning'er and others saw that Ye Chen actually came from the outside world, and they suddenly realized that it was so powerful, it was so.

At the same time, there is a deep yearning for the outside world.

How wonderful the outside world is, just now Ye Chen, Sheng Xu and other young and talented superpowers were born.

God King Tonggu looked at the nearly twenty people in the two camps, and said indifferently: "I didn't pay attention to you waiting to enter the Weiyang Great World, and I knew what your real purpose was for, but the Doumen organization didn't know the supreme inheritance. All the information about the supreme inheritance in this Weiyang big world has been erased by me."


Ye Chen knew, otherwise the Doumen Tangtang No. 1 Intelligence Organization would not know the whereabouts of the Supreme Inheritance.

The super powers of the two camps also looked at the Tonggu God King, full of enthusiasm.

In this way, the supreme inheritance is really in the Weiyang world.

And Tonggu God King seemed to know the true whereabouts of the Supreme Inheritance.

Tonggu God King said: "Wait for your mind, I understand, but it is impossible to tell you the whereabouts of the Supreme Inheritance, but one thing can be told, the whereabouts of the Supreme Inheritance has appeared recently, as long as you are careful, you can find it out." Tonggu God’s king said, his words fell cold, “Of course, I don’t want you to disturb the power distribution in the Weiyang Great World, nor do you want any creatures to be otherwise I know it, it’s not expelled from Wei. Yang Da World is as simple as it is, but directly obliterated."

"As for you want to know if I have that capability, you are welcome to try it, but at your own risk."

"In addition, the Great World of Weiyang is not an illusory world, but a truly supreme world!"

After the words fell, the God King Tonggu disappeared.

The super powers who left the two camps looked at each other.

There was also a deep shock.

Weiyang Great World is actually the real world, or the Supreme World! ?

Sure enough, the real world is hidden in the three thousand great worlds.

At the same time, infinite heat rose between each other's eyes.

The Supreme Legacy is about to be born, which also means that they have the opportunity to compete for the true Supreme Legacy and climb the top of the road.

In the Valley of Medicine God, Zhu Qiang saw a dozen figures including Ye Chen, all of them trembling.

These are existences beyond the **** king.

At this time, the people of the two camps were struggling.

The two are completely opposite camps.

"Trouble, there are three Primordial Kings in the Saint Emperor Realm camp, and the remaining four are quasi-kings. Two of them are the Divine Kings." A strong Yandi Realm camp frowned. He is also the Primordial King, it was Han Zhen who had The Primordial King who had fought against Ye Chen in Yandi City was only the first level of the King.

However, there is no other Primordial King in the Yandiyu camp. With him alone, he is facing the three Primordial Kings of the Holy Emperor's Realm camp.

Especially looking at Sheng Xu, there is a deep color of fear.

Because he knows Sheng Xu's true identity-the emperor! ()

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