Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3122: The king is also lost

"What a terrible ancient gate, every ancient gate I feel possesses the infinite power to confine everything under the world, even I feel that I am a little closer, and I will be completely suppressed."

An ancient **** king opened his mouth in shock. The looming power of the seal was far beyond imagination. He felt that the **** Wang Weili, who should have overwhelmed everything in his body, was trembling in front of the power of the seal. Retreat for it.

If this is hundreds of thousands of miles apart, that is, one of the sealed gates, I really don't know how terrifying the ten sealed gates combined would be.

The gods and kings have a feeling that these ten sealed gates are superimposed on each other, enough to seal everything in the world.

"Is this what he can do?"

In the Valley of Medicine Gods, Nangong Xuejiao's body trembled, and at this moment, an infinite sense of regret emerged.

I just feel that I have missed the biggest opportunity.

If he was able to make friends with Ye Chen when he was walking along the way or at the banquet, maybe he would have his own existence in the future.

Just when everyone was stunned, someone suddenly exclaimed, pointing to one of the sealed doors and shouting: "Everyone, open and look, there seems to be someone walking out of those ancient doors."

Everyone immediately focused on the past.

I saw that in one of the sealed gates, the stigma-like figure slowly emerged from the sealed gate and turned into a real figure, with a metallic luster and indifferent expression, as if it were just a metal puppet.

With his appearance, this piece of heaven and earth couldn't bear it, and it broke apart, shattered it, and everything became empty.

Even if it wasn't deliberately, it was just a few breaths that occasionally leaked, but it made the billions of creatures in Doumen world, including the gods and kings, unbearable, and there was a sense of depression that couldn't breathe.

"Prince King? No, it's a king puppet!"

King Cangye's expression changed.

At the same time, the other nine sealed gates also have terrible figures coming out one after another.

Finally, ten puppets of kings appeared!

Such a lineup completely shocked the hearts of everyone present.

Especially the strong of the Saint Emperor Realm camp, especially the Ancient Black Dragon, can't wait to slap themselves.

He had forgotten that the Fighting Saint King still has such a heaven-defying magic weapon.

Even Sheng Xu's face was a bit ugly.

Ye Chen came to the Sealed Gate and looked at the nine members of the Saint Emperor's Domain who were besieged in it. His eyes were full of sarcasm: "What about now?"

All the powerhouses in Saint Emperor Domain looked ugly.

"Long live the fighting saint king!"

The Yandiyu camp all exclaimed in surprise.

Han Zhen breathed a sigh of relief and was full of surprises: "As expected of the Saint King of Fighting, I almost forgot that he still has such a magic weapon."

Ye Chen stood on a sealed gate, condescendingly, and stared down: "Now, I want to see how much your Saint Emperor Realm camp is capable of killing me. Or in other words, I will kill you in reverse. ."


A terrifying killing intent that hit Jiu Zhongxiao was blooming.

Suddenly flooded the entire Doumen world.

Everyone could feel the immeasurable killing intent blooming on Ye Chen's body, making the ancient gods and kings tremble, as if they were about to collapse.

"Sheng Xu, right? Since you are the heir of the strongest emperor, you are cut off today. I believe your thief father will feel a little pain no matter how indifferent he is."

Ye Chen's black hair danced wildly, like an ancient emperor Linchen, overlooking the nine people in the Saint Emperor's Domain.

Shengxu's expression is gloomy, this moment is no longer the wind and light of the earlier days, and his body is blooming with thousands of brilliance, shining nine days and ten places, the world is turbulent, and coldly said: "Battle Saint King, although I have to admit that I underestimate you Yes, but you want to kill me, it’s still not that easy."

"Take a shot and break this predicament!"


Heilong Gujun was the first to make a move. He did not dare to take it carelessly. As a triple heavenly king, he directly soared to the sky, and the immeasurable king's heavenly majesty bloomed. seal.

"Lawlessness, Ten Thousand Ways!"

Ye Chen spoke lightly, and the ten sealed doors directly released the unreachable area, directly reducing the power of the ancient black dragon by more than 90%.

Moreover, the power of suppression and the lack of domains made it difficult for the ancient black dragon to use the Taoism, and the terrible cultivation base that smashed the current world was directly suppressed.

The powerhouses of other Saint Emperor Realm camps naturally changed color.

At the same time, Ye Chen shook the sky with his hands, turned into a big hand, and smashed the whole person of Ancient Black Dragon from the sky.

His figure slammed into the seal door below.


At the same time, the puppet of the emperor at the Seal Gate below moved, like a cannonball, and slammed into the ancient black dragon who was falling continuously.


The ancient black dragon roared with pain, his whole person was almost torn apart, and a terrifying fist mark almost penetrated the front and back of his abdomen.

Everyone took a deep breath of cold air, and only one came to face each other. An ancient king like Heilong Gu was hit hard here.


At this time, the ancient black dragon roared and changed his body. He turned into a terrifying dark dragon with a length of more than a million miles out of thin air, making the whole world completely dark, far better than the ancient monster dragon. .

The huge dragon body, with the dragon bloodline deposited in the or the fallen dark dragon blood.

This is the true ontology of Black Dragon Ancient Monarch.

"Great Sage of the Dragon Race!"

In the Valley of Medicine Gods, the ancient demon dragon was shocked. He did not expect to see a great sage of the dragon clan in the world. His power is far superior to him by countless times, and he is truly extraordinary.

The ancient black dragon kept zooming in on the dragon's body, trying to burst the suppression and blockade of the Sealed Gate.


Ye Chen said indifferently, with a move of mind, three of the king puppets walked out, shot directly, and bombarded the past with majestic physical power.


With blood blooming, the ancient black dragon was blown away even if he showed his body, several parts were torn open huge wounds, a large amount of dragon blood splashed and blood stained the sky.

At the same time, other puppets of the emperor also acted to suppress the enlargement of the dragon body of the ancient black dragon.

"As a dragon, you can't be able to suppress it." The ancient black dragon roared, the dragon body continued to enlarge, and the dark dragon blood in his body was recovering, and there was a terrifying bloodline.

Although under the suppression of the ten sealed gates, the ancient black dragon can hardly use much mana and rule of the king, but don't forget that the dragon clan is equally powerful and its immortal dragon body.

Although the king puppet can injure him, it is difficult to effectively injure him.

"Haha, are you? If you are a pure-blooded dragon, I might still be a little afraid, but you are not. Why is the dragon body truly immortal?"

Ye Chen sneered, and the ten king puppets moved and bombarded them all.

Splashing blood!

Almost instantly, the huge dragon body of Ancient Black Dragon appeared torn apart, almost exploding, and the endless blood turned into a rain of blood splashing, and the blood sprinkled the boundless world. ()

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