Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3126: Yun Tianjun shot

Now Nangongxue remembered that at the beginning, Ye Chen had said that the so-called God King was nothing but this in his eyes.

It's ridiculous that she thought she was ranting at first, but now she has become a proverb, it is true.

The ancient **** king, in his eyes, is really nothing.

Now she is full of regrets.

Ye Chen looked at Ning'er again, dotingly said: "Ning'er, do you want to be as powerful as them."

Ning'er nodded heavily: "Yes."

"Well, from now on, by my side, you will become as powerful as them." After rubbing her hair again, Ye Chen smiled.

With a sigh, I don't know how many people there looked at Ning'er with envy and envy.

There are even Doumen God King and Wild Ancient Demon Dragon.

Although they had also gained great fortunes, they deeply understood that these fortunes were nothing compared to following Ye Chen's side.

Only by following Ye Chen's side, can there be a real possibility of growing up to the top.

Everyone in Xue Zong sighed. From now on, Ning'er has reached the sky in one step.

Ning'er didn't know this at all. She knew that it was very comfortable to follow her little brother. She liked this feeling very much, it was just that.

As for whether it can become that high-level existence, it is actually not quite eager.

As for Qingtian's great power and others, Ye Chen can only look up to Ye Chen and dare not retaliate.

Besides, Gu Xuan, Zi Guangtian, Ren Jing and others regret it greatly.

At the beginning, it was obvious that he could make good friends, but he was repeatedly and repeatedly destroyed by himself, and missed the great opportunity to truly reach the sky.

And from now on, Gu Xuan is no longer the descendant of Qinghua School.

Qingtian Daneng also ordered Gu Xuan to be expelled from the sect and become an abandoned son in order to show his favor to Ye Chen.

At this point, the flat peach feast officially came to an end.

Although Ye Chen killed the Saint Void and fled, he also suppressed many super powers in the Saint Emperor’s Domain including King Cangye, but he did not kill many powerful people such as the Blood Prison God King who had taken refuge in the Saint Emperor’s Domain. It means, in the final analysis, it is just being coerced, let it go and leave.

The Blood Prison God King and the others were so excited, they worshipped and thanked Ye Chen three times before leaving.

After all this, Ye Chen asked Doumen God King for a quiet place to retreat, and let Doumen Organization pay close attention to the world's actions.

Since the Tonggu God King had spoken, the Supreme Inheritance would mostly appear within the near future.

He needs to know the relevant information the first time.

As for whether Sheng Xu sent the information to his elder brother Sheng Gu Dijun, Ye Chen did not know, but in order to prepare accordingly, the reincarnation body of the strongest Dao Shen always sat in the turbulent flow of endless space, showing endless power at this moment. It is strictly forbidden for all relevant persons from the Saint Emperor’s Domain to enter the Weiyang Great World.

The ancient emperor did not seem to know that Ye Chen was in the Weiyang Great World, and frowned at the sudden power of the reincarnation of the great emperor.

But exactly, he didn't want the strong from the Yandi Region camp to enter the Weiyang Great World.

After the flat peach feast, Weiyang shocked the world.

At this point, the world knows that superpowers from the outer world have silently descended in the Weiyang Great World, and there are even more people who secretly manipulate the immortal forces and even the super forces that cross the nine continents.

More importantly, most of these people from the outside world are beyond the existence of the ancient **** king.

For a time, everyone in the entire Weiyang world is at risk, lest those super powers take action and destroy the entire Weiyang world, causing hundreds of millions of lives to be destroyed.

You know, even the ancient **** king who belonged to the myth and legend in the past is far from the opponent of that kind of existence.

Fortunately, for now, these super powers from the outside world have not intervened too much in the Weiyang Great World.

Moreover, it was heard that the famous Tonggu God King had warned the super powers of the two major camps, so that he did not dare to openly shoot.

This made countless people breathe a sigh of relief.

During this period, it was not that no one was dismissive. There was a quasi-king of the Saint Emperor's domain. He did not know everything in the Doumen world, and he did not know the power of the Tonggu God King. He took action without authorization to push a continent. , Slaughtered the nine great powers, suppressed the **** kings of this continent, washed out their blood, and wanted to become the supreme overlord.

As soon as this happened, it immediately shook the entire Weiyang world.

Also alarmed the other super powers of the two camps.

Naturally, if he directly provokes the King Tonggu, he will make a move. After hundreds of millions of miles, the rule of the ruler turns into a sky-reaching war spear. Without a blink of an eye, it cuts through the long sky and pierces the holy emperor's camp. The quasi-king was penetrated by lightning and nailed to the highest part of the sky.

The war spear trembled, and the quasi-prince was crushed to pieces, and fell directly, and the vision was suddenly born.

But all this was obliterated by the Tonggu God King.

After that, the Tonggu God King even shot the thunder and found out the five superpowers of the Holy Emperor Realm camp that were dormant on several continents, all of them were quasi-princes, and they used the same means to directly kill them. It is the one-in-one general So far, the world only learned overnight that the primordial era was born, and the oldest Tonggu God King in the world is a powerful man who transcends the God King.

However, this move undoubtedly directly angered the super powers of other Saint Emperor Realm camps in Weiyang Great World.

You know, the Primordial Kings of the Saint Emperor Realm camp that descended on Weiyang's Great World were not only Sheng Xu, Ancient Black Dragon, King Cangye, and others.

Among them Yun Tianjun is one of them.

On that day, he wanted to break into the world of Doumen, but he was directly blown away by the Tonggu God King, and he was missing.

That time, he was killed by surprise, and only one Saint Void from the Saint Emperor Realm camp that day escaped in embarrassment, and did not spread the relevant information, so Yun Tianjun did not know that Tonggu God King made the shot.

At that time, Yun Tianjun only thought that he had angered a Primordial King of the Yan Emperor Domain camp before he no longer entered the Doumen World.

But for the super powers of the Yandiyu camp, there may be some fear, but for the Weiyang Great World, there is not much fear.

On this day, it was seen that the superpowers of the Saint Emperor’s Domain were killed one after another, and Yun Tianjun, one of the kings of the Saint Emperor’s Domain, was directly furious.


The emperor's heavenly majesty bloomed, and the vision of infinite sky anger suddenly emerged. Some stars outside the sky disappeared directly, some sun annihilated, the bright moon collapsed, and some super continents fell on the sky, descending on the earth and so on.

A variety of visions appeared, as if the end was coming, vast and mighty, flooding all directions in Liuhe, and half of the Weiyang world felt terrible tremors.

The world looked up to the world-destroying visions that constantly appeared on the sky that day, and hundreds of millions of beings trembled with fear, and even scared to death.

(End of this chapter)

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