Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3121: Ye Chen and Sheng Xu

Sheng Xu, the son of the emperor, and the heir of the strongest emperor, inherits the most terrifying power of the strongest emperor’s bloodline, and he is the primordial emperor, even if he is at the same level, he must be better than other primordial emperors. powerful.

Moreover, the sons of the strongest emperors must have been promoted from the quasi-prince against the heavens to the primordial emperor. This also led to the fact that Sheng Xu had already broken the law of the divine king's supplementary avenue and possessed the terrifying ability to surpass the emperor of the same rank.

It is precisely because of this that Han Zhen felt that this act was more auspicious.

The powerhouses of other Yandi domain camps are the same, just like facing the enemy.

"Master Sheng Xu."

At this time, the ancient black dragon and another primordial king of the holy emperor's domain stepped forward and addressed the holy Xu respectfully.

The super powers of the other Saint Emperor's Realm camp even salute and compile, very polite.

This makes people guess the true identity of Sheng Xu.

"Black Dragon, Cang Ye."

Sheng Xu nodded slightly and smiled lightly: "I didn't expect you two to also come."

The ancient black dragon smiled bitterly: "If you know that Master Shengxu has come to the Weiyang Great World, we will definitely not come, and you will compete with you for the opportunity of supreme inheritance."

King Cangye on the other side also smiled bitterly.

Sheng Xu smiled: "I don't care about this supreme inheritance. On the contrary, I am more interested in the supreme treasure."

The super powers of the two camps were silent, but no one refuted it.

Because Sheng Xu had such qualifications, as the heir of the strongest emperor, he would have been inherited from his father's giant, so how could he care about the supreme inheritance?

Instead, Ye Chen, who didn't know what Sheng Xu was, came to Han Zhen and said, "Who is he?"

Han Zhen looked at Ye Chen with a bit of jealousy, and couldn't help him. He only felt a bit familiar, not disgusted, and said, "Sheng Xu, the third son of the strongest emperor. ."

"The Son of the Holy?"

Ye Chen immediately narrowed his eyes and shot out wisps of terrible brilliance, as if he was staring at a beast.

He had also heard that the strongest emperor had three sons. The eldest son was suspected to be the supreme, the second son was the holy emperor, and the third son was the youngest. He had just been released and was not a primordial emperor. But in this view, the rumors were untrue.

Shengxu is clearly the existence of the Primordial King level.

Shengxu wins snow in white clothes. He doesn't seem to be a foreigner, but more like a banished immortal. The immortal king is Linchen, and the celestial light is shining. At this moment, he suddenly looked at Ye Chen and felt him say: "Friends, you seem to be from the Yan Emperor domain camp. People."

The Yan Emperor domain camp Zhu Qiang who came out was surprised, because they had never seen someone like Ye Chen.

Even the quasi-king of the starry sky has never seen it.

Ye Chen said indifferently: "How is it, not so?"

Sheng Xu smiled faintly: "Since you say this to me, I think you are from the Yandi Region camp. However, as far as I know, the Yandi Region does not have a young primordial king like you, and there is a Dzogchen quasi-king man. The method is mysterious. If I’m not wrong, you are probably an ancient emperor who has concealed his true identity. No, perhaps more accurately, you are not an ancient emperor at all. I am not mistaken at all, right, fighting saint king."

"Battle Saint King!?"

The super powers of both the Yan Emperor Domain and the Saint Emperor Domain camp looked at Ye Chen in shock.

"Are you the Saint King of Fighting?" Han Zhen was also astonished beside him, no wonder Ye Chen always felt so familiar.

"As expected of Sheng Xu, the son of the strongest emperor, you are really smart."

Ye Chen smiled, and at this step he would not hide it anymore. He restored the deity, abundance and handsomeness. The faint mark of the source of the Emperor of Flame and the mark of the moon overlapped in the center of his eyebrows, showing a special charm.

"The Lord of Fighting Saint King, it really is him!" The Yandiyu camp was surprised.

In contrast, the Saint Emperor Realm camp has a strong killing intent.

The terrible killing intent was overwhelming, and the entire Doumen world seemed to be plunged into depression, which could make the great world collapse.

After all, if you kill or capture the fighting king, the supreme will give a huge reward.

The smile on Sheng Xu’s face even worsened: "Fighting Saint King, you are really here, I may be able to shoot and take your head. The ancient universe of our world does not allow people comparable to the ancestors and the emperor to appear, so only Can kill you."

"Oh, isn't it? It seems that you are confident about killing me."

Ye Chen also smiled, not afraid.

Ancient Black Dragon sneered: "Battle Saint King, perhaps you are very strong, able to kill the Primordial King of the first three heavens, but Lord Saint Ruins is not an ordinary Primordial King, and there are two of me and Cangye here, and you There is only one Han Zhen in the camp, but the King of the Heavens is so comparable to ours. Is it possible to rely on two or three other small soldiers, hahaha—"

"And don't even think about summoning other strong players from the Yandi Region camp. This Doumen world has long been blocked by me."

While speaking, it was seen that Han Zhen was preparing to send a message, but all the fluctuations in the message disappeared, and it was not able to reach outside the Doumen World.

Suddenly the entire Doumen world was completely sealed off.

Other powerful players in the Saint Emperor's Domain followed with laughter, jokingly watching Ye Chen and The strong people of the Yan Emperor's Domain suddenly felt very ugly.

Do you really want to stay here today?

"Little brother!"

In the Medicine God Valley, Ning'er watched worriedly, the Doumen God King and the Wild Ancient Demon Dragon were also powerless.

These people, each of them far surpassed them by countless times, and they couldn't add up to them.

It seemed that Ye Chen was in a complete predicament.

Ye Chen glanced at them weirdly: "So, you have blocked the entire Doumen World just to block everything and prevent us from communicating to the outside world. Don't you worry that you will not be able to communicate or leave?"

"Hahaha—" As if he heard a big joke, the ancient black dragon laughed and said: "Battle Saint King, I must admit that you are indeed a very powerful character, but Master Sheng Xu is not weaker than you. , Even stronger than you, at this time, we, who occupy the absolute advantage in numbers, don't you think that we are the one who will eventually escape?"

King Cangye and other strong players in the Holy Emperor Realm all laughed, sneered.

"Oh, really?"


Seeing Ye Chen brushing his hands, black light flashed, and ten sealed doors appeared in the loud noise between the heaven and the earth.

Every sealed gate is as high as the sky, only the clouds, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, there are countless ancient and mysterious Dao patterns, intertwined on it, and a majestic majesty that seals the world is looming.

The ten sealed gates stand in ten positions, which are exactly the position of Liuhe. There are sealed gates in the front, up, down, left and right, and there is a tendency to envelop all the strong in the Saint Emperor's realm. ()

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